Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 995 Let me do the last vote

Chapter 995 Let me do the last vote

Robert just went to the banquet alone, and he looked relaxed. It seems that the thrilling pursuit yesterday did not have much impact on him.

During the banquet, everyone talked and laughed happily.

"Old man, are you over 60 years old this year?" Lion Head asked inadvertently.

Robert nodded, "Yes, it's 65 years old."

"How old are you going to work?" Lion Head said as he picked up his wine glass and took a sip.

"Maybe another 2-3 years." Robert said after thinking about it.

"Actually, I think you can rest. In our country, 65-year-olds have already seen through life, but it turns out that you are a good guy, and you are still full of energy." Yang Tianlong said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Haha, life is endless and struggle is endless." Robert said with a hearty smile.

Just after Robert gave a hearty smile, a familiar figure suddenly flashed by the door of the restaurant.

It's David.

I saw David walking towards Robert with a cold face.

Yang Tianlong and Lion Head also discovered this clue, and they couldn't help shouting that something was wrong.

On the contrary, Robert's face was extremely calm, and he snorted coldly at the corner of his mouth, completely ignoring David.

"Robert..." When David was two or three meters away from them, he rushed towards Robert like a mad lion and grabbed his collar.

"What are you doing?" Robert said coldly, and he immediately wanted to reach out and grab David's big hand.

"You fucking ran really fast yesterday." David said with a vicious look on his face.

"Mr. David, please pay attention to your attitude. Are you chatting with a legal American citizen?" Robert also said coldly. guilt.

"My attitude is just that bad. Believe it or not, I'll kill you right now." David said involuntarily, and took out his own gun from his waist, aiming the black muzzle at Robert's. temple.

"Officer David, please restrain yourself." Seeing that Officer David was furious, an elderly plainclothes policeman hurried up and grabbed his hand holding the gun.

"Brian, let me go." David said viciously to the elderly plainclothes policeman, his temper seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

"David, he is now a legal citizen. We must seize the current situation. Your impulsiveness will do you no good." Officer Brian said loudly.

"Hmph, Officer David, after you return to the United States, you can accept the court letter at any time. I am really surprised today. The police in the United States are actually preparing to harm a law-abiding American citizen on African soil." Robert snorted coldly road.

"Robert, you are a fucking bastard, remember, if I see you trading arms next time, I will definitely shoot you in the head, making your white brains look like Flying in the air like snowflakes." Under the persuasion of colleagues nearby, David finally withdrew his gun.

"Heh, Officer David, you are so loud. Neither of us may see the sun tomorrow. You should take care of your parents first. I know they live in Los Angeles." A cigar, after finishing speaking, he lighted it for himself with a cool face.

"Robert, if you dare to mess around, I will never let you go." David said unceremoniously.

Robert didn't speak anymore, but smoked his cigar in big gulps; and Officer David's colleagues also took this opportunity to drive him away quickly.

"Fight with me, and your death will be uglier than a ghost." Robert coldly threw these words at David's back.

After saying this, I saw Robert looking at Lion Head and Yang Tianlong laughing and laughing like a normal person, "Come on, guys, the mad dog just now is gone, let's continue..."

Lion Head looked at Robert and shook his head, "Robert, you have to wash your hands."

"Why?" Robert looked at the lion's head calmly.

"It's true that you are my friend, but I don't want my friend to be a murderer, but I don't want him to kill a policeman." Lion Head said seriously.

Robert suddenly looked at the lion's head in a different way...

After a while, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Haha, I thought what one of my best friends would say. It turned out that he was persuading me not to do arms deals anymore, haha..."

Lion Head is also a person with a temper. Seeing that Robert seemed to be unable to control his emotions, he also became extremely stern.

"Old man, I'm sorry, I can't be friends with an arms dealer." After saying this, Lion Head was about to get up and leave.

"Stop," said Robert suddenly, loudly.

Lion's Head glanced at Robert, but didn't speak.

"Lionhead, you are the person I trust the most. There are four people I trust the most in this world. One is my mother, one is my child, and the other is Mr. Smith. My mother and child have advised me not to Be an arms dealer again, Mr. Smith has been persuading me to continue working, and now you tell me not to continue, now it is [-] to [-], haha, you have won." After saying this, Robert laughed heartily It stopped abruptly, and his face turned pale.

He stretched out his hands and grabbed his hair fiercely, and said to himself in confusion, "Maybe you are right, I shouldn't continue to work, I have a lot of money, and I don't lack money." Woman, but why do I keep doing it? I don’t know why, I just regard this as a profession, and I also know that if I keep doing it, there are only two endings for me, one is to be killed by David The bastard gets caught, the other is to be killed by the enemy, and then throw my body in the Gulf of Mexico to be eaten by sharks..."

"Old man, I still have one last vote. In two months, I'm going to Mexico to make a final deal with Esneda. If I'm still alive, I'll come to you for a drink, and I will The eternal golden pot is gone; if I die, you will not have me as a friend." After saying this, Robert grabbed a bottle of wine on the table and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he waved his hand, "You all go, I will be alone for a while."

The lion's head glanced at Robert, and then walked out of the restaurant with a cool face.

Yang Tianlong and the others followed closely behind.

"Old man, let's not mention anything about this incident recently, just pretend it never happened." Lion Head said to Yang Tianlong seriously in the elevator.

 Thanks to the two old brothers "Book Friends 160504221611028" and "God-level Big Watermelon" for their monthly ticket support, thank you old buddies, sorry, because I have something to thank now

(End of this chapter)

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