Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 943 Assassinated

Chapter 943 Assassinated
Yang Tianlong took the initiative to ask to go to the third floor, because in his opinion, the third floor is definitely a place full of danger; the lion head originally thought to go to the third floor, but when he saw Yang Tianlong's swearing After looking around, he didn't say anything, and chose to go to the second floor.

The first floor is undoubtedly the safest, so it was also given to Tosor. In this building, the three people's mobile phones also have signal, and the signal is absolutely full.

They agreed that everyone should turn on their mobile phones, and if there is any situation, they can communicate in time through mobile phones.

"If you don't meet anything, let's meet on the first floor in half an hour." Before the dissolution, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but proposed.

Regarding his proposal, neither Lion Head nor Tosor had any objections. Everyone nodded and quickly dispersed.

Yang Tianlong came to the third floor slowly. The third floor was very quiet, except for his own footsteps.

Seeing that there was no one around, Yang Tianlong took Meng Diao out of the plane warehouse with great confidence. He believed that with the help of Meng Diao, there must be great hope for finding the people hiding in this building probability.

After giving Meng Diao a lecture, Meng Diao nodded subconsciously. Yang Tianlong had cooperated with this Meng Diao many times skillfully, and Meng Diao already knew all the orders of his master.

The first room, opened, there is no abnormality in it...

The second room, opened, was empty inside...

The third, the fourth...

Seeing that there is only the last one left.Yang Tianlong couldn't help feeling a little nervous. This last room is very big, and it looks like it should belong to a conference room or something, so it's not like other places where you can see it clearly at a glance, and it's also not Knowing what was going on, Yang Tianlong felt strongly in his heart that there was definitely an answer he wanted in this room.

He couldn't help but tightly gripped the electric baton in his hand, and walked slowly step by step into the last room.

Standing at the door of the room, he deliberately stopped for about a minute. After hearing no abnormal sound, Yang Tianlong suddenly kicked the door open.

It was still silent inside, but the room was neatly filled with tables and chairs, so Yang Tianlong couldn't tell at a glance whether there was anyone hiding inside.

His heart couldn't help but become tense again. After all, if there were other people inside, that guy was hiding in the dark while he was in the light. If that guy played some dirty tricks, he would definitely suffer in the end.

For the sake of safety, Yang Tianlong decided to let Meng Diao in to check what happened.

The consciousness quickly switched back and forth between Meng Diao and himself, and soon Meng Diao flew over with flapping wings.

"Old man, it's up to you." Yang Tianlong said softly to Meng Diao.

Meng Diao nodded, stretched out his sharp claws and scratched Yang Tianlong's palm lightly, then flew in all at once.

First row, no...

Second row, still no...


Seeing that most of the classrooms had been scouted by Meng Diao, and nothing suspicious was found, suddenly there was a sound of chaotic footsteps in the stairwell.

"Fake, catch him..." Yang Tianlong listened, it was the voice of the lion's head.

"Oops..." Lion Head met the guy.

Yang Tianlong didn't have time to continue directing Meng Diao, so he rushed out with a brisk stride.

When he came to the second floor, he saw the lion's head lying on the window of the corridor with a painful expression on his face.

The lion's head's abdomen had already begun to ooze traces of blood.

Beads of sweat also appeared on his face.

"Old man, what's the matter?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"I was stabbed, and that guy escaped." Panting heavily, the lion's head pointed at the broken window that was still shaking.

Without any explanation, Yang Tianlong immediately switched his consciousness to Meng Diao, and Meng Diao flew out of the building at once.

However, everything Meng Diao saw was quiet, and there was no trace of someone escaping just now.

After assigning the task to Meng Diao, Yang Tianlong returned to normal.

Just at this time, Tosor also rushed over.

After seeing the wounded lion's head, he couldn't help being shocked.

"It's okay..." Lion Head let out a long breath.

"Old man, I'll take you to the hospital."

Tosor hurriedly stepped forward to support the lion's head.

"No, you guys go after that guy." Lion Head shook his head with a persistent look on his face.

"Old man, you send Lion Head to the hospital, and I will chase it myself." Yang Tianlong knew that Lion Head was unwilling to miss such a golden opportunity, so he hurriedly said to Tosor. Sol made a wink, and Tosor immediately understood, and without any explanation, he walked downstairs with the lion's head on his head.

Yang Tianlong also hurriedly went downstairs, Meng Diao had already circled over their position many times, but still found nothing.

After thinking about it, Yang Tianlong decided to release the hyena from the plane warehouse again.

The hyenas, who haven't breathed fresh air for a long time, became extremely excited in the woods. They stepped on the thick fallen leaves and ran wildly...

But the hyenas still found nothing...

Seeing this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but punched the tree trunk hard.


By the time he arrived at the hospital, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

"Old man, how about the lion's head?" Yang Tianlong saw Tosor with his head deeply buried in his knees in the corridor.

"He's fine, thanks to the thick clothes, the wound is about 2 centimeters deep, and he doesn't need stitches," Tosor said.

Seeing that the lion's head was fine, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Did you find that guy?" Tosor couldn't help asking.

Yang Tianlong shook his head, "That guy is like a ghost, I have no clue at all."

"So amazing?" Tosor couldn't help but look surprised.

"I came here just because I couldn't find my target," Yang Tianlong said.

"Then let's go back first, the guy with the lion's head probably needs to be observed in the hospital overnight." Tosor couldn't help but yawned long.

"I'll go in and see him." He had already arrived at the hospital, if he didn't go in to see his old buddy, Yang Tianlong would feel sorry for himself.

"I'll go with you." Tosor said quickly.

Gently pushing open the door, the two walked in slowly.

Lion Head has fallen asleep. Under the bright moonlight outside the window, his breathing is very even. It seems that from his calm expression, he has forgotten all kinds of discomfort caused by physical injuries.

After Yang Tianlong and Tosor exchanged glances, they walked out of the room.


(End of this chapter)

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