Douluo King's true colors

Chapter 94 The Legend in the Forest

Chapter 94 The Legend in the Forest
Tang San watched helplessly as the black hole sucked everything away from him. Zi Ji and Xiong Jun finally left with Xiao Wu. Life is so full of comedy. Not long ago, he was full of hope for the future. Now It was only one day that all hopes seemed to be shattered, this may be the reason why Tang San became ruthless in the future, his heart riddled with holes seemed to no longer allow him to have extra emotions.

In the Hall of Spirits, Yue Guan bowed down in front of Bibi Dong, he couldn't explain the reason for the failure of this mission for a while, but seeing the anger on Bibi Dong's face, he still tentatively said it.

"Your Majesty the Pope! Do you know the king of soul beasts sleeping in the core lake of the Star Dou Forest?"

"The Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, I will deal with them sooner or later." Bibi Dong said disdainfully.

"No, there is an even older legend about that lake. It is said that in the depths of the lake lies the real king of soul beasts, and each of them has a cultivation level far surpassing that of the Azure Bull Python."

"What do you mean?"

"Forgive me for speaking bluntly, the two strong men who came to save Tang Hao and his son don't seem to be human beings." Yueguan's tentative words resounded in everyone's ears. There were many other elders present in the hall, and they obviously didn't dare to say anything about it. be recognized.

"Yueguan, do you know what you're talking about?" A group of grumpy elders around them started to attack on the spot. Such an excuse seemed extremely absurd to anyone.

"Yueguan, even if you want to clear the responsibilities between yourself and ghosts, you should think of a reasonable excuse." Such similar voices kept ringing in the hall.

"Enough!" Bibi Dong hammered the scepter angrily, and everyone fell silent immediately. "Yueguan, is this your guess or is it true?"

"Your Majesty the Pope, there is no mistake. During the battle with that person, he could not feel a trace of soul power, but his strength and speed were extremely astonishing. What's even more strange is that both of them had a pair of Jintong, although it is just my guess, the legend is true, and it is recorded in a secret volume in the library in the palace."

As soon as these words came out, everyone became quiet. It seemed that some people wanted to refute. At this moment, Golden Crocodile Douluo spoke. Also watched the battle.

"There is indeed this legend. It is rumored that the real kings of the Star Dou Forest are sleeping deep in the core. They are a few top-level soul beasts that have been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. For some reason, they have been sleeping secretly. Now their reality There is no way of knowing.”

Golden Crocodile Douluo's words completely stunned everyone, what everyone was thinking at the moment was not the mission of the two, if it was true, the threat of the latter would be unprecedented.

"Yueguan, the ghost sent you two to investigate the Star Dou Forest, this time there must be no mistake."

Xiang Hao's injury was not serious. After Yueguan gave everyone the healing medicine, Xiang Hao woke up that night. He couldn't speak. In the end, it was clear that he won, but he actually lost. He still remembers being in a coma Former Tang San's triumphant smile.

In the last blow, he didn't even guard against the opponent's hidden weapon. The memory of the fragments passing through his body overlapped with the memory of the ghost of that night in his memory. Xiang Hao beat his chest angrily, and the violent hammering caused the healed wound to heal again. Cracked, he can accept his failure, but he cannot accept his incompetence.

Arrogance did not bring victory, this boy from the Tang Sect beat him awake severely.

"Do you know where you lost?"

"Underestimate the enemy!"

"No! Because you still have compassion in your heart, the tip of your halberd could be an inch closer, but you hesitated, and this second of hesitation gave the opponent a chance to counterattack." Xiang Yu's sharp words were extremely harsh, piercing him heart.

It's true that he did hesitate. He also hesitated last time. At the moment of hesitation, the opponent seized the opportunity to counterattack. For some reason, there was a little softness in his heart, which made him feel that he shouldn't kill.

"Your will is not firm enough. It hasn't been baptized with blood. You are not qualified now." Xiang Yu's words were full of anger, but then he sighed for a long time, as if he remembered something, "That's all, it seems that Fate, if you weren't like this, I wouldn't choose you either."

Xiang Hao wanted to say something more, but Xiang Yu disappeared again, leaving him only to think about it, got up and got out of bed, only then did Xiang Hao discover that there was a note on the table in the room, with beautiful handwriting, as if written by a girl, next to it There is also a jade bottle.

"One pill a day."

The short sentence made Xiang Hao puzzled, was it sent by the senior sister?Xiang Hao opened the door and walked out. His place is the rest room of Wuhundian Academy. Hu Liena's room is on the other side. Xiang Hao walked over suspiciously and saw that Yan and Xie Yue were already waiting inside.

"Senior sister, is she okay?"

"Nana, she hasn't woken up yet, but she has almost recovered." Xie Yue said, and Yan who was on the side couldn't help clenching her iron fists again when she heard it, "Damn Tang San! If you dare to hurt my Nana, he'd better not Let me meet again!"

"Keep down." Xie Yue quickly suppressed his anger.

"Do you recognize this word?" Xiang Hao then took out the note and let the two of them identify it. It must be impossible for the senior sister, but Xiang Hao is not familiar with the others either.

Xie Yue took the note and looked at it carefully, her face full of doubts, "I don't recognize it, Yan, do you recognize it?" After finishing speaking, she handed it to Yan.

"I don't remember, I only recognize Nana's handwriting. But if you read this note, you can ask Elder Ju directly."

As soon as Xiang Hao slapped his forehead, he was about to leave, but the expression on the faces of those two people looking at Xiang Hao at this moment was intriguing.But the embarrassing thing is that Yueguan has already set off to perform the mission, and Xiang Hao has nothing to do.

"The girl would be very sad if she knew you stayed like this!" Xiang Yu couldn't stand it anymore, "The girl guarded you all night."

Having said so much, Xiang Hao must know that Qian Renxue is back, "Don't think about it, she came in secretly, and left before dawn." Xiang Yu's words quickly dispelled Xiang Hao's anger. Think about it.

The latter is extremely annoyed now that Xue'er has returned, but he really hasn't even seen her face.Xiang Yu looked at Xiang Hao at this moment and shook his head again and again. This child is too much like himself, even the dull feelings are exactly the same. At this moment, he suddenly remembered a saying, "Reincarnation is meeting another self."

Qian Renxue was already sitting in the carriage on the return journey at this moment, and she finally couldn't resist the sleepiness and yawned while sitting in the carriage.

Seeing this, the adjutant quietly walked out of the car, "Drive slowly and be more stable, His Highness is resting."

After the speed of the car slowed down, Qian Renxue slowly fell asleep. The adjutant smiled satisfied when he saw this. His Highness has worked too much for the empire these days, so he needs to take a good rest. He is right, Qian Renxue has indeed worked hard. I just squinted at Xiang Hao's bed for a while, so tired!

(End of this chapter)

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