Douluo King's true colors

136 The Plan Has Changed

136 The Plan Has Changed
Qian Renxue didn't have much doubt about his seemingly useless younger brother, and he would never have thought that it was this useless crying in front of him that ruined his carefully arranged overall situation.However, everything was going in this direction, but by the time Qian Renxue realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

Qian Renxue led Xue Beng all the way to Xue Ye's palace, Xue Beng was right, he really had no reason to refuse a prince to visit his father, he opened the door, Qian Renxue and Xue Beng walked in, and the accompanying six Two guards lined up at the door, because they were Xue Beng's only guards, Tang San had the opportunity to stand at the innermost side of the door, lined up with the prince's personal guards on the left and right.

He quietly listened to the movements in the house, always on guard against all accidents, entered the room to see Xue Beng's own good fortune, and Xue Beng's acting skills that he had practiced for many years did not disappoint Tang San. Not long after entering, he cried out sadly The sound came through the door, and several people could hear it clearly.

As soon as he entered the door, Xue Beng began to show the basic qualities of an excellent actor. He rushed to Xue Ye's bed in two strides, and immediately burst into tears. Qian Renxue couldn't help but look sideways. After all, he could understand Xue Beng like this. After all, he was able to live so carefree under Xue Ye's connivance. Once Emperor Xue Ye died, he would have to face many disputes and conflicts in this world. ordeal.

Qian Renxue has made up her mind, if this guy behaves obediently in the future, it's okay to let him be a happy prince.Just as Xue Beng was shedding hot tears on Xue Ye's bed, another guard walked quickly outside the door. After whispering a few words in the ear of the distinguished personal guard, the latter knocked on the door and signaled to go in.

Xiang Hao walked into the bedroom slowly, and whispered in Qian Renxue's ear, "Ning Fengzhi is here, I have something urgent to see you."

A hot current blew past her ears, Qian Renxue's body trembled slightly, a numb feeling spread all over her body, if it wasn't for Xue Beng being here, she might not be able to help but shout out, but she still tried her best to control her emotions , corrected his posture, "I know!"

After she finished speaking, she wanted to turn around and leave. Just as she was about to walk out the door, she turned around and remembered Xue Beng behind her. The most important thing is to put yourself into the character's emotions at all times, and not be disturbed by the environment. Qian Renxue couldn't help but not interrupt Xue Beng with several shouts, and even cried more violently. It seemed that Xue Ye had passed away, but it's a pity Xue Ye can't feel this kind of filial piety now.

Looking at the imperial doctor who stayed behind in the room, Qian Renxue relaxed, she didn't think that her good-for-nothing brother could make any waves, she turned and left, but before she left, she still left behind, she left Xiang Hao behind , and left with only two guards, Xiang Hao and the other two guards have soul power above level [-], which is enough to deal with most accidents, not to mention, Xiang Hao feels at ease with her.

With Qian Renxue gone, Tang San's heart also slowly relaxed. In the next time, as long as Yang Wudi can enter the room smoothly, this mission will be considered over.Now we can only hope they are doing well.

Qian Renxue had no reservations about Xiang Hao at all, and almost fully explained her plan, and Xiang Hao was inexplicably involved again. He has been with Qian Renxue these days, and now in Xue Ye's dormitory, two The imperial doctor was on guard day and night, and these were all people from the Wuhun Palace placed by Qian Renxue, a dude prince couldn't make any noise.

And he seems to be more interested in the prince's bodyguard. The aura displayed by this bodyguard is very familiar to him. Xiang Hao only looked at him once in a hurry, but it was just this glance that Xiang Hao thought of a familiar person , Then Xiang Hao shook his head and denied this idea, he was a little dazed when he saw that everyone looked like Tang San recently.

In the room, Xue Beng signaled the imperial doctor to attack, the latter stuck a needle in the neck of the imperial doctor, instantly lost the ability to resist, at the same time, Xue Beng walked to the west window lightly while crying loudly, gently Pushing open the window, Yang Wudi has been waiting here for a long time, and the plan is going smoothly.

The people outside didn't notice anything. At this moment, Yang Wudi had gently come to Xue Ye's bedside, and fed the medicine to the latter. Following the entrance of the medicine, Xue Ye's face seemed to remain unchanged.

"Senior Yang! Why is this antidote not effective!" Xue Beng shouted a little excitedly, Yang Wudi motioned him to lower his volume, and said, "It will take an hour for the medicine to take effect."

"We have cured the poison, but if His Majesty is still here, wouldn't Xue Qinghe increase the dose of poison when he saw His Majesty's condition improved! Tonight, we will take His Majesty out of the palace!" Yang Wudi said this time The real purpose of this trip.

"As long as Your Majesty wakes up, the Heaven Dou Empire won't be able to speak to Xue Qinghe! This is the result of discussion between Sect Master Ning and me. I'm sorry, Prince Xue Beng, I have to let you sleep for a while." As soon as it was dark, he passed out, Yang Wudi walked to the west window, shattered the east window with a flying blow, and then hid outside the window.

Xiang Hao and Tang San rushed in immediately when they heard the movement, with a glance, Xue Beng and the two imperial doctors fell unconscious on the ground, and the east window visible to them was broken, Xiang Hao ordered the two guards to rush immediately Go out, but Tang San is still hesitating, what happened now is not within the scope of the plan, Xiang Hao is more concerned about his goal, Emperor Xue Ye is still lying on the bed, he stretched out his hand, although weak but still breathing.

Xue Ye can die of illness but cannot be assassinated. This old guy has a very high prestige in the Heaven Dou Empire. If he is killed by an assassin at this time, Xue Qinghe is undoubtedly the number one suspect. This is extremely important for Xue Qinghe's enthronement after Adverse.And Tang San checked Xue Beng's status, but fortunately he was anesthetized, he was relieved, if something happened to Xue Beng in his hands, he would not be able to explain it, but he soon discovered some Strange.

The silver needle that Xue Beng was stabbed in was from the front, which means he was not attacked by surprise. The effect of this kind of anesthesia is not fast. If this is the case, why didn’t Xue Beng even scream? This person is probably someone he knows, no It could be Yang Wudi, Tang San guessed.And following his line of sight, he confirmed his thoughts. A half figure appeared behind the tip of the west window in the moonlight, and someone was outside!
Unfortunately, Xiang Hao also discovered this.

"Who is it!" Xiang Hao roared, and then chased after him, and with the sound of flying into the air, Yang Wudi jumped to the roof, Xiang Hao followed closely, and Tang San also chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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