Chapter 36
After Di Qiankun stopped attacking, Thorton stood up from the ground in a daze.

"Hey, did you just mean that you will take care of my meals in the future?"

Hearing Thornton's inquiry, Di Qiankun nodded and replied.

"That's right, as long as you are still valuable to me, then I will take care of your food in the future.

I hope you can always maintain your fighting power, and don't let me give up. "

Hearing Di Qiankun's promise, Thorton followed behind him.

"Don't worry about this, you are the only one who will take care of me, and I will kill whoever you say.

I don't know anything else, but I am very experienced in killing people. "

On the other side, in the Super Seminary.

With the departure of Di Qiankun and Thornton, the news was replaced with other content.

But what happened in the battle just now did not disappear from the minds of everyone in Xiongbing Company, but intensified.

"Is that the alien we will deal with in the future? Can we really defeat that alien?"

Recalling the tall and mighty Thornton, he thought about the well-equipped Taotie.

Even everyone who has awakened the super gene is full of confusion about their future.

Among them, Ge Xiaolun is the most outstanding. He came here without any so-called defense of his family and country, but only for the goddess in his heart.

What's more, after coming here, I realized that I was cheated.

"You guessed right, those are the enemies you will deal with in the future. But you also have to rest assured that with this goddess leading you, you will never fail.

Not to mention the god of war on TV just now, that is my brother, the goddess.

With him on Earth, what else do you need to worry about? "

Everyone who was a little downcast, after hearing Leina's words, picked up a little bit of lost courage.

But at this moment, Reina suddenly received some news, and then she left the cafeteria nervously.

And just after Leina left, only half an hour later, Qiangwei received an urgent order.

"Everyone prepare immediately, we will board the plane and leave immediately, there is an urgent task."

Following Qiangwei's order, everyone in the Xiongbing Company immediately started packing up.

On the other side, because of the battle between Di Qiankun and Thornton, a meeting was held on the side of Beizhixing.

"Xiao Du, you are the main person in charge of this matter, so you should report first."

Ducao, who was sitting by the side, heard this, and then began to speak.

"According to the video shot today, the crocodile that appeared has been subdued by King Qin of Lie Yang.

Of course, judging from their fighting process, this crocodile should be a beast body life that has been staying on the earth.

It's just that due to unknown reasons, he has been trapped in a certain place, and he has not been able to escape until recently.

Because in the early battle, we can clearly find that the opponent is powerless to resist.

And judging from the fighting power of this crocodile and the speed at which his body heals, it is very likely to be a peak animal body.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the animal body has enough energy, it will not die.

So he looks very weak, which proves that he has not replenished his energy for a long time.

So I think, this crocodile was trapped on the earth, or sealed on the earth a long time ago. "

After Ducao finished speaking, he closed the report in his hand.

Then Huang Weiguo spoke.

"From what happened today, we have learned a lesson.

With our current strength, it is very difficult to drive this crocodile away without paying a large-scale casualty and price.

Even if we are willing to pay enough economic losses and prices, with our current weapons and equipment, it is difficult to kill or capture them.

This exposed the shortcomings of our current lack of strength, and an alien civilization is about to invade our planet.

And now, we don't even have the ability to leave the earth to fight back.

So this also means that all our battles will be fought within the earth.

Now I declare that most unimportant research will be stopped, and all research and development capabilities will be concentrated on weapons.

In addition, the part of the resources that Lieyang provided us was all used by me on the Xiongbing Company.

In the face of the attack of the enemy's super soldiers, we can only resist the heroic company.

So let them grow up as soon as possible, our most important task now. "

When the North Star held a meeting, Reina also encountered a headache.

In the room, Leina hid in Di Qiankun's arms with an unhappy expression on her face.

"Isn't it just to meet those angels, isn't it like this?"

Di Qiankun fondled Leina's head.

And Leina said with a displeased face when she heard Di Qiankun's words.

"I don't want to meet those angels! A group of aunts who are thousands of years old always like to pretend to be young there.

Just say, I have been fighting for thousands of years, you are still a child, there are some things, you are still young, you don't understand.

Fuck!I really don't know if they are Pan Zhen's apprentices, they all speak in the same tone as Pan Zhen. "

Hearing Leina's swearing, Di Qiankun patted Leina lightly.

"Watch your image!"

Being patted by Di Qiankun, Leina twisted aggrievedly.

"Anyway, I don't care! I don't want to see those old monsters!"

Having said this, Leina turned around in Di Qiankun's arms, looked up at Di Qiankun with hope.

"Brother, why don't you go for me."

Di Qiankun kissed Leina's cheek.

"You have to go! After all, you are the main god of Lie Yang, representing Lie Yang's face.

Although I don't like the characters of those angels, we have to go on behalf of Lieyang.

But don't worry, how could I have the heart to let you go alone?I'll go with you, if there's any problem, I can support you. "

"Okay! With you here, I can mock those old goblins to my heart's content."

Leina hugged Di Qiankun's neck excitedly, and the smell on her body also made Di Qiankun couldn't help but hug her tightly.

In the evening, Xiong Binglian and others sat nervously on the helicopter.

They just knew that the enemy they faced this time would be the legendary Monkey King who defeated the Buddha.

The protagonist of the story who has been living in their minds is about to fight them in reality this time.

So whether it is a man or a woman, everyone is extremely nervous at this time.

"I said, are you sure the higher-ups aren't joking with us? That's Sun Wukong who defeated the Buddha! Could it be that he really exists in reality?"

Ge Xiaolun had a nervous expression on his face, and he stammered a bit when speaking.

"That's right, that's a legendary figure! I've idolized him since I was a child!
You're telling me now that I'm about to make an enemy of my idol, isn't that nonsense? "

Xin Zhao also said nervously.

(Because it was too late yesterday, only one chapter was updated, and this chapter is to make up for yesterday.

There are three changes today, and one of the chapters is added because the total number of recommended votes has exceeded [-].

How to count the recommended votes, you can see in the author's words.These support! )

(End of this chapter)

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