Chapter 89 Abandoning the Heir

Jin Yuze didn't listen to her, straightened his tie, turned around and left.

Lin Xi finally recognized the facts, and felt very desperate for Jin Yuze. She suddenly shouted: "Let me go! I will go by myself!"

Seeing the eyes of the people around them, the two security guards cared about Linxi's reputation, and let go of her hand.

Lin Xi, who was freed, ran towards Jin Yuze quickly. The security guard turned pale with shock, and followed after him, only to see Lin Xi standing still in front of Jin Yuze.

She took off the bracelet from her wrist and handed it to Jin Yuze, an emerald green bracelet with a beautiful luster.

"Jin Yuze, if you bet on this bracelet today, do you want to let me see Su Mingyu?"

Jin Yuze sneered: "Isn't it worth using this trick a second time within a month?"

"I'm serious! No kidding, this time I'm betting on our friendship!"

"Are you threatening me?" Jin Yuze approached her step by step, "I hate people threatening me the most in my life!" After speaking, he and Lin Xi passed by.

Lin Xi sighed in despair.

Pulling his hand to return the bracelet to him, Jin Yuze pulled forward.

The jade bracelet fell to the ground.

broke in two...

Lin Xi and Jin Yuze stopped tugging. They looked at the broken bracelet, Lin Xi showed a sad expression, and Jin Yuze's eyes became colder.

"Lin Xi, are you satisfied?"

"The one who should be satisfied is you, Mr. Jin! I didn't know what you promised Mother Tang just now. You insisted on stopping me from seeing Su Mingyu, but now I understand it completely. I think the most is that I am afraid that I will destroy the two You can’t enjoy Tang’s mother’s benefits at your wedding!” Seeing that he didn’t say a word, Lin Xi thought he was acquiescing, and became even more sad: “I always thought that you probably still regarded me as a friend, but now it seems that it’s like this It's like a jade bracelet, it can't stand being beaten at all!"

"What do you want?" Jin Yuze's face also turned cold.

Lin Xi almost yelled out what was in his heart, "I hate you people who are calculating, I hate that you treat feelings as a game of measuring money, I, Lin Xi, can't afford a friend like you!"

Angry, frustrated, disappointed... Like a wounded little animal, she looked at the church tens of meters away, and roared: "Xu Mochen is like this, and you are like this, why do you always use me and always block my pursuit?" Happiness? Did I owe you in my previous life?"

It was the first time that Jin Yuze saw her lose her composure. Thinking of all the things he had done to her, he felt as if he had been slapped hard on the face!Yes, like Xu Mochen, he has hurt her and used her more than once in the name of friendship...

"Lin Xi, I'm not..." He was very embarrassed, and the suppressed emotions in his heart began to explode again.His heart was tightly pulled by her.

"I hate you!"

Lin Xi didn't give him a chance to finish speaking, so he yelled at himself and left.Jin Yuze stood behind and watched her lonely back all the time, thinking of the tears she was about to shed the moment she left, he felt a pain in his heart!
"Lin Xi, how can I let you go like this!"

Jin Yuze felt that the ice in his heart was melted again, and his friendship for her broke through again.

In the church, guests gathered.The pastor has already stepped onto the stage and motioned the guests to sit down and wait for the wedding to begin.

Amidst the beautiful music, Tang Xin walked towards Su Mingyu in a wedding dress customized from Paris.

Su Mingyu stood in the corner, looking at Lin Xi's caller IDs and several text messages on his phone. His eyes were cold. He turned off the phone and walked towards Tang Xin.

The audience sitting below the seats talked a lot.

"After all, Su Mingyu is still reluctant to part with the property of the Tang family."

"If it were me, I wouldn't want to part with it either. Who can resist such a temptation as the heir of the Jin family plus the property of the Tang family, with a net worth of tens of billions?"

"makes sense."

Su Mingyu took Tang Xin's hand and walked step by step from the passage to the pastor, with an imperceptible sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Xi didn't know how he got home, and he didn't know how he avoided Chen Lu and grandma's questioning, and hid in his room to heal his wounds alone.

All I knew was that when she realized it, she was already lying down on the bed.

In the depths of her heart, apart from deep despair, there was also disappointment—if Xu Mochen's injury was inevitable, then Lin Xi was really disappointed about Jin Yuze!He clearly knew what hurt her the most, but he even stepped on her self-esteem.

She laughed at herself that she believed in him and regarded him as a friend, but today he was so determined to drive her away.

The bracelet is broken, and the friendship has broken.

And love, she has completely lost it!
"Su Mingyu, I believe you will not betray me for no reason, but I have no way to get the truth..."

Lin Xi recalled what Su Mingyu had said to her. In her hometown in Yunnan, she confessed in tears, Su Mingyu's love, he said he would wait for her forever; Kissing passionately to confirm love, she told him that even if he had nothing, she was willing to be with him, but now, this feeling has changed... She carefully recalled Su Mingyu's expression at that time in her memory. With a happy demeanor, she couldn't see any flaws.

"Su Mingyu, have you lied to me after all? Are you still reluctant to part with Tang Xin's family property, or your company?" Lin Xi's heart ached.

"No... Do you have any excuses, do you have to inherit the family property for your mother, even if you say it, I will forgive you, but you really break my heart by not saying a word ..."

"Yeah, why, why should I make you treat each other sincerely, I'm not as good as Tang Xin...I have nothing..."

Sadness, disappointment and pain hit Lin Xi at the same time, she finally couldn't take it anymore, lost confidence to assume any possibility, and burst into tears in the room as if giving up on herself!
Chen Lu and grandma looked at Lin Xi's closed door and didn't know what to say to comfort her. Chen Lu was afraid that grandma would fall ill, so she tried her best to comfort grandma.

Grandma seemed very calm this time, and just sighed: "Everything is fate, and it's not just our family Lin Xi and Su Mingyu who have no fate. It's just that this child has been hit twice, hey..."

"Grandma, you can open it up if you want. Who hasn't met a few scumbags in this life? Look at me, getting married is not the same as being abandoned, so it might be better for Lin Xi now. If you get married, Then you should be sad if you encounter this kind of cheating again..." Just as he was speaking, Chen Lu's cell phone rang, and when Chen Lu looked at the caller ID, he couldn't help pointing at the phone and yelling excitedly: "Yeah! ...The scumbag is calling!"

Before grandma could ask, Chen Lu picked up the phone and scolded: "Su Mingyu, you bastard, you dare to call. Let me tell you, if there is anything Lin Xi, I will never end with you!"

Su Mingyu stood at the door of Lin Xi's house. Hearing Chen Lu's roar, he immediately interrupted her impatiently: "Open the door, I'm at the door!"

"What?" Chen Lu couldn't believe her ears, "How dare you come to the door?"

"Open the door, I'm not married to Tang Xin, I'm here to explain to Lin Xi!" Su Mingyu could only explain to Chen Lu on the phone.

"What... what's going on? You said you're not married, so I won't have auditory hallucinations, right?" Then she became ecstatic, took grandma's hand and shouted: "Su Mingyu is not married, he is not married to Tang Xin married."

Chen Lu hurriedly let Su Mingyu in. After seeing clearly that the person who came was Su Mingyu who seemed to be in a hurry, Chen Lu then knocked on the door of Lin Xi's room. Lin Xi didn't know what happened. Hearing that Chen Lu was so anxious There was a knock on the door, she quickly wiped away her tears, gathered her mood and opened the door, the moment she saw Su Mingyu, she hurriedly closed the door.

Su Mingyu stretched out a hand and locked the door of Lin Xi's room.

"What are you doing?" Lin Xi was a little annoyed seeing him like this.

Su Mingyu felt her coldness and hostility, and showed a flustered expression for the first time: "Lin Xi, I am not married to Tang Xin, trust me, I went to the wedding venue for a reason!"

"Are you really not married to Tang Xin?" Lin Xi couldn't believe this scene full of twists and turns.

Su Mingyu nodded and explained: "I just went out this morning to pick you up and grandma, but when I left, Tang Xin's mother was waiting outside."

Lin Xi looked puzzled: "She wants to persuade you to marry Tang Xin?"

"It's basically like this. However, I expressed my determination to her. She knew that I would never marry Tang Xin anyway, so she asked me to help her make Tang Xin completely give up on me for the sake of my love for so many years. Marriage plan. In order to deceive Tang Xin, Tang's mother begged me not to tell you about this matter, but to let you come and make a scene at the wedding, so that Tang Xin would believe it was true and relax her vigilance."

"So that's the case." Lin Xi finally understood, and then asked: "But, what is the specific plan?"

"Groom replacement plan."

"?" Lin Xi didn't understand.

Su Mingyu smiled slightly, and continued: "After I agreed to Mother Tang's plan, I followed her to the wedding venue to prepare to implement the 'groom replacement' plan agreed with Mother Tang, and planned to hold a wedding with her in a false manner. After rejecting her at the wedding, Replace the groom with Jin Yuze, Tang Mu's backup candidate."

Only then did Lin Xi understand everything, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Su Mingyu's face was solemn, and he said slowly: "It's not easy to deceive Tang Xin. In fact, she was aware of it at the beginning. Because her plan early in the morning was to ask her mother for help, and instructed her mother to kidnap you if she couldn't persuade me. Threatened me, but in the end, Mother Tang asked me to agree to marry her without threatening you, which made her feel a little wrong. But when she saw you and Jin Yuze quarreling outside the church, she believed that I was reluctant to break up with you for fame and fortune gone."

"So, thanks to Jin Yuze, this plan succeeded..." Lin Xi felt a little ashamed when he thought of the scene of blaming Jin Yuze.

However, she also decided not to apologize to Jin Yuze.

Jin Yuze's nature is hard to fathom. Now that she is on Su Mingyu's side, she has no way to become friends with him.

"Later when the pastor asked us to exchange rings, I rejected her in public. When everyone was mocking her, Jin Yuze proposed to her in public. She had no choice but to marry Jin Yuze in order to protect Tang's reputation. And cooperate Jin Yuze played a scene where he finally found his true love."

"So that's the case. I'm sorry I misunderstood you. You didn't hurt you just now, did you?" Lin Xi said, pulling Su Mingyu's hand and checking carefully. She lifted the shirt sleeve on her arm, and his arm was pinched red. Some.

Su Mingyu shook his head: "I don't hurt, I should apologize, because my missing appointment made you worry."

Seeing the two reconciled, Chen Lu jumped up excitedly, grandma breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of her hanging heart.

Su Mingyu stood at the door, staring at Lin Xi, and said solemnly: "Tang Xin is not as simple as you imagine on the surface. I have always wanted to tell you that you, Tang Xin, planned the split in the matter of your sister. Our scam, she didn't support your sister for more than ten years as you said, but she gave your sister several million hush money after she found out that you were going to find her."

"These..." Lin Xi couldn't believe it.

"This Tang Xin is really not a good thing!" Chen Lu broke in from behind. Grandma listened with a serious face, but she didn't feel too sad. It was just that the sisters couldn't get along and were used by Tang Xin.

Seeing grandma looking tired, Chen Lu helped grandma to another room and comforted her to go.

In order not to let grandma hear, Su Mingyu lowered his voice and asked Lin Xi: "Think about why Jin Yuze suddenly came to you to take you to Guangxi before? On the one hand, it was delaying the time for you to meet your sister, and used it to arrange everything about your sister; on the other hand On the one hand, according to my guess, Tang Xin actually wanted Jin Yuze to reunite abroad after getting acquainted with you, and then damage your reputation and maliciously destroy our relationship. But Jin Yuze should be worried about Lin Qiao, who I sent over. , and realized that doing so would make you look down on him, so I ran away. However, no matter what, Tang Xin used your sister to split our relationship."

"I remember the night in England, he took me to the dance and I lost consciousness... when I woke up, I was still fully dressed."

"I know about this. Lin Qiao has been following you all the time. After he took you to the hotel, Lin Qiao knocked on the door of the hotel."

"So that's how it is!" Lin Xi was filled with fear. If Lin Qiao hadn't been there at that time, wouldn't she have... At the same time, she was very touched by what Su Mingyu had done for her. She couldn't help feeling regretful for the previous misunderstanding. : "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you and didn't say anything. When I came back, I heard that Xu Mochen was hospitalized, and even went to the back mountain of Qingcheng to scold you! I'm so stupid..."

(End of this chapter)

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