Chapter 47 Departure to Guizhou

"Jin Yuze, do you think that bringing down my shop will stop me from competing for the four beautiful pictures?" Xu Mochen sat up after resting, staring at him coldly, there was a circle of bruises around his eyes, and his eyes became more and more obvious. Gloomy and scary.

Jin Yuze struggled to get up, went to the car to get two bottles of mineral water, threw one to him, and drank the other by himself.

"I came to you today to discuss cooperation with you!" Jin Yuze unscrewed the bottle, took a sip, and announced his intention.

Xu Mochen laughed loudly: "This is really the funniest joke I've ever heard. Do you think you can force me to cooperate with you by asking someone to tamper with my two stores?"

"Don't you want to know about the relationship between your father and Su Min?"

"What did you say?" Xu Mochen suddenly stood up from the ground and grabbed Jin Yuze by the collar, looking very excited.

"Are you annoyed? There will be more exciting things to come, let me tell you slowly..." Jin Yuze sneered complacently when he saw his prey take the bait.


The off-road vehicle is advancing slowly on the winding mountain road, surrounded by cliffs, and the river is rushing under the cliffs.Surrounded by lofty mountains and dense bamboo forests, you can only see a ray of sky when you look up.Lin Xi sat on the back seat of the car, glanced out the window, and then lowered his head to study the map.

Su Mingyu who was sitting next to her handed her a bottle of mineral water.

"Thank you." Lin Xi put down the map, feeling a little tired.

"Don't worry, we still have time." Su Mingyu comforted her.

"The place where Yunxiu's grandmother came back to escape the war should be in the depths of the nearby mountains." Lin Xi put down the map, unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip of mineral water, and said with a slight frown.

This is already the fifth day for the two of them in Guizhou. According to the information provided by grandma, Lin Xi went to several places in this area, and after rejecting them one by one, only the last place remained.

"Next to this place is the Yida River, where a power station has been built. Although it is not the same as grandma's impression, there is indeed only one river here a few decades ago. If we climb up the mountain and there are villages on the mountain, we can be sure that it is a cloud. The place where Xiu’s grandmother lived!”

"I see, how long will it take to go up the mountain?"

"If grandma remembers correctly, it takes about three hours to get to the top of the mountain."

Su Mingyu looked down at his watch: "It's past one o'clock now, and it will take about four or ten minutes for us to reach the place you mentioned. It will be about two o'clock when we get ready. It will take about three hours to go up the mountain, and it will be dark when we reach the top of the mountain." , if there is no village, we will only have to sleep on the mountain at night. Why don't we go to the town to find a hotel to stay in, and go up the mountain tomorrow."

"It's better to go up the mountain today. I want to go home early after work." Lin Xi folded the map and expressed his thoughts.

Seeing that she had made up her mind, Su Mingyu had no choice but to compromise: "I will find a family at the foot of the mountain and ask. If I am sure that there are people living on the mountain, I will go up the mountain."

Lin Xi nodded and agreed to Su Mingyu's plan.

In a daze, Lin Xi leaned against the car seat and fell into a deep sleep.When she woke up, she saw her head resting on Su Mingyu's shoulder, and a sense of embarrassment came over her face.She scolded herself secretly.

"Are you awake?" Su Mingyu felt a change in his shoulder, and turned his head to look at her.

"Hmm." Lin Xi was a little embarrassed, raised his head, straightened his hair, and covered up his embarrassment.

Su Mingyu acted as if he couldn't see Lin Xi's embarrassment, and said solemnly: "Get out of the car, I asked the tour guide to ask, there are villagers living on the mountain. Let's go up the mountain to make sure whether it is the village where your grandmother Yunxiu lived."

After he finished speaking, he got out of the car, and there was a faint smile on his face.Just now I saw Lin Xi falling asleep on his shoulder, sleeping soundly and soundly, she naturally used his shoulder as a pillow, rubbed it back and forth, found a comfortable place, finally fell asleep without moving, and there was a slight snoring sound, Like that, very cute.It caused ripples in his heart, and his love for her increased a bit.It's just that he has to hide this love and wait until the right time to express it.

Carrying a mountaineering bag, Lin Xi stared at the river rushing through the green mountains and canyons. The towering mountains seemed to cover the sky and the sun, adding a bit of worship to nature.

Su Mingyu took the lead to climb up the mountain.When the light blue jacket showed the outline of his body, there was no sense of bulkiness, but it had an extra masculine charm.Lin Xi had to sigh that Su Mingyu is a man who looks good in anything!
And she looked at the light red jacket on her body, and felt a little embarrassed. Before departure, Su Mingyu took her to the store to buy it himself.At that time, she had no experience in outdoor mountaineering at all, so Su Mingyu prepared the mountaineering backpack and the items in it.

From thermos bottles and tents to flashlights, snacks, etc., Su Mingyu's thoughtfulness made Lin Xi very confident about this expedition into the mountains.

Today's weather is pretty good, the sky is as blue as washing, and the green hills are green.In the summer climate, entering the mountains and forests, the humidity is still very heavy. Fortunately, both of them are wearing jackets, which block part of the moisture.

This mountain is a mountain with a lot of vegetation coverage. There is basically no mining land to plant crops. The air is exceptionally refreshing. The mountain road is passable, but due to the lack of walking, weeds are overgrown.When you step on it, the grass juice is muddy, and the edges of the shoes are dirty after a while.

The mountain road is steep, and there are no stone slabs in some places. It is a dirt mountain road, which is a bit dangerous, but fortunately it is not slippery. The two climbed up carefully, walking and resting along the way, and they reached the depths of the mountain forest.

"It looks like we are approaching the top of the mountain, but it still feels far away!" Lin Xi couldn't help but think of the poem "I don't know where the clouds are deep, but only in this mountain".

Su Mingyu stood on a high place, worried that Lin Xi was too tired, and said with concern: "Give me your bag."

Lin Xi shook his head, grabbed a small tree next to him, and urged Su Mingyu while climbing up with his strength: "Let's go."

Su Mingyu didn't move, but took out a saber from his bag, knelt down to cut off a small tree, and after smoothing the branch with the knife, he handed it to Lin Xi: "You hold this branch, I'll hold it you go."

Lin Xi looked at him quietly, he was standing on a high place, his handsome and charming face was full of concern.This concern is separated by a branch, with the demeanor of a gentleman.

She remembered that he once said that he would only touch her with her permission!

he made it!

Lin Xi was moved, and couldn't help but grabbed the branch he handed over.Su Mingyu felt relieved and led her to climb up the mountain.She followed behind him, watching his back climb up, following his footsteps step by step, Lin Xi's heart was sinking in the struggle - how much she hoped that it would never come to an end.

The higher you go, the more foggy the mountain becomes.However, due to the vegetation coverage, the natural oxygen bar makes people feel happy amidst fatigue.

It was close to six o'clock, and Su Mingyu, who was the first to climb to the top of the mountain, pulled Lin Xi upwards with all his strength. Lin Xi, who was quite embarrassed, went up to the top of the mountain. After she adjusted her breath, she looked around and saw a large area of ​​bathing water in front of her. The terraced fields in golden light appeared before her eyes.

"It's great, there are fields, and there are people living on the top of the mountain!"

"En." Su Mingyu also breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that when he was pulling Lin Xi forward, Lin Xi gritted his teeth and followed his steps in order not to make him strenuous. He must be exhausted by now.He felt very satisfied to be able to reach the top of the mountain before dark.

When the sun was setting, Lin Xi and Su Mingyu finally walked through the terraced fields to the village with earthen walls and black tiles. The two of them inquired around the village where Yunxiu lived back then, and got specific information after a while.

The two walked to the only wooden house in the village, and saw two old men in black cloth clothes working in the small yard. One of the old men was weaving baskets with Guizhou characteristic bamboo strips, and the other was Wash clothes.Around the yard are some working tools and some corn hanging on the eaves, a typical rural scene.

After some questioning, Lin Xi confirmed that these two were Yunxiu's descendants, that is, the first generation of relatives who were related by blood.It's just that the blood relationship is relatively distant.

The two old people were very pleasantly surprised. These two distant relatives of the juniors who came from afar, climbed mountains and waded to see them, which made them so excited that they didn't know what to do.

"Come and sit, you're exhausted." The old man who weaved the bamboo baskets went in and brought out two stools, put them in the yard, and told the old woman, "Go and pour water for the children!"

"Hey, let's go." The old woman wiped off the water drops in her hands and walked to the back room.

After a while of fuss, everyone finally sat down to rest.

"Great, I finally found you. My grandma has been thinking about you all these years." Lin Xi was very happy, and introduced himself: "My name is Lin Xi, and I am Yunchu's granddaughter. This is my friend Su Mingyu."

"It turns out to be Yunchu's granddaughter." The two old people seemed very happy: "How old was Yunchu when he left Guizhou. I didn't expect my granddaughter to be so old in a blink of an eye!"

"Hello." Su Mingyu also warmly greeted the two old people, and took out two thick red envelopes from his bag and handed them to the two old people: "I didn't prepare anything this time, so I can express my heart and express my heart. I hope you two will accept it."

"Hey, you're welcome!"

"Should not be."

After some evasions, the two finally accepted this generous gift, and afterward, the two became more cordial to Lin Xi and Su Mingyu.At this moment, the two old men decided that Lin Xi and Su Mingyu were a couple, and praised them for their beauty.

Lin Xi wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Su Mingyu with a smile on his face, "She has a shallow face, I'm sorry. Another point is that the relationship between us has not been finalized, so please bear with me."

Lin Xi glanced at him and agreed with his statement: "Yes, we are not the kind of relationship you think."

(End of this chapter)

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