Douluo King's true colors

Chapter 54 Haotian Douluo

Chapter 54 Haotian Douluo
Xiang Hao never thought that the killing god Haotian Douluo was actually Tang San's father.Not long after leaving the city, the group was attacked, mixed with terrifying killing power, the Clear Sky Hammer fell from the air, crushing the two soul saints standing in front of Xiang Hao with just one blow.

"This is really bad." Probably because he had greeted these titled Douluo since he was a child, Xiang Hao's awe of these strong men was actually much less, until Xiang Hao faced such an opponent himself, and the terrifying oppression was overwhelming. Xiang Hao was out of breath, and only then did he realize that this is the truest appearance of the world's strong men.

"It's really miserable this time, even if you kill Tang San, you have to put yourself in." Xiang Hao smiled wryly, but Tang Hao on the opposite side had no patience. At this moment, his eyes were full of jets of flames, and the Haotian Hammer hit him. The hand became huge, without stopping, a series of scarlet killing hammers struck like this.

Tang Hao in front of him was floating in mid-air, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand was bombarding the land like ruthless artillery fire. At this moment, the land was like a piece of pig iron just out of the oven, and Tang Hao was the forging between the heaven and the earth. As for Hao, he is the little bug that walks through it repeatedly.At this time, Xiang Hao's nerves were stretched to the extreme. It is impossible for him to make another mistake. If he fails once, he will be directly blasted into powder.This is the most powerful opponent he has faced in this life.

However, Xiang Hao couldn't hold it any longer. The Thunder Phantom Step under his feet requires a lot of physical strength. Gradually, Xiang Hao's movements slowed down, and just after he slowed down by a step, the hammer behind him fell on Xiang Hao. A huge explosion and tearing sensation came from his side, Xiang Hao left a line of blood in the air, and flew straight out.

With just one blow, Xiang Hao lost his ability to move, and collapsed quietly on the ground, with an extremely long line of blood drawn out in front of him.Feeling the powerlessness of the whole body, the blood is still pouring out unstoppably. "This is the strength of Titled Douluo. I'm still too naive." Xiang Hao couldn't help but smiled wryly. It's impossible for him to escape.

"Old guy, if you don't come out, we're all going to be finished."

"Oh, it's over so soon. It's the first time you call me out." Xiang Yu's voice was mixed with teasing. This time he also figured out that he was always choked by this kid.

"Understood." But after the teasing, Xiang Yu replied again in a deep voice, and was about to go out.

"Right, there's one more thing."

"What, it can't be that your kid is about to die."

"No, kill him!" Xiang Hao raised his head abruptly, his eyes full of scarlet killing intent.

"Understood." After a faint response, Xiang Yu stepped out.

At this moment, the sky and the earth changed color, Tang Hao was concentrating on his final blow, Xiaosan, Dad has avenged you.Thinking of this, Tang Hao's eyes twitched for a while.I blame myself for being late, Xiaosan suffered such a serious injury.But looking at the bloody Tang San on Grandmaster's back, Tang Hao felt that his world had collapsed.But at this moment, the wind direction of the battlefield changed, the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and the dark clouds rolled, and the murderer on the ground stood up unsteadily.

Xiang Yu stood up slowly, feeling the connection of his body, just as he got up, the thunderclouds in the sky had accumulated a lot. "God, is it not pleasing to see me like this? I just came out." Xiang Yu was speechless for a while, and within a few breaths, the punishment of heaven came.Xiang Yu raised his finger to the sky, stared and roared angrily.

"God, it's none of your business this time, don't bother me, or you will be destroyed together this time, this plane needs a smarter master." After hearing this, the thunderclouds in the sky instantly churned , For a moment, the terrifying coercion of heaven and earth made even Tang Hao fall to the ground, kneeling tremblingly.

And Xiang Yu glared angrily at the thundercloud, but after a few breaths, the churning thundercloud gradually disappeared.

"That's right, that's how you are obedient." Xiang Yu smiled slowly, turned around and looked at Tang Hao behind him, a moment of terrifying power overwhelmed the sky, the Overlord Domain opened, Xiang Yu's inherent talent, all attributes of enemies in this domain will be Reduced by 50%, and these attributes will be absorbed by Xiang Yu.

The sky turned red in an instant, and countless mountains of corpses and seas of blood appeared one by one in front of Tang Hao. For a moment, Tang Hao felt much weaker.At this time, Xiang Yu raised his hands together, and slowly pulled them out. The golden sky-breaking halberd appeared in the world, and the sharp power emanated from Xiang Yu's whole body.Seeing this, Tang Hao immediately swung his hammer back and hit back. The powerful bombardments collided together, and the sound of explosions was endless.

Tang Hao clenched the Clear Sky Hammer even more. The opponent suddenly jumped from a soul king to a Title Douluo, and even the blow just now was stronger than him. The title Douluo on this continent is stronger than him. All know, but this person doesn't belong to any of them.

"No matter who you are, please don't interfere, it's about personal enmity." Tang Hao said coldly.

"Coincidentally, I also have a personal grudge to deal with." Xiang Yu responded coldly, but the movement in his hand did not stop. The Heaven Breaker was slightly different in Xiang Yu's hand at the moment, and there was a hint of deep purple brilliance in the golden light. Between the hands, a slash struck out.

Seeing this, Tang Hao's expression was extremely serious. His killing domain seemed to be swallowed up by the opponent's domain, and his power was also losing at an extremely fast speed. He didn't dare to hesitate any longer. The soul ring flickered, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand appeared, between the sky and the earth, a huge hammer appeared, and when the hammer hit, it collided with that slash.

After another puff of gunpowder smoke, Tang Hao's figure slowly emerged from it, with blood flowing down his arm, almost half of his right arm was cut off, and the snow-white bones were exposed, red blood and white bones.But Tang Hao wasn't in the mood to think about these things at the moment, and a terrifying scene was appearing in front of his eyes.

"According to the division of power in your world, it should be like this." The figure moved with Xiang Yu's voice, and I saw Xiang Yu thrusting the Skybreaker Halberd in front of him with both hands, nine red soul rings danced up and down on the halberd, For a moment, the terrifying atmosphere dyed the sky red.Tang Hao stared blankly at the scene in front of him. Only then did he realize that the person in front of him was not a human being, but a demon god in the present world.

Now that he had no way out, Tang Hao gritted his teeth, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand became bigger again, "Big Sumeru Hammer!" The soul rings behind him exploded one by one, Tang Hao's strength also increased suddenly at this moment, After the sixth ring, the power contained in the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand was already quite astonishing, but Xiang Yu on the opposite side could only look at all this with a sneer, desperate to fight.

Without so much preparation, Xiang Yu just stepped forward, without any warning, he suddenly flew up the giant hammer that blasted straight into the air. The moment the Sky Breaker touched the Clear Sky Hammer, there was a bang, and the body of the Clear Sky Hammer burst open.Tang Hao spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards.

And the latter was walking step by step without emotion, the voice sounded like the countdown of a pendulum to Tang Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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