Douluo King's true colors

Chapter 106 The King of Slaughter 】

Chapter 106 The King of Slaughter 】

Xiang Hao was exhausted when he returned to the blacksmith shop covered in blood, but as if thinking of such a situation, Yu Ziqi took a medicinal bath early in the morning, and the one-month relationship made Xiang Hao feel nervous. The vigilance was also much lower, so he didn't hesitate to shirk, and just lay down in it.

"How is it? Brother Xiang, I've spent a lot of money on this. I don't want to use this blood ginseng and Cordyceps. I use them all on you." Yu Ziqi looked at Xiang who was soaking in the water with a satisfied face. Hao, standing aside with a smile, "I'll give you some herbs another day, and I promise you won't look down on them in the future."

Xiang Hao raised his hand to pick up the floating medicinal herbs in the wooden barrel, it's not that he is bragging, these medicinal herbs are like weeds in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and he never takes them seriously.Thinking that when he was a child, he was very excited when he saw a Youxiang Qiluofanpin, but now he would not be so excited even if there are more fairy goods in front of him. Sure enough, people's desires will continue to expand in the process of growing up.

"Haha, then just wait, let me tell you in advance, I always welcome anyone who comes." The mist rose on Yu Ziqi's glasses, and the latter took off his glasses and wiped them carefully, not forgetting to joke about Xiang. Hao, the two have only known each other for a month, but they have gotten along so comfortably that they are like old friends for many years, "But after today, you will be more stable."

"How can I see that the number of people besieging me on the road today is more than twice that of the past, and I almost came back one step at a time." Xiang Hao smiled wryly, and today's bloody battle made him very tired.

"Today is special. People with more than [-] victories in Hell Field are in the top [-] of Hell Field's powerhouse list. These are tested strongmen who may become more powerful in the future, and those with [-] victories are those The last chance for the weak to siege."

"No wonder there are so many flies today, so no one will come to surround and kill me after that." He was a little disappointed for a while, and he had to say that he really liked this bloody feeling in his heart.

"No, there will be no flies, but there will be tigers. After the same [-] wins, those strong players on the strong list will stare at you, because it is very likely that you will meet on the field. Starting from today You're on their list."

Xiang Hao stepped out of the barrel, wrapped his clothes, and smiled wildly, "That would be the best."

In the capital of killing, the scarlet King of Slaughter was listening to his subordinate's report, and he did not forget to raise his hands up and down to provoke the beautiful woman under him to scream again and again. "Has Xiang Hao already won twenty victories?"

"Yes, Wang, it's too fast. He has already entered the top [-] on the list in just over a month since he entered the city. We have to restrict his participation, and we can't let him kill any more." The subordinate said emotionally , He clearly remembers every game of Xiang Hao, it was a bloody massacre, if left unchecked, the population will decrease too fast.

Now there are already thousands of people who died in his hands on the record. The Slaughter King shook the Bloody Mary in his hand with great interest, and thought for a moment, "Let him participate, you can make some restrictions, but don't be too deliberate."

"Why? My king!"

"He is not a fallen person. A god of killing found me a month ago. She personally sent her disciples to the capital of killing for training. Naturally, there is only one purpose."

"Yum, challenge Hell Road!"

"That's right. Although there will be some losses, it's irrelevant. It's better to send such a person out early!" The Slaughter King said in a deep voice, downing the Bloody Mary in his mouth.

"By the way, this Xiang Hao and the ghost craftsman are also very close. The two seem to have become friends. Should we pay attention?"

"Oh, his place is a fairyland on earth in the capital of killing. No need, what can a blacksmith be worth noting." The king of killing impatiently sent his subordinates away, and then Yingyingyanyan sounded in the bedroom. cry.

Today Xiang Hao saw Yu Ziqi forging the blade with his own eyes, and when he raised his hand, a red round hammer appeared in his hand, which was exactly the same as the one Xiang Hao saw in Ao En's hand that night.

"This is my Martial Soul, the Flowing Fire Broken Star Hammer! I'm not afraid of your jokes. Our family's Martial Soul has been used to knock the skulls of enemy soldiers since ancient times. When it comes to me, it has become an iron hammer. I am ashamed." While talking and laughing, he took out a piece of green body that had been hammered for a long time, and a flame spewed out from his mouth, burning the green body red. At the same time, the hammer became extremely huge in the air, and the round hammer surface blasted from all directions. The shape of metal is also quietly changing.

"It's the first time I've seen blacksmithing like this, but it's also quite interesting." Seeing the green body in the air changing at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, Yu Ziqi raised his hand to manipulate the huge hammer faster and faster. The appearance is somewhat familiar to him.

"Brother Ziqi, don't you blacksmiths all use the same hammering method when forging iron?"

"It's not the same, but it's about the same, because an excellent blacksmith will always continue to exert force on the hammer, and they will be stronger with one hammer than one hammer, and they can quickly forge a piece of pig iron into fine iron in a short time. Iron, the most famous hammering method should be the chaotic cloak, it is said that the chaotic cloak can swing 81 hammers in a row, and the 81 hammers can eliminate impurities."

Xiang Hao looked up, and unknowingly overlapped with the person in his memory. Was that guy's hammering method just a random cloak? Before he had time to recall, the original blank of the knife had already been punched.

"You're playing pretty fast, why did you take so long." Xiang Hao motioned to Yu Ziqi, his eyes full of amusement.

"You don't understand. There are still some materials that I need time to gather together. There are also these fine iron rock mothers that need to be fired slowly to remove impurities. Generally, they need to be fired for 49 days first." Yu Ziqi hurriedly explained, Then he took out the translucent red dragon blood crystal from the box and inlaid it on the blade with force. In an instant, many scarlet lines appeared on the blade. Along the edges of the five tiger teeth, it looked like five tiger teeth. Teeth are bleeding.

The inlay of red dragon crystal immediately added a murderous look to the dark black blade, and the smell of blood immediately permeated the whole room, and then Yu Ziqi started a new round of beating, the same process, but every time he beat, he New rock mother blanks will be added to increase the weight of the blade. After five strikes and five stops, it was late at night, but Yu Ziqi said that there was still [-]% left.

He wanted to forge the knife all night, Xiang Hao understood the meaning and avoided it naturally, Ao En finally couldn't help but come out, he is a forging demon, he is also crazy about this weapon, different from Yu Ziqi, the huge Ao En En took out a giant hammer from his pocket, and struck the blade with one hammer after another. Under the tempering of the devil's fire, this knife has been endowed with extreme power.Just like that, the trembling sound of knocking on the iron sounded all night, and people in the whole inner city fell asleep with this sound. The old man knew that it was the ghost craftsman who opened the furnace.

(End of this chapter)

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