Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 969 I Killed a Boy Scout

Chapter 969 I Killed a Boy Scout
"What? There are militants coming?" Yang Tianlong and the others couldn't help being surprised when they heard Doc's words.

"Yes, they ride horses." Doc nodded.

"It should be Musala's army." Claire said after thinking about it.

"Doke, did you see clearly just now? How old are they?" Yang Tianlong signaled Doc not to panic.

"I don't see clearly. We blacks actually develop early. Some of them look about the same as 25 or [-]-year-old men." Doc shook his head.

"Guys, there is a high probability that they will come in, let's get ready later." Claire became more stable at this time, like a soldier who has been tested on the battlefield.

"Guys, try not to shoot, let's..." Yang Tianlong didn't finish speaking, but continued to wipe his neck, and everyone immediately understood what was going on.

Soon, everyone chose a remote place and stood there. At the door were Alexander and Kapai, followed by Burzai and Doc, and then three other black brothers. Akinfeev walked briskly. Jumped to the back of the spring.

All the people became nervous, because they not only vaguely heard the sound of the horse's hooves, but also smelled the smell of the horse.

"Let's just rest here, hey, you two bastards, go and fill up the water." An arrogant voice sounded from the cave entrance.

"Yes, sir." Two childish voices came out.

Sure enough, these ten people were the Boy Scouts.

Not long after, two black boy scouts who were not tall came in talking and laughing.

At this time, Alexander made a gesture of wiping his neck at Yang Tianlong behind him.

Yang Tianlong shook his head and made a gesture of covering his mouth for Alexander and the others.

Alexander and Kapai immediately understood that the boss wants to live.

The two boy scouts passed through the winding cave, getting closer and closer to them, ten meters, eight meters, five meters...

Seeing that they were about to approach Alexander and Kapai with one meter left, they saw that Alexander and the others had already stretched out their hands.

The Boy Scouts were still talking and laughing, but they didn't notice anything unusual inside.

Waiting for the moment when they flashed past Alexander, Alexander and Kapai decisively stretched out their big hands, and the mouths of the two guys were tightly covered at once.

"Move again, and I'll kill you." Alexander pulled out a shining dagger.

The two guys were so frightened that they immediately froze.

"If you want to live, please cooperate with us obediently. We will take you to other countries and keep you away from the war. If you dare to act recklessly, I will definitely let your heads move." Alexander said while putting the dagger in his hand. guy's neck.

The boy scout looked terrified, and he couldn't help but nodded.

"Tell them, there is a fat pig inside, call them in." Seeing that the two guys were really scared, Alexander said quickly.

The Scout in his hand nodded again.

Alexander let go of his big hand that was tightly covering the guy's mouth with a confident face.

"Save..." Unexpectedly, the boy scout suddenly shouted.

Alexander was taken aback for a moment, and then covered his mouth again. This time, Alexander didn't hesitate anymore, and stabbed the boy scout's carotid artery with a Gurkha saber.

The blood suddenly rushed to the boy scout opposite, and the boy scout's face was sprayed all over the face by his partner's hot blood.

"What's the matter?" A voice came from outside.

"Hurry up and talk." Alexander said to the boy scout in Kapai's hand with a vicious expression on his face.

The Boy Scout was completely taken aback this time, and he nodded dumbfounded.

"Let's kill it." Claire said in a low voice at this moment, "These scouts can't be trusted anymore."

As soon as the words came out, the boy scout in Kapai's hand was scared to pee. He knew what the words meant, and these guys were going to kill him to silence him.

"Get out." Yang Tianlong nodded to the guys and said.

All the people took out the things in their hands and slowly moved towards the entrance of the cave.

"Hey, Hugua, have you got the water?" The guys outside started to approach, and they said as they walked.

However there is no response in it.

"Could it be someone inside?" The people outside couldn't help talking to themselves.

"Let's take a look." The leader said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of guys rushed out of the cave, and the guys in their hands even spit out long tongues of fire at them.

Yang Tianlong's marksmanship is very good, these guys have not even realized what's going on, they were shot to the ground one after another.

Even the horses that the group sat down didn't even respond at all.

"A few horses." Yang Tianlong put the gun on his back with a cool face.

"A total of 9 horses." Alexander said with a smile.

"There are exactly nine of us, one for each." Yang Tianlong laughed.

At this time, Claire and the others also came out of the cave, and the boy scout was also escorted by Kapai.

"Doke, you take the guys to clean up the scene, especially those bloodstains, don't have any." Yang Tianlong turned his attention to Doke.

Doc nodded, then greeted the other three militiamen, and threw all the corpses into the grass tens of meters away.

"Let him go." Claire looked at Kapai and said.

Kapai nodded, and then let go of the boy scout in his hand.

The poor guy's mouth was red and swollen from Kapai's big hand.

"What's your name?" Claire threw a bar of chocolate to the Scout.

Not enough, this boy scout seems to have a lot of backbone, he didn't go to pick up the chocolate thrown by Claire, but watched the chocolate thrown to his feet.

"Pick it up." Seeing that this guy was quite stubborn, Kapai couldn't help pressing it, and the boy scout fell to his knees on the ground.

He turned his head and looked at Kapai with a rather unhappy face.

"Oh, you're quite stubborn." Kapai said with a look of contempt.

"Kapai, you go to the top of the hill to be vigilant, let me tell him." Claire said quickly when she saw that Kapai was about to use force against the boy scout again.

Kapai was taken aback for a moment, and then cast a soliciting look at Yang Tianlong with a resentful face.

"Let's go to the police and leave the scene to Mr. Claire." After Yang Tianlong finished speaking, he strode towards the top of this low hill.

"You are still young, you shouldn't be killed in the war." Claire looked at the boy scout with a childish face in front of him and said.

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(End of this chapter)

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