Lord of the Sun of Heroes

Chapter 19 The New Practice System World "Under One"

Chapter 19 The New Practice System World "Under One Person"

"It's just your consciousness, and I will reproduce a new body for you.

Everything obtained by your new body in another world will eventually be sent back in the form of data, and then calculated by a unique formula and added to your body. "

After hearing Chaos' answer, Di Qiankun wanted to ask something else.But in the next moment, he passed out.

When Di Qiankun woke up again, a feeling of weakness and powerlessness flooded into his heart.

"It's been a long time since I felt this way."

Even if Di Qiankun is sealed with dark energy, his body is still very strong.He had only experienced such a weak body in his previous life.

"Sorry, I can't copy all your abilities, that would increase my energy consumption.

However, this body is considered strong among normal people, and it will take a few days to get used to it.

According to the display, this world should be the parallel world of the anime "Under One Man". "

The chaotic explanation made the corners of Di Qiankun's eyes twitch involuntarily.

"It's not that even though hundreds of years have passed, I don't have memory decline. I remember that this is just an ordinary world.

At most, there will be a few supernatural beings and the like, even if it is the strongest in this world, it is impossible to lead me out of the Nether Prison!
You must know that the guards in the Nether Prison are all super soldiers.Even if you get a whole army over there, it's just food delivery. "

Di Qiankun sat weakly on the public seat beside him, thinking that there was finally hope, but he never expected that he would travel to such a weak world.

However, what Di Qiankun said did not make Chaos feel embarrassed.

"No, although this is just a random world, I think this world is the most suitable for you.

Your strength is not weak, even in Lieyang civilization, there are only a few people who can crush you.

But you still lost, because all your power is in the hands of others.

Your solar light gene ability needs to be assisted by dark matter computer to perform energy conversion through calculation, so as to use the ability of your sun light gene.

Although this ability is powerful, before you have your own dark matter computer, everything about you is in the hands of others.

The defeat this time is the best lesson, you can escape from Pan Zhen's hands, but because you are connected to the Heavenly Dao Tower.

Most of your abilities can be controlled by your grandpa, which is why you will fail.

According to the test, the system of this world is very suitable for you.With the help of this world's cultivation system, the abilities obtained can be strengthened.

It will not be controlled by the dark matter computer, and according to the detection, it is not the world level that limits their strongest combat power in this world, but their lifespan.

No matter how strong these strong men become, it will be difficult for them to break through their lifespan limit.

They can only use a limited time to practice, and it is precisely because of this that their strength is so weak.If their lifespan was increased tenfold, perhaps it would not be what we see now. "

Emperor Qiankun was persuaded by Chaos' words, and was controlled by others. Perhaps this is the limitation of technological flow.

But now, the practice similar to Xuanxuan style may be another effective method for him to break through the limitation of Lieyang.

"How far am I from Zhang Chulan now?"

When you come to this world, the first thing you need to do is to get a practice method, no matter how strong or weak, as long as you can practice.

And Zhang Chulan's place is the easiest place to get high-quality exercises.

Although Zhang Chulan's trust is difficult to gain, Zhang Chulan also has her own weaknesses.

"You don't need to go find him. In order for you to become stronger, I have sent you to his only way."

Chaos replied, and then a picture appeared in front of Di Qiankun.

"Although there are some differences from the animation, it is still very cheap."

Di Qiankun looked at the photo and subconsciously complained.

And just as he finished speaking, Zhang Chulan appeared in front of him.

"Zhang Chulan."

Di Qiankun shouted to Zhang Chulan who was approaching him.

And Zhang Chulan followed the voice and looked at Di Qiankun.

"Bro, are you calling me?"

Zhang Chulan pointed suspiciously at himself and was a little unsure, after all, he didn't know Di Qiankun.

"Sit down, I came to you because I want to make some deals with you, and I have no malice towards you."

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan immediately became vigilant.But he said with a playful smile on his mouth.

"Brother, I'm single. What about resources, do I need to buy them from you?"

While talking, Zhang Chulan moved her position unconsciously, ready to leave at any time.

"As a bystander, I sympathize with your experience, and I have no other purpose in looking for you.

If I want to become stronger, I need you to teach me the Golden Light Curse.In return, I can answer all your doubts. "

When Zhang Chulan heard the golden light curse and Di Qiankun promised to answer all his doubts, it seemed that he stopped breathing.

But after years of hiding, he already had an instinctive reaction to concealing himself.

"Haha, brother, what are you talking about? I can't understand what you said.

I think you watch too many cartoons, right?I have never heard of the Golden Light Curse you mentioned.

Forget it, I won't chat with you anymore, I still have things to go first, if there is a destiny, I will treat you to dinner next time we meet. "

Zhang Chulan had a hippie smile on his face, and after a few words of promise, he turned and left very naturally.

"I know the concerns in your heart. I will wait for you here until you are willing to come to me."

Di Qiankun said something to Zhang Chulan's back, and then watched Zhang Chulan leave.

"You think Zhang Chulan will trust you just because of your few words."

For a long time, there was no emotional chaos in his speech, and there was a hint of doubt and sarcasm in his tone.

"No way, I'm used to talking like this. After all, in Lieyang, there are very few people who dare to disobey my orders."

Di Qiankun also realized at this moment that this place is not Lieyang.No one will trust him unconditionally.

"Zhang Chulan may not necessarily look for you. Are you planning to hang yourself on a tree?"

Hearing Chaos' inquiry, Di Qiankun stood up directly from his chair.

"Without Zhang Chulan, wouldn't there still be Feng Baobao? The Xu family brothers can also get what I want."

On the other side, Zhang Chulan, who left with an excuse, was also upset at this moment.

He wasn't sure if what Di Qiankun said was true, or if he was just trying to test himself.

But there is no doubt that Zhang Chulan is eager for the truth.But for his own safety, he has always kept his desire hidden in his heart.

And the appearance of Di Qiankun made Zhang Chulan's longing suppressed in his heart, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

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(End of this chapter)

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