Douluo King's true colors

Chapter 296 The end of Tang 3 (1)

Chapter 296 Tang San's End ([-])

On the vast ocean, a small boat was wandering on the sea for a long time, Tang San stood on the small boat with a numb expression, he sluggishly drove the small boat under him, for a moment he didn't know where he was going.

One day ago, the green island of life disappeared suddenly in front of him, and the divine power of life that was already full in his body was also emptied suddenly. Tang San didn't know what happened, he only knew that he was abandoned by the god of life, and there was no No mercy.

From being full of hope to being aimless, Tang San didn't know where else he could go. The Douluo Continent was looking for him comprehensively, and Haotianzong was already dying. When he was in the Star Luo Empire, he had tried to make peace with Hao Tianzong had contacted him before, but the latter's euphemistic words were full of hope that he would not contact him too much.

Apart from becoming a god, he seems to have been abandoned by this world, right, let's go to Rongrong, but will Ning Fengzhi let him see her? But no matter how he thinks about it, this is the only goal he ignites .

The boat was sailing on the sea, and returned to the land after a day. This was a peaceful small fishing village. Tang San wanted to find out where this place was in the mainland.

"Master, is this the Heaven Dou Empire or the Star Luo Empire?"

The uncle was smoking his pipe, and cast a glance at Tang San. With swollen eyes, long hair and beard, he must be a seaman in distress.

"These are still there, now it's the Spirit Empire and the Sun Moon Empire."

Tang San was a little dazed, he had only been away for a few months, what happened, the continent has changed.

"If you insist on asking, this place now belongs to the Spirit Empire."

Tang San quickly processed the information, sorting out one by one in his mind, the Spirit Empire should be the power where the Spirit Palace is located, the purpose of the Spirit Palace to dominate has been for a long time, this time it was expected, and the Spirit Palace Soul City is the closest to Tiandou City, probably annexed it, but where did the Sun Moon Empire come from?

Tang San chatted for a few more words, then roughly knew his position, and was about to leave. The people in this fishing village seemed to be very enthusiastic, and the numb heart that was originally drifting on the sea seemed to become clear at this point.

The villagers said that the road here was not easy to walk, and they had to wait for the villagers outside to take him out later, and they were full of praise for the current Wuhun Temple.

When Tang San heard these words, he felt that the veins on his forehead were bulging, but then he lost his temper, he looked at these people suspiciously, and left here after repeated evasions.

But a small dirt bag at the head of Shihu's village caught his attention.
Not the dirt bag, but a mask placed before that.

Tang San was too familiar, wasn't that the mask of the Shrek Seven Monsters, and this one belonged to Oscar, looking at the small wooden sign behind the mask, there were some distorted words written on it.


"Master, what is that earth bag?" Tang San asked uncertainly, and the latter pretended to be thoughtful, "That's a grave, a young doll, probably shipwrecked, I'll see So poor and buried him, but he didn't have any identity on him, only a mask, I put it on the grave, how to find it, do you know him, he looks like age."

Hearing this, Tang San felt like a thunderbolt, didn't Ning Rongrong say that Oscar left alone after being rescued? How to atone.

Rongrong was afraid that he felt guilty, but in the end he knew, "Master, do you have a pen? This is my friend. Let me write his name."

"There are some."

The uncle ran out in a hurry, and came back after a while with a worn-out brush and ink in his hand.

Tang San took his pen, and then solemnly wrote on the wooden sign, "The God of Cookery monopolizes Oscar."

He kowtowed heavily in front of the grave three times and left.

The uncle looked at the direction Tang San was going away with a slight smile, turned around and entered a room and said in a low voice.

"Young master, I'm sure, it's that kid, do you want to attack?"

"Which direction did he go?"

"It's the main road, but I don't know if the boy will change direction after hearing that he is going to find Rongrong or something."


"Yes, the subordinate is sure it's the name, he said it several times."

The man smiled and said, "That's easy, there's no need to send people to ambush, you pass this news to Dark Crow, and someone will naturally deal with it, second uncle, you can follow me back to the wedding, don't bother you, it's all about this It's time for you to stay here."

"As I get older, fishing and sieve fishing here is quite good. After all, I'm a useless person, and I'm not used to the life of rich clothes and rich food. But the young master will marry someone's girl this time. It's so mysterious."

"Of course he deserves me." The man smiled mysteriously and avoided talking about it.

Tang San hurried on the road, the place where he logged in was not far from the mountain gate of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and he could arrive there in a few days, but Tang San didn't want to wait for a moment, he rushed day and night, and arrived in two days mountain gate.

After all, he had a deep relationship with everyone, no matter how hard he looked, he wouldn't drive him out. Tang San knew that his identity was hot, and he just wanted to meet Rong Rong, but once he entered the mountain gate, he felt the power of the whole mountain gate. The atmosphere is extremely lively.

The originally plain hilltops were hung with red silk, and the high steps of the mountain were covered with red velvet. It seemed very festive. Tang San was a little puzzled. At this time, it was the turmoil, shouldn't it be that everyone was worried about self-protection? so festive?

On the way again, Tang San stopped a person and asked.

"Dare to ask, brother, isn't this the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

The other party looked at Tang San in surprise and doubt, "There is no Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect for a long time, now it is the Sky Hammer Sect of the Glass Pagoda."

Tang San opened his mouth in surprise, "I am an expatriate child of the Clear Sky School, I have been wandering outside since the Great War, and I only recently found out that the children of the Clear Sky School are all here, so I have just arrived, and there are still many things I don't know. "

As Tang San said, flashed out his Clear Sky Hammer, the other party felt relieved seeing this, and greeted him eagerly.

"That is a family, and now the two have been merged together."

"Brother, isn't the Spirit Hall besieging us now? Why is it so festive on the mountain?"

"You don't know, three months ago, Sect Master Ning and Sect Master Tang had already surrendered. The Pope was magnanimous, so he couldn't help but not punish him. He also established the Lita Tianhammer Sect as the first sect of the Spirit Empire to support him. There are countless cultivation resources brought to the sect these days."

"Surrendered? The first sect? Support?"

"Yes, I can't help it. I heard that not long ago, Sect Master Ning's daughter fell in love with Special Envoy Shanlong who came here for inspection, and they fell in love at first sight."

(End of this chapter)

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