Chapter 285

"Commander, everything is normal on the front line. The enemy has withdrawn tens of kilometers. Do you want to proceed with the next step?"

At this moment, the soldiers are reporting to Du Xueqing the battle situation on the front line, the marching activities are going very smoothly, Dai Mubai's army has only resisted for a week before it was defeated.

Du Xueqing looked at the map of Douluo Dalu and remained silent for a long time.

After such a long time, she already has a preliminary understanding of the location of the mainland and the distribution of forces.And the clearer she understood, the more nervous she became.

The word Wuhundian appeared more and more frequently, and Du Xueqing gradually understood the mystery of the number one power in the mainland.

This force is distributed almost everywhere in the mainland, and its control over the two empires is even stronger than that of the royal family of the country.

But the strange thing is that until now, none of them have been attacked by the Wuhun Temple, and they disappeared without even making any resistance.

This made Du Xueqing very uneasy, she just knew that this force has tens of thousands of soul masters, dozens of titled Douluo, and its strength far exceeds expectations.

"Don't worry, calm down the existing territory, and then slowly advance north!"

"Commander! Now that we have won a big victory, it is the time when the morale of the soldiers is soaring. Shouldn't we take advantage of the victory and pursue it?"

"Too ostentatious will attract more enemies!"

Du Xue swept the crowd coldly, "Don't get carried away with some victories, this is a pure land of soul masters, if there are real strong men or an army of soul masters attacking, we will be helpless."

The subordinates all bowed their heads in silence, Du Xueqing looked at the subordinates in front of him, and raised his hand to let them leave.

She had a premonition that a real war was coming, even a lonely dynasty should have powerful soul masters.

If it's a Soul Emperor or a Soul Sage, Du Xueqing thinks he can handle it, but if it's a Contra-level powerhouse.

That's bad!

And everything was going in the worst direction Du Xueqing thought, the news of Dai Mubai's defeat arrived in the capital four times earlier than himself, the nobles were not surprised at all, until they heard that the loss was more than half!

This is one of the few elite forces in the Star Luo Empire, and most of the soldiers in it are elite soldiers who have been trained for several levels. Now it has only been a week, and they have suffered such a disastrous defeat.

For a moment, countless princes and nobles rushed to the court hall in despair, and the denunciation and attack on Dai Mubai also reached its peak here.

"I'm not willing to use my own soldiers like this, but they suffered such a disastrous defeat. I want to ask His Majesty for an explanation!"

Duke Dai Hao screamed excitedly outside the hall. The informant said that the enemy was only a few thousand soldiers, and that [-] elite soldiers could kill them all with one blow.

At this time, Dai Mubai walked over with a gloomy expression, he was powerless to refute.

Dai Hao rushed over immediately.

"Stinky boy, look at what good deeds you have done, almost all the good men of the Star Luo Empire died here because of you!"

"That's what my uncle taught."

Dai Mubai could only suffer in silence now, this uncle was originally with the elder brother, after the elder brother failed in the competition with him, Dai Hao's position in the upper hand became much more awkward.

This time it hit his mark.

As expected, the thousands of voices against Dai Mubai in the court had reached their peak, and among them, Dai Hao's reaction was the most violent.

Because this is his soldier.

Emperor Xingluo looked at Dai Hao with a headache, and asked without Li.

"What advice do you have, Duke?"

"I would like to take the lead, win a victory for the empire, and wipe out the invaders!"

"Oh, how many soldiers does the duke want to take?"

Dai Hao raised his body excitedly, "Your Majesty, [-] is enough, I will definitely break it with my strength!"

Dai Hao's words resounded in the hall, but no one doubted it. Unlike others, this Duke is a serious Contra powerhouse. In terms of combat power alone, there are few opponents in the entire empire!

"Okay! I'll give you another [-] to destroy this enemy in a week!"

Emperor Xingluo issued the order, and then signaled to retreat, Dai Mubai hesitated for a moment, but still didn't speak, he had already explained the opponent's situation to his father.

But the emperor's pride made Emperor Xingluo not listen at all. Even if he said it now, no one would believe him. His own strength is indeed not good, maybe Dai Hao will be different.

At this moment, the latest batch of warships of the Sun Moon Empire had already sailed to the port, and a large number of military supplies poured down, and Du Lingfei also rushed over.

After concluding with his wife, She Mie, he decided to come in person, and he should be cautious enough about that unknown powerful force.

But in the imperial city of the Sun Moon Empire, Xu Tianxi looked at the battle report in front of him, but the expression on his face was unpredictable.

This method has minimized the damage caused by the war, but the unknown risks still remain.

"Brother Xiang, forgive me, this is the only chance for the Sun Moon Empire."

"I ordered that all the soul guides in stock should be transported to the front line, and we must gain a firm foothold in the Douluo Continent."

A big battle always starts without warning. On an ordinary night, Cisco City was suddenly attacked.

Dai Hao led his vanguard team of soul masters to launch the first charge, and several powerful soul skills directly hit the city wall.

But under the gloomy moonlight, Dai Hao clearly saw that the city wall appeared in front of his eyes unharmed.

"Captain, what's the matter with you! Are you sure you hit the target?"

"My lord, I shot it myself, it's a sure hit!"

"What a waste, I'll come in person!" Dai Hao waved his whip, and the eight soul rings behind him lit up.

"Fifth soul skill, White Tiger Roaring Sky Strike!"

Following his roar, a bright white light fist flashed out of his hand, directly blasting towards the bright city wall, and at this moment, a strange scene appeared, a blue barrier was unfolded almost instantly, Dai Hao's blow was directly blocked.

But the barrier was safe and sound, "Attack! Attack!"

Dai Hao raised his horsewhip angrily and kept roaring. He never expected to encounter such a situation. He urged the soul masters under him to continuously activate their soul skills, but the effect was minimal.

Du Lingfei smiled and looked at the soul masters in front of him, "This is an eighth-level soul guide shield, enough for them to make trouble all night."

Du Xueqing looked at his father beside him, and felt much more at ease now. The royal family had basically shipped all the equipment capable of defending against Title Douluo, and this was only a signal for them to take further action.

"Father, what should we do next!"

"Don't worry, let's consolidate the current achievements first. The Star Luo Empire has 31 provinces. We have only occupied two of them now. Their power is still huge. Let's fight with them first, and wait until the time is right. , defeat in one fell swoop!"

"Then father, what about Wuhundian?"

Du Lingfei pondered for a moment after hearing such words, "This is open to discussion, we still have too little information!"

(End of this chapter)

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