Douluo King's true colors

Chapter 129 Conspiracy [Thank you Shark Pepper for the monthly ticket! 】

Chapter 129 Conspiracy [Thank you Shark Pepper for the monthly ticket! 】

In the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, all the elders of the sect gathered together at this moment with serious expressions. Ning Fengzhi, who was quietly waiting on the main seat, spoke. This is a meeting related to the survival of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and everyone's expressions were not very relaxed. .At this moment, the future of the sect is in Ning Fengzhi's mind, even Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo are frowning at this moment.

The surrounding air seemed to have become much colder at this moment, Ning Fengzhi was the first to break the silence, he raised the teacup next to his hand, and took a sip, "I already understand the purpose of everyone's visit, but I have to say sorry in advance, you guys I know what I have to say, and I understand your concerns, but my decision will not change."

The Great Elder Ning Zhen, who always agreed with Ning Fengzhi, was also extraordinarily serious this time, he hesitated to speak several times, and finally a hot-tempered law enforcement elder couldn't help it, "Sovereign, we always trust your judgment, but this time , What you did was too risky, don't make fun of the lives of the entire sect."

One person spoke out what everyone was thinking, and the other elders who had remained silent couldn't help but join in. Seeing this, the others also spoke up.

"We declared war with Wuhundian, isn't it just hitting a stone with an egg, and the disparity in our strength is so great now, it's too risky."

"The first sect, Haotianzong, was suppressed by the Wuhundian and closed its gate for decades. We have the strength to fight."

As soon as these words came out, the emotions of the group of elders reached their peak, their voices became higher and higher, and a few words of quarreling appeared faintly. Ning Fengzhi was still drinking the tea in his hand slowly, looking hesitantly out of the corner of his eye. Ning Zhen said in a deep voice.

"Elder, what do you think?"

Ning Zhen, who was suddenly pointed out, trembled nervously at this moment, and said hastily and seriously, "Sovereign, I think something is wrong this time, the difference in strength between the enemy and us is too large, and our injuries were also serious in the battle last month. .”

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi smiled coldly, and slowly put down the cup in his hand. He looked at the elders quietly, got up and said, "Elders, do you think that if we don't declare war on the Spirit Hall, they won't Have you laid hands on us?"

One sentence left everyone speechless, yes, it seems that there is no other way, whether to declare war or not, Wuhundian will not let the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School go, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family has been destroyed, and the Haotian School is hidden from the world. It turned out that there was only one of the last three cases left, and it was still a broken branch after the war. For a while, everyone's faces were like fallen leaves beaten by rain, pale and desperate.

"There is still a way out." At this time, Ning Zhen said softly, his tone was floating, and he could not hear the confidence.

"I don't know what the Great Elder thinks!" The impatient law enforcement elder said hastily. The two had never confronted each other, but at this moment the other party seemed to have let go of their prejudices.

"Our surrender can not only ensure that the whole sect is safe, but also ensure that the future of the sect is safe." Ning Zhen put his hands on the scepter and read out slowly.

Ning Kuang, the law enforcement elder, was still listening carefully. After the four words fell into his ears, he couldn't sit still any longer. He stood up and cursed, "Okay, you old man, you actually want to sell your sect and cooperate with the enemy here!"

"Ning Kuang, what nonsense are you talking about? I am loyal to the sect, but right now this is the only way out for us, otherwise let the Wuhun Palace come to kill and snatch it!" Ning Zhen tapped the scepter in his hand, and the beard at the corner of his mouth excited All coefficients fly.

After the debate between the two, many elders showed embarrassment. Ning Zhen's words moved many people, and no one was willing to die. Moreover, the development of the lower four sects attached to the Wuhun Palace seemed to be faster than before. It was so good, there were a lot of voices responding to Ning Zhen at once, and Ning Zhen was even more proud when he heard such voices, he raised his beard and stared at Ning Kuang, and the latter was so excited that he couldn't speak, pointing out Looking at Ning Zhen and the others, he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"You, you, you, you are ashamed of your ancestors!"

Seeing that the quarrel was about to develop in an uncontrollable direction, Ning Fengzhi tried to stop it, but the people who were on the top of their heads were still controlling him at this moment, and they were still arguing endlessly.

A gleam of cold light, a silhouette, the cold light of the Seven Killing Sword swept across everyone's eyes, and everyone became quiet in an instant, Chen Xin slowly retracted the blade, "The suzerain has something to say!"

"Thank you, Uncle Jian." Ning Fengzhi stood up, walked slowly to the middle of the hall, and said slowly and calmly, "Everyone, I'm not here to listen to your arguments today, I just want to know how many of you are willing Accompany me to take this risk, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has no way out, now we can only unite as one, any differences and criticisms will greatly reduce our fighting power."

"Great Elder, I can pretend that I didn't hear what you said just now, but I don't want to hear similar words again." Ning Fengzhi glanced at Ning Zhen, who hurriedly responded.

"I announce that our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will formally declare war on the Wuhun Palace, and hereby issue three suzerain orders. First, all disciples of the sect above the fifth ring will select elites and young children from the forest on the back mountain of the sect every midnight from today. Run away and hide in the sect's various industries on the mainland, as well as various academies of the Tiandou Empire, as the core force of the sect, in case of emergencies, this team is led by Uncle Gu."

Bone Douluo immediately handed over his hands to accept orders, and Ning Fengzhi continued, "Second, everyone else is waiting at the sect. The elders personally lead the team to patrol every day, keeping an eye on the movement of the Spirit Hall. If anything unexpected happens, we will wait for it. Fight to the death to leave time for the younger generations to escape."

All the elders in the meeting hall bowed their hands and responded loudly, "Finally, we are not fighting alone. I have reached a secret agreement with Haotianzong. Everyone, please wait for my orders. We will follow Haotianzong and all other forces together." And crusade, we will never sit still! Suing for peace with hungry wolves will only turn into fish and meat, and only bloody battles will have a way out."

The last words set off huge repercussions among the elders. Everyone seemed to have not expected that the suzerain would bring out the Haotianzong as a rescuer. For a moment, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they all clapped their hands together and shouted, "I will definitely live up to my mission."

Everyone's face was filled with smiles, either gratified, excited, or distressed. Ning Zhen looked at the cheering crowd, smiled ugly, and quietly walked out of the lobby. Very good, but for him, it was five thunders.

Afterwards, everyone left the hall one after another. Only Ning Fengzhi, Jian, and Gu Erdouluo were left. Chen Xin, who had been silent just now, said, "Shouldn't you try to win the royal family's support again?"

Ning Fengzhi raised his mouth and took a sip of tea, and said quietly, "Xue Qinghe is so timid and fearful by nature, I misjudged him at the beginning."

With that said, Ning Fengzhi turned around and spilled the tea in the cup, "The tea is cold!"

 Thanks to Shark Pepper for the monthly pass yesterday! !so awkward!Remember the chapter (account) first!grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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