Douluo King's true colors

Chapter 167 Divine Martial 8 Punches 【Ask for tickets! ! ! 】

Chapter 167 Eighteen Fists of Divine Martial Arts 【Ask for tickets! ! ! 】

It wasn't until an hour later that Xiang Hao collapsed on the ground powerlessly. Fortunately, he was under control this time. If he lost control just now, the result now is unimaginable.

But things can no longer be delayed, last time it was Satsuma, this time it was Chazan, it might not be who it is next time, and I might not be able to control it.

The process of that matter is about to be accelerated. Since I was allowed to come to this continent, everything is the best arrangement. Xiang Hao lay on the ground and meditated for a long time, then got up from the ground unsteadily to prepare for the afternoon meal. gift now.

After going out, Faria has been restless. This match broke her proud heart, "Isn't it just a win? It's so fierce. He doesn't appreciate his kind apology."

As she was talking, a few tears came out of the corners of Falia's eyes, "Smelly rascal, after I practice for a few more years, I will definitely be better than you." The delicate and beautiful rose blooms alone in the snowfield, shy and shy. Many passers-by in a hurry stopped for it.


In the pitch-black swamp, the humid water vapor and freezing temperature made it lifeless, only the dirty mire and rotten wood. Qian Renxue's blond hair was soaked in the mud at this moment, and her beautiful face was also full of stains. His face was pale and extremely weak due to the low temperature.

Woke up by the biting coldness, Qian Renxue opened her eyes and looked at this strange world, feeling that there was only endless cold. No one can resist the severe cold temperature, but it is better than Xiang Ha.

Qian Renxue still had some soul power, and the fiery soul power of the seraphim flowed through her body, forcing the cold air out of her body little by little. After a while, Qian Renxue's body temperature returned to normal, but it was still cold outside, and even felt colder.

After a period of cultivation, Qian Renxue supported her body and walked out of the swamp. She had to find a place to rest and light a fire, otherwise it would be difficult to survive.

"Where is this place? How can it be so cold?" Qian Renxue picked up a branch, supported her body and walked towards the forest outside the swamp. In the depths not far away, a pair of eyes kept watching here. .Just as she stepped into the forest, a voice sounded in Qian Renxue's mind.

"I have been waiting for a long time for the chosen one."

In the afternoon, all the soul masters arrived at the lecture room on time. With the experience of the morning, everyone seemed very peaceful this time. Although they were young, Xiang Ha's authority had already been established among the crowd.Especially Falia was very obedient this afternoon. She was the first student to come to the classroom, but she gave Xiang Hao an angry look and sat down.

Xiang Hao didn't waste his time, he didn't want to explain what happened in the morning, and what happened this afternoon was very important. After more than ten minutes, all the students arrived in the classroom. Although it was a classroom, it was similar to the martial arts hall. Most of them are the top soul masters in Farland, and they may not be willing to enter the ordinary training room.

Looking at the crowd in the audience, Xiang Hao was about to start his first training session. As for the content, he had thought about it early in the morning. After several days of scrutiny and pondering, he felt it was very suitable.

The people in the audience didn't know what they were about to face, but they didn't care at the moment, because these warriors who could only move their fists, they just wanted to hear about any moves that could make their cultivations astonishing, but Xiang Hao obviously didn't like that Except for Falia, all the teachers present here have older combat experience than Xiang Ha.

He was listening casually, but he didn't care. Xiang Hao also understood that he didn't go around the bush. He clapped his hands and said loudly, "The second lesson I want to give you is to give you a gift, a gift that can improve your cultivation."

As soon as Xiang Ha's words came out, several people in the audience frowned noncommittally. In this case, the former instructors also said that Xiang Hao couldn't be level all the way.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Xiang Hao smiled softly, "To be precise, it is a set of boxing techniques that can promote the flow of everyone's breath and promote cultivation."

After speaking, he walked to the middle of the field, "The moves are not complicated. Seniors are all people who have practiced for many years. I will only fight once. Everyone, please read clearly."

Sure enough, like the previous instructors, many people have lost interest here, but because of Xiang Ha's face, they still put on a show. Faliya is the most serious of these people. The battle in the morning told her, Xiang Hao is very strong, she is willing to listen to his words.

Under the eyes of everyone, Xiang Hao slowly began to exhale, the internal force of Shenwujue circulated rapidly around his body, Xiang Hao stood upright, the floating air flow made the fleece pants on his legs whirr, and when he raised his hand, everyone gasped. Involuntarily sitting up straight, this feeling is different.

Xiang Hao got off his horse steadily, raised his hand to clenched the cyclone of internal force, and punched, the roaring air explosion was clearly discernible, and the faint golden light was also shining all over his body. He even bent down, carefully scrutinized Xiang Hao's movements, got up and twisted, with his waist leading his arms, and two punches came out with extraordinary momentum.

At the same time, the golden light behind him became even stronger, revealing little by little, Xiang Hao still waved his fists, and the golden light on his body became more and more brilliant. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he was slowly letting the golden light flow all over his body. The wind of the fist became more and more sharp. In the last punch, the inner force and the face of the fist were picked up from the lower part together, and exploded in the air with terrifying power. Afterwards, Xiang Hao clasped his hands together, and his whole body burst into golden light. After a full minute, Only then was it dimmed.

These soul masters have completely disregarded their face now, and they all stared at this scene dumbfounded, which was unimaginable for them, "Without fluctuations in soul power, this is not a soul skill." Old General Liang said.

"Of course it's not a soul skill. It's martial arts. The Eighteen Fists of Divine Martial Arts can move the power of the whole body to unblock the meridians. If it works well, it may be able to solve the problem of your soul power's cold veins."

"Boy, you are serious!" Yang Xiong jumped up, his eyes were red, and he was the one who was most emotional.Xiang Hao knew the impact of these words on these veterans. He took out a few papers from his bracelet, which were the result of his hard work all afternoon.

"There is a corresponding method of exhaling breath here. Seniors can understand it by themselves. You must have understood the moves. You will know the method of exhaling at a glance. As for whether what I said is an exaggeration, everyone You won’t know until you try it yourself.”

General Liang took it in one hand, and looked at it carefully, page by page, turning faster and faster, and his hands trembled more and more.

This is the determination of Shenwujue, combined with the profound meaning of Shenwuquan, it is a perfect match for the soul masters of this country. When Xiang Hao learned about the soul master system of this country on the first day, there was only one sentence in his mind In other words, the cultivators here are a perfect match for Shenwujue.

First, the soul masters here are all physically fit and strong.Second, the internal force of Shenwu Jue can indeed clear the meridians blocked by the cold current, at least it was like this when Xiang Hao experimented.

(End of this chapter)

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