Douluo King's true colors

Chapter 138 Ning Fengzhi's Abacus

Chapter 138 Ning Fengzhi's Abacus
The two titled Douluo blocked Chen Xin's path as soon as they appeared on the stage. Hundreds of hidden Wuhun Hall soul masters appeared and surrounded the entire palace. In the small circle, before they could react for a while, they only saw the soul robes exclusive to the Spirit Hall.

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi walked out slowly, and quietly looked at Xue Qinghe who was high above him, "I had a glimmer of hope, but I didn't expect you to be so impatient, Qinghe!"

He questioned his disciple unhurriedly, he didn't understand why he would do such a thing.When he taught Xue Qinghe since he was a child, he believed that this child must be a wise king in the future, but today he actually wants to personally swing a knife at each other.

After Qian Renxue heard this, she finally couldn't help showing a contemptuous smile, "Why, I've waited for so many years just for this day, and I didn't expect that something went wrong at the last moment."

"Alright, everyone can't leave today, shut up, I'm still the prince." Qian Renxue tapped her feet, a few golden lights burst out from behind, and the whole person slowly lifted into the air, the golden light filled the air, and the snow Qinghe's hair gradually elongated and turned into a bright golden color, his figure quietly became exquisite and exquisite, and the voice that spread in the air gradually turned into a gentle female voice, and the owner of this voice and figure, Xiang Hao is very familiar with up.

Isn't this the Qian Renxue that he has missed for a long time, and Qian Renxue is Xue Qinghe, for a moment he only felt his head buzzing, accompanied by golden light, a huge seraphim golden light appeared on Qian Renxue Behind him, all the doubts at this moment were explained. Ning Fengzhi looked at the shining Qian Renxue in the sky, and was speechless for a long time. His disciple had been an undercover agent of the Wuhun Hall for many years, and no one had noticed that he had disguised himself as a man for many years.

This slap slapped everyone hard on the face, "Everyone in Wuhun Hall obeys the order, everyone in the palace must not let go tonight, kill without mercy!"

After hearing the order, everyone in the Wuhun Hall attacked in a dense manner. Seeing this, Ning Fengzhi quickly released his soul power and projected his soul seal into the huge night.

Seeing this, Snake Lance Douluo yelled that it was not good, and was about to attack, but the Seven Killing Sword was lying in front of him, Puffer Fish Douluo immediately rushed to help, Chen Xin's soul power was already at level 97, and he faced two people with one against two Still not losing the wind, the fierce killing intent of the Seven Killing Sword kept wandering in front of the two Titled Douluo, but they couldn't take a step forward.

Qian Renxue looked at the huge soul imprint in the air, secretly thinking something was wrong, as expected, she saw the same soul imprint appearing outside the city wall after a while, it seemed to be the spirit of the head of Tiandou Imperial Academy, this Ning Fengzhi had already We have discussed it.

What Ning Fengzhi discussed at the beginning was the second plan. Since he wanted to save Emperor Xue Ye, then his own power alone was far from enough. Qian Renxue did not expect that the power of Qibao Glazed Tile School entering the academy would help Ning Fengzhi Yu Xiaogang was contacted, and under the contact, tonight, the dean of Tiandou Academy led hundreds of soul masters to ambush around the imperial city.

Qian Renxue was still too anxious, he thought that Xue Qinghe was being used by the Hall of Spirits, but he didn't think that she was a spy of the Hall of Spirits, so there was no need to show mercy now.Accompanied by the sound of shouting to kill, the soul master outside the door began to attack.

"Kill Xue Ye!" Qian Renxue issued the last order, and everyone fell into a scuffle.With Ning Fengzhi's blessing, Chen Xin's Seven Kills Sword shines brightly at this moment, Snake Lance Douluo and Puffer Fish Douluo have already dealt with it with all their strength, and the battle between the three titled Douluo just affected many people , bursts of air explosions and turbulence sounded everywhere.

At this moment, Yang Wudi and Tang San also finally came to their senses, the Soul Breaking Gun almost passed Qian Renxue by, and saw her slightly adjusted her posture in the air before floating in front of Xiang Hao.

"Idiot." The icy face showed a bright smile the moment he saw Xiang Ha, and Xiang Hao lost his mind just by smiling.

"I've lied to you for a long time, I'm sorry." Qian Renxue stuck out her tongue, smiled and faced Yang Wudi's attack, Xiang Ha only noticed Tang San in front of her, and the two faced her back to back like this Qian Renxue's opponent, Qian Renxue, has seven rings, and the pressure to face Yang Wudi is not great, while Tang San in front of Xiang Hao has already taken off his helmet at this moment, his eyes are wide open!

The blue-purple soul power is brilliant in the air. From the gaps in the rubble on the roof, countless blue and silver vines emerge from all directions, all of which are as thick as the mouth of a bowl, piercing from all directions, or falling from the air, or Sticking to the ground, or going straight out, Xiang Hao didn't dare to be ambiguous, the black and red soul power was like a flame igniting around Xiang Ha's body, and his body muscles became more solid as he raised his hands and feet.

Pulling the fist, the internal force circulated the whole body, and the Qi He fist was punched out. Accompanied by a sonic boom, the wind of the fist smashed a wall of Qi and blocked all the vine coefficients, and the two soul powers faced off fiercely in the air.

At this time, the soul masters outside the door also attacked, most of them were students from the high-level soul master academy. The masters are all experienced soul emperors.And not long after, these soul masters gave these students another blow.

In the dark night, big hands suddenly lined up towards the students from all directions, and countless people were caught off guard and injured for a while.This is a combination skill researched by Wuhundian, and it is especially effective in actual combat, but fortunately, some people led by Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong have rushed into the encirclement and joined Ning Fengzhi.

"It's useless to talk, let's go!" The group of them came anxiously, in order not to let Xue Qinghe notice, they didn't call too many helpers, but they didn't realize that there were two titled Douluo experts beside her.

"Go there!" Pufferfish Douluo roared, summoning his spirit avatar, for a moment a huge pufferfish appeared in front of everyone, and the next second, a burst of poisonous mist sprayed out.

Another sword burst out, and the Seven Killing Sword surrounded the huge puffer fish, just like the fish on the chopping board. Scars inevitably appeared, but Chen Xin also sucked in some paralyzing breath, but in an instant, The snake spear advanced within five steps of him, and the fierce gun wind poked towards Chen Xin one after another.

Battles everywhere are going on anxiously, the flames of war have spread from a few people to a melee of hundreds of people, all kinds of soul power explode around, and attacks bombard the surrounding walls one after another. Cracks appeared on the edge of the masonry, which looked like crying faces from a distance. As the battle deepened, the pressure on the Wuhun Hall would increase.

The brilliant light of the soul skill illuminated the night sky, and more and more Tiandou citizens woke up from their dreams, looking in the direction of the imperial city in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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