Lord of the Sun of Heroes

Chapter 397 Second Ascension to the First Person

Chapter 397 Second Ascension No.1

Such a big movement, even if you leave this planet, you can still see this huge tornado clearly in space.

The tornado was filled with heat waves, and all organic matter was completely burned.Even hard rocks were burned red by the high temperature.

Xin Zhao fell on the ground and his life and death are unknown, while Emperor Qiankun flew in the air, looking at Xin Zhao who was lying on the ground and his life and death are unknown.

And just when Emperor Qiankun was about to go to rescue Xin Zhao, a micro wormhole suddenly opened beside Xin Zhao, and Zhi Xin ran out of it.

"Xin Zhao!"

Zhi Xin let out a loud cry, and immediately began to examine Xin Zhao's body.

Emperor Qiankun came to Xin Zhao's side, watching Zhi Xin's behavior.

"Don't worry, I'll act appropriately, Xin Zhao is fine."

Faced with Di Qiankun's reminder, Zhi Xin continued to check Xin Zhao's body as if he hadn't heard what Di Qiankun said.

After Xin Zhao woke up by himself, Zhi Xin really breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the anxious Zhi Xin, and the expressionless Di Qiankun standing beside him.

Xin Zhao felt a chill in his heart.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, it seems that I failed your test."

Zhao Xinzhong's hatred for himself is indescribable. It's not that he doesn't work hard, but that his body's genes limit him.

Di Qiankun: "You have worked very hard, and I have seen your performance over the past few decades. But it is a pity that your genes limit you, so no matter how hard you work, your achievements are limited."

Facing the truth about Emperor Qiankun, Xin Zhao lowered his head with a somewhat lonely expression.

And Zhi Xin at the side didn't interrupt, she knew that there was no place for her to speak now.

Di Qiankun: "Actually, you have passed the test. For Lie Yang, your genes are actually not a problem.

Although Lie Yang is not very rich, it is nothing to Lie Yang to modify and upgrade your genes.

Your will is your most precious thing. Your persistence over the past few decades has also been recognized by me.

Get ready, I will personally help you with your second ascension!At that time, as long as you can master that power, you will have a chance to take revenge! "

Di Qiankun's words undoubtedly gave Zhao Xin great hope.Xin Zhao, who originally thought he had lost his qualifications, was a little ecstatic at this moment.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xin Zhao thanked him excitedly.

Di Qiankun: "Take care of Zhixin, and come to me in two days."

After giving an order, Emperor Qiankun left, leaving Zhi Xin and Xin Zhao behind.

Two days later, the core area of ​​Yunxiao Tiangong.

The former sun disk, as the core area of ​​Yunxiao Tiangong, can only be entered by a few people with authority.

Today, under the leadership of Di Qiankun, Xin Zhao entered here again.

The last time Xin Zhao came here was when he became an Ascended.

"Although it sounds unbelievable, it has to be said that the existence of Ascenders has clearly distanced Lieyang from other civilizations.

The existence of the Ascended not only gives Lie Yang a chance, but also gives you a chance. "

Emperor Qiankun is now near the solar disk, watching the rotating solar disk from a distance.

Xin Zhao stood silently beside Di Qiankun, without saying anything.

Di Qiankun: "You are both lucky and unlucky. Your super genes give you the qualification to spy on this world.

But also because of your super genes, you are also limited by the level of this world.

According to the current development of the known universe, a situation like yours can only be limited by your genes for a lifetime.

Even if the gene replacement is performed at a later stage, one must risk death, and the success rate is still appallingly low. "

Xin Zhao listened to Di Qiankun's words, and silently agreed in his heart.

These decades of growth have made Xin Zhao understand a lot of things that he didn't know at all.

Also know how rare your current situation is in the known universe.

Di Qiankun turned to look at Xin Zhao beside him.

"I will start the second ascension ceremony for you, I have to say, you are the first person in Lieyang to be treated like this.

Although there is also the danger of death, compared to forcibly replacing new genes, such danger is simply not worth mentioning.

I believe that with your own will, it is enough to resist the impact of the ascension. "

Xin Zhao nodded, and then with the help of Di Qiankun, he entered the sun disc and started the ascension mode.

The ascension ceremony lasted for more than ten days, and Xin Zhao suffered unspeakable pain.

But all of this was suppressed by his strong will, and he successfully became the No.1 who has gone through two ascension ceremonies.

Feeling his more active and powerful body, Xin Zhao suddenly felt that all the pain he had suffered before was so valuable.

After Xin Zhao flew out from the sun disc, he saw the long-awaited Emperor Qiankun.

"It seems that my idea was very successful. Congratulations, Xin Zhao. You have the qualifications for revenge."

On the other side, in the Angel Nebula.

After Hua Ye hid his Tiangong, he found his powerful general Su Mali.

"I have a task for you! After I got the Tiangong, I am no longer afraid of Angel Yan, but Hexi is a trouble after all.

Your task is very simple, do your best to contain Hexi.As long as Hexi is late for a while at the critical moment.

That victory will definitely favor us, and you are the hero of this victory. "

After hearing the task assigned by Hua Ye, Su Mali's expression changed.

"Wang, aren't you cheating me? I cheated Hexi last time, do you think she will fall for me again?
I guess if she could see me this time, she would cut off my head immediately.

In this situation, no matter how good my words are, I can't help you deal with Hexi? "

Faced with Su Marie's embarrassment, Hua Ye did not change his plan at all.

"Don't complain to me here, I know what you are capable of. That chick Hexi has been brushed around by you all the time.

Otherwise, after these tens of thousands of years, can you live so well?This task is very important, and Angel Yan is still too young after all.

Even if she has been the king for decades, she is still no match for me. With Tiangong, I am not worthy of her at all.

The only trouble is Hexi, if she is not resolved, then our plan is likely to fail.

Ruoning already has her mission here, and besides you, no one else under my command can be relied upon!

Therefore, this matter can only be left to you to handle. "

While talking, Hua Ye patted Su Marie on the shoulder.

Although Su Marie still wanted to say something, but looking at Hua Ye's cannibalistic eyes, she finally accepted the task honestly. "

(End of this chapter)

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