Lord of the Sun of Heroes

Chapter 363 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 363 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Ten hours later, the earth side held a large-scale meeting regarding the message sent by Lieyang.

"It is estimated that everyone has read the news sent by Lieyang. The purpose of holding this meeting is because of the news they sent.

I think most of the representatives here have seen the scene of the previous battle with their own eyes.

So I have a question, what do we do next?How on earth should we face this almost impossible enemy? "

After Shen Qingqiu's voice fell, the representative of the foot pot chicken spoke immediately.

"In my opinion, our resistance has no value at all. Because we are not opponents at all, and blind resistance will only cause losses without any value.

I know we've been growing fast lately, but no matter what, we're still not their enemy.

It would be foolish to make an enemy of such a powerful person, so I think we should start negotiating first.

Take a look at what benefits they can give us, and then decide whether we want to join them.

Do not ask anything clearly, just fight blindly, this is the most stupid choice. "

After the representative of the foot pot chicken finished speaking, he obediently shut his mouth.

Next, all the representatives present had a fierce quarrel over the choice of these two aspects.

On the one hand, they support the earth's resistance to the end, while on the other hand, they believe that there is no benefit in confronting a powerful civilization like Lieyang.

So they choose to negotiate with Lie Yang. If they can accept the conditions offered by Lie Yang, it is not unacceptable that the earth is attached to Lie Yang.

After all, as far as they are concerned, no matter who is the boss, as long as I live well, then there is no problem. "

The battle lasted for more than two hours, and eventually the negotiators gained the upper hand.

The vast majority of people think that at least they must understand the conditions for Lie Yang's dismissal.After knowing the conditions, decide whether to go to war.

Three days later, in an extremely luxurious conference room.

Di Qiankun brought Qu Ping and Zhao Xin, and suddenly appeared at the head of the conference room.

Facing Di Qiankun's sudden arrival, all the people present were stunned for a moment, but they reacted quickly.

"Welcome the representative of Lieyang!"

Shen Qingqiu looked at Di Qiankun in front of him, although he wished that he would crush him, but there was still a smile on his face.

Di Qiankun looked at Shen Qingqiu's outstretched hand, but did not hold it.

"This kind of polite behavior doesn't have to happen between you and me. Presumably you really want to see me cut everything apart, but it's a pity that you don't have the strength.

Let's start the meeting, I can't wait to see your surrendered faces. "

Di Qiankun sat on the main seat, looked at the earth forces in front of him, representatives of various organizations, and didn't care at all.

The meeting started soon, and the host of the meeting was the person in charge of the Black Great Wall Project, Lingfeng.

"Then the meeting begins, and the representatives from the Earth side will take the lead in asking Lie Yang's side."

After Lingfeng finished speaking, Shen Qingqiu stood up from his seat, and then came to the podium.

"I want to ask, what does Lieyang mean? What is your purpose? What exactly do you want to do to the earth?"

Facing Shen Qingqiu's series of questions, Di Qiankun didn't open his mouth to answer, but Qu Ping stood up from the side.

"It's nothing interesting, Lie Yang thinks the earth is very interesting, so we are going to attribute you to our Lie Yang.

As for what to do to the earth, treating the earth as a back garden is our current assumption. "

Qu Ping's answer surprised everyone present.

Before that, they had a lot of speculation, some said it was for the earth's mineral deposits, and some said it was for the earth's oil.

Some even say that it is for the earth itself and the various biological genes carried on the earth.

There are always various reasons, but now, none of the people present thought that Lie Yang's reason was so simple.

"Just want to use the earth as your back garden?"

Shen Qingqiu couldn't believe it, and stared at Qu Ping with gritted teeth.

"That's right, otherwise, do you think that there is something on your earth that is worth us conquering you?

Your mineral deposits are not lacking for us at all, and your technology is the most elementary in our eyes.There is nothing to learn from.

Do you think the earth has any value other than your planet being more beautiful? "

Qu Ping's nonchalant answer made all the representatives of the earth forces present feel extremely cold.

And just when Shen Qingqiu didn't know what to say, the representative of the foot pot chicken suddenly stood up.

"Then can you tell us, if the earth joins the Lieyang, what kind of benefits we can get?"

Facing the question from the representative of the foot pot chicken, when Qu Ping was about to answer, Di Qiankun suddenly spoke.

"The earth merged into the scorching sun, so it will naturally be protected by the scorching sun. Of course, a civilization like Taotie will no longer blatantly invade the earth.

And at the same time, Lieyang will give part of the resources to the earth, allowing the selected ones of you to upgrade their genes. "

Hearing Di Qiankun's answer, everyone present had joyful smiles on their faces.

But some people also heard something wrong.

"So, how do you become the chosen one?"

Facing this question, Di Qiankun replied solemnly.

"Those who I think are good, upright, and can survive under my cleanup."

After Di Qiankun finished speaking, Faxiang's energy-skeleton arm directly grabbed the foot pot chicken representative in front of him.

"You don't meet my conditions, so as a template, let them have a look at the consequences of not meeting the conditions."

The thousand-degree flame instantly engulfed the representative of the foot pot chicken, and the seemingly extremely high temperature flame burned the body of the representative foot pot chicken.

But it made the surrounding people not feel the slightest abnormal temperature.

As the flame burns, the temperature also increases moment by moment. After 2 minutes, Di Qiankun withdrew the Faxiang.

And the foot pot chicken represents the place where it was just now, and there is nothing left, not even a speck of dust left.

"This is the consequence of not passing the screening! Lie Yang is willing to accept those who are upright, kind, and loyal.

But we also reject those who have evil intentions and do all kinds of evil.

Perhaps our method of rejection is more straightforward, but I hope you can adapt to it in the future.After all, if you cannot adapt, it will be difficult for you to continue to survive on the earth. "

Di Qiankun just killed chickens to warn monkeys, so that the people present did not know what to do for a while.

After all, the scene just now really shocked their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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