Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 940 Horror Notes

Chapter 940 Horror Notes

Without any explanation, Tosor quickly walked to the desk and picked up the notebook with a yellowed cover.

His eyes were fixed on it, and not long after, Tosor put down the notebook in his hand with a solemn expression, and looked at Yang Tianlong and Lion Head who were still at the door.

"Guys, this notebook is kind of like a horror novel."

"Really?" Yang Tianlong and Lion Head were taken aback, and they hurried over.

"I took a closer look, and there are three horrible stories recorded in this notebook." Tosor turned to the first story while talking.

"This story takes place in the Amazon rainforest, and it tells about a magical plant that can bring people and animals back to life..." Tosor said while pointing to the neat handwriting on it.

"Is it recorded that countless small snakes crawled into the mouth of a dead boa constrictor with the plant in their mouths, and then the boa constrictor came back to life?" Yang Tianlong thought of Eva before. The story about her uncle's expedition to the Amazon rainforest.

Tosor was taken aback, and stared at Yang Tianlong for a while, then couldn't help but nodded, "Huaxialong, how do you know?"

"A friend told me to come here." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, "But this matter has passed for many years."

"That's right." Tosor nodded.

"Old man, which friend told you?" Lion Head was also very curious, he couldn't help asking Yang Tianlong.

"The mysterious woman in Reedsburg told me last time." Yang Tianlong said to the lion's head unabashedly.

"It's her?" Lion's Head frowned, and it took a while before he began to speak again, "To be honest, the first time I saw that woman, I always felt that she was not an ordinary woman, like a woman with rich personal experience , I never thought she would tell you such a story."

"Hey, which woman are you talking about?" Tosor asked with great interest.

"You don't understand what we said, buddy, let's talk about the next story." Yang Tianlong signaled Tosor to continue.

"This second story happened in Siberia, and it was also told in the tone of the listener. It said that there would be colorful lights in a Siberian wasteland. Once people and animals approached the lights, they would be sucked away by the colorful lights and disappear. Some people suspect that it is the entrance to hell, and some people say that it is a space-time tunnel..." Tosor couldn't help but frowned.

"I'm more inclined to be a space-time tunnel, old man, what about you?" Lion Head said while listening.

"I feel that it may also be a space-time tunnel." Yang Tianlong nodded.

"My opinion is the same. It is said that the surroundings of that place are very empty, and the time when the colorful lights appear every year is not fixed. If you are interested, you can go there to try it." Tosor felt from the heart that the second story The first story is even more absurd, after all, things like time tunnels only appear in science fiction movies.

"What about the third story?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"I flipped through..." Tosor's fingers flipped quickly on the yellowed notebook, and after more than 20 seconds, he turned to the beginning of the third story.

"The third story takes place in central Africa. It is said that there is a primitive tribe who possesses extremely mysterious witchcraft. This witchcraft can summon dead ancestors. Although the dead ancestors have turned into skeletons, they can communicate with them. Language communication, and the owner of this notebook is precisely because after discovering this secret, when he returned to Europe, he often felt that he was controlled by a mysterious consciousness in his sleep. In the end, he could no longer distinguish the dream. In and reality..."

Having said that, Tosor didn't continue talking, but his face became a little heavy.

"Why don't you say it?" The lion's head poked Tosor's waist and asked hastily.

"There will be only one sentence later." Tosor said with a little regret.

"What?" Yang Tianlong and Lion Head hurriedly asked.

"This sentence is written like this..." At this point, Tosor coughed twice, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, "If any of you go there, please don't enter, otherwise, you will be worse off." die."


"No more." Tosor nodded.

"Why didn't this master finish his sentence?" Lion Head seemed to have something to say.

"What didn't you finish?" Tosor asked quickly.

"The key is where is that primitive tribe?" Lion Head said.

"Huh..." Tosor began to scratch his head, as if the notebook really didn't mention where that place was.

"Let me see." Tosor looked again, but he really didn't find where the original tribe was mentioned by the owner of the notebook.

"Not really."

"So let's say..." The lion's head was on the verge of speaking, but he hesitated.

"I'll keep this notebook, and I'll do some research later on." No matter whether Yang Tianlong and Lion Head objected or not, Tosor just stuffed the notebook into his pocket.

They searched in the office, and apart from a large pile of expired sleeping pills and some professional books on the subject, they seemed to have nothing else to gain.

"I'm starting to believe that the owner of this notebook can't tell the difference between reality and dreamland." Looking at the pile of sleeping pills, Yang Tianlong said with a sigh.

"Could that guy be insane?" Lionhead asked.

"It's hard to say, let's continue to search and see if we can find any useful clues." Yang Tianlong said as he walked towards the door.

In the corridor, they summed up.

"Have we all gone just now?"

"It's all over..." Tosor nodded.

"No, there's still one room that hasn't been finished." Suddenly, the expression on Lion Head's face became a little serious.

"Which room?" Yang Tianlong and Tosor asked quickly.

"It's the room we jumped into. I remember there seems to be a small door there." Lion Head tried hard to recall.

"Why don't I have an impression?" Tosor frowned.

"Are you sure? Old man." Yang Tianlong asked.

Lion Head shook his head, "I'm not sure, I just have a vague feeling."

"Then let's go and have a look." Holding the principle that he would rather take a few more steps than miss a room, Yang Tianlong led everyone towards the room that he just entered in strides.

Sure enough, there was a door in the corner of that room.

"Why do I feel the panic here?" Suddenly, Tosor couldn't help pulling his collar.

 Thank you "Yuzou" brother monthly ticket support, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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