Douluo King's true colors

Chapter 164 The Development of Soul Guidance Devices ! ! 】

Chapter 164 The Development of Soul Guidance Devices ! ! 】

Xiang Hao was dazzled by the dazzling array of soul guides in front of him. Some of them he had seen before. Xiang Hao rushed to the display stand and was about to play with them, but he heard Du Xueqing coughing lightly behind him. The owner seemed a little displeased.

"Didn't you come to consult about the soul tool? Ask quickly, and leave immediately after asking." Du Xueqing's words were still cold, without any sympathy at all.

Xiang Hao smiled awkwardly, raised the bracelet on his hand, "Sister, I'm actually not very good at using this."

Seeing Xiang Hao's rascally smile, Du Xueqing lost his temper. That's right, after all, he just came to the Sun Moon Empire for a few days, and given him such a complicated thing, he couldn't appreciate the preciousness of the gift. This time, it was a big loss.

Du Xueqing rubbed her brows helplessly. This was the most failed investment today. She sighed lightly, admitting it. "Bring it here, let me introduce it for you."

Then he took the bracelet and put it on his hand, "Every citizen of the Sun Moon Empire will wear this bracelet. It is not only a symbol of identity, but also has many personal and practical functions, the most common of which is storage. Those low-level soul guides in your Douluo Continent can also do it."

Du Xueqing specially emphasized the word low-level, Xiang Hao unconsciously raised his eyebrows, he had no choice but to be suppressed by technology.

"Sun Moon Empire's wristbands have the smallest storage space of [-] cubic meters, which can be used as long as there is a trace of soul power imported, and your storage space is [-] cubic meters, and I have already placed it for you. Some things, you haven't seen it yet, have you?"

"I've seen it, it must be some soul guides, but I don't know the function of these soul guides." Xiang Hao said distressed.

"Those are auxiliary equipment, and I will send you their manuals one by one later. This is the second function of the bracelet, which is to transmit information. Soul masters like you don't need me to teach you. Explore slowly." Xiang Hao's sense of anticipation dropped a lot in an instant, this woman is really ruthless.

"In addition, I added the function of a timing soul guide to this bracelet, and there are some self-defense counterattack devices in the rest, you don't need to know, they will automatically turn on when they are in danger." After the introduction, Du Xueqing put his hand Throw the ring back to Xiang Hao, and then operate a few times on his own bracelet.

There was a green light on Xiang Hao's bracelet, and after injecting soul power, Xiang Hao saw the text message. Fortunately, there is no difference between the text on the two continents, otherwise Xiang Hao would be in trouble.

"The information has been passed on to you, so I won't send it off soon." As he said that, Du Xueqing was about to see off the guests.

"Sister, thank you. I didn't expect that the soul guide can be used like this. I have learned a lot." Xiang Hao looked at the handbook and the waves in his heart never stopped.

"That's natural. We don't have the unique cultivation conditions like yours, but we have to face an environment that is several times more ferocious than yours. If it weren't for the ingenuity of our ancestors, we might not have our civilization."

"The history of soul guides is nearly a thousand years, and thousands of different models have been extended to affect people's lives in all aspects. It is the soul guides that have changed us. This is the history of more than 1000 years that we humans have truly gained a firm foothold. With With the power to fight against those powerful ice beasts and have my own solid city-state, I am proud of my soul engineer." Du Xueqing became more and more serious as he spoke, and his eyes sparkled with brilliant starlight.

The child who wants to pick the stars has a sea of ​​stars in his eyes, and he has seen it in Xueer's eyes, so what is Xueer's sea of ​​stars.

Xiang Hao walked up to Du Xueqing respectfully and bowed before he was about to leave, but found that Du Xueqing's expression seemed a little off. He wanted to ask about the situation, but Du Xueqing sent him off sternly.

"Dou Zi, see off!"

"Come on." The kid was very happy, he threw the hat to Xiang Hao and pushed Xiang Hao away.

Until he was kicked out of the door, Xiang Hao still had a dazed expression on his face. This woman changed her face so quickly, and she withdrew her compliments, which was so cold that it was chilling.

"Douzi, put some aromatherapy on it, it should be fragrant." Du Xueqing ordered.

"Master, don't you not like ordering?" The little ghost asked suspiciously.

"This gaudy rouge and gouache is even more unbearable." Du Xueqing frowned, and went straight into her studio.

"Does it smell like rouge and gouache?" Douzi sniffed carefully, but he didn't smell anything. Forget it, the helmsman's temper is unpredictable, so follow orders.

"Uncle, I'm back!" The melodious voice was like a lark chirping all the way through the corridor on the second floor of the Wuhun Directorate. Anyone who is familiar with it knows that this is Falia's return. A genius soul master of the Sun Moon Empire with a soul power of 20 at the age of only 49, she is also the niece of the commander-in-chief Faruka.

However, Faruka has a headache for this niece. His younger brother sent his daughter to the northern border to experience training. This girl is good, she is far away from the restraint of her parents. She is lawless and has a bad temper. The relationship with Du Xueqing is extremely bad. The two are about the same age, but have very different personalities, and they can't say a word together.

These days, Faliya returned to the imperial capital to reunite with her parents for a while, but returned within half a month.

Faru Kaben was still expressing his depression, but when he heard Falia's call, the last bit of anger was extinguished, and the little witch returned.Faruka immediately rubbed his cheeks and went out to greet him with a smile, but his niece had already come in one step ahead of him.

Wearing a red coat with flaming red lips, isn't she the same girl Xiang Hao met on the street just now?

"Uncle, do you miss me? I don't want to stay at home for a day. Dad talks about me every day. It's better to be here more freely." Falia said happily, but Faruka was already sweating unconsciously. Little girl, you are free, but I have suffered.

Falia paid attention to the remnants around her, pretending to be surprised, "Ah! Uncle, what's going on, have you been attacked? You're not injured. Who did it, I'll help you vent your anger!"

Faruka quickly comforted the aunt, if she wanted to light the fire, there should be more damage.

"It's okay, my uncle and my friends have a discussion here. You are so tired from driving, take a rest first, and we will talk about things later." Faruka hurriedly carried her luggage and pushed her niece upstairs.

When he reached the stairs on the third floor, Faruka was about to go to the fourth floor, and Faria stopped him.

"Uncle, are you confused? I live on the third floor." Falia laughed.

"Don't you live on the fourth floor? I've moved my luggage so many times so I don't know." Faruka asked with a question mark on his face.

"Oh, I forgot, I moved down by myself. The fourth floor is too high, and it's tiring to climb the stairs every day. Anyway, the room on the third floor is empty. It's a pity not to live here."

Faruka suddenly felt a little bad, he asked tentatively, "Do you live in the innermost bedroom?"

"That's right." Falia Blingbling's big eyes flashed.

Faruka recalled Xiang Hao's words this morning, "Well, Leah, you can bring it up yourself, uncle still has work."

After speaking, he went downstairs quickly, and happened to meet Xiang Hao who was about to go upstairs on the second floor. Without saying a word, he pulled up and ran.

(End of this chapter)

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