Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 918 The Lion Head Is Coming

Chapter 918 The Lion Head Is Coming

"Old man, the Nuertu tribe has driven Musala 200 kilometers away two days ago, and we have regained the oil field." Yang Tianlong looked at Bazar and said with a smile on his face.

"Really?" Bazar couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

"Yes." Yang Tianlong smiled, "We need to consolidate the results of several months of victory and firmly control the oil field, and then we can start construction."

"That's good." Bazar nodded and said, but then Bazar said: "Old man, I think the preliminary work should be done forward, and we can't wait for those few months. Our job is to Once Sala's forces can no longer retake the oil fields, we can move quickly."

For Bazar's suggestion, Yang Tianlong agreed without hesitation. To be honest, he still admires Bazar very much from this point, at least he is an extremely smart and shrewd guy.

"However, in terms of oil transportation, you still need some mediation between your government and Uganda." Yang Tianlong said.

"You said it was the Albert River." Bazar said seriously.

"That's right, it's that river, half of which belongs to Uganda." Yang Tianlong laughed.

"I'll take care of this. See if this works. In another month, I'll send technicians to the oil field to conduct exploration and do solid preliminary work." Bazar said after thinking about it.

"No problem, everything will be done according to your order." Yang Tianlong nodded.

After talking about the oil field, Yang Tianlong told Bazar about investing in Bujumbura. They bought 20000 mu of land, half of which was by the lake, and the other half was at the junction of the plain and the mountain. within the limits of the capital.

"Almost." Bazar didn't take this matter very seriously. After all, it was only a [-] million project. Compared with the land reserve project, he was more concerned about oil.

The two chatted for a while, Bazar saw that Yang Tianlong's family members also came to the living room, got up with a smile on his face, and after greeting them, he proposed to go to the city for dinner.

It is already 05:30, and it takes about ten minutes to drive from the beach to the edge of the city, and then we have to go to the city center...

"According to your arrangement, we do as guests please." Franlo said with a smile on his face.

"Then let's go out now." Bazar said and made a "please" gesture.

The road from the seaside to the urban area is also very wide. Like all seaside cities, the air here is filled with a faint salty smell.

The vehicle drove into the urban area, and the skyscrapers on both sides of the road passed quickly in front of it.

Like Dubai, Reedsburg is actually an international metropolis, so it is also extremely inclusive. Here, there are people with almost any skin color.

Bazar no longer has official duties, and he has returned to the appearance of a commoner. Although he is a "civilian", this time he has hired the largest revolving restaurant in the sky in Reedsburg.

The revolving restaurant, as the name suggests, can be chosen. Basically, it takes about 2 hours to choose a circle. From the 68th floor where the revolving restaurant is located, you can have a full view of the entire Reedsburg.

Bazar also has a lot of family members, his wives, children and his own parents, the wives' parents...

Therefore, the huge revolving restaurant is extremely lively.

"Very cute child." After they greeted Yang Tianlong and his wife, they almost turned their attention to Phyllis and Gianni.

Not to mention, Phyllis and Gianni are very cute. The two children's exquisite facial features and big eyes, especially Gianni's long eyelashes, look like Barbie dolls no matter how they look.

Even those children liked Felice and Gianni very much. Some mischievously took advantage of Elena's inattention and gently kissed Felice or Gianni's pink face, and then She ran away shyly.

The dinner is naturally very grand, with delicious ingredients from all over the world on display.

Looking at these extremely rare delicacies in front of him, Franlo even had the urge to take out the camera to take pictures, but when he subconsciously touched his waist, he realized with embarrassment that he was not at all I didn't bring my camera out.

At the dinner party, everyone was in high spirits.

This lively dinner party lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Both Yang Tianlong and Franlo were slightly drunk, but they didn't drink too much.

After waiting to return to the villa, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Phyllis and Gianni had already fallen asleep, and his wife Elena was also a little sleepy. After returning to the room, she took a shower and lay on the bed.

With the sea breeze blowing along the way just now, when Yang Tianlong returned to the villa, the alcohol on his body had already evaporated.

His mind is unusually clear.

It seems that there was a call just now that I didn't receive.

Thinking of this, Yang Tianlong quickly took out his mobile phone.

Turning on the phone, he saw that he had missed a call.

The call was from Lionhead.

Without hesitation, Yang Tianlong called.

Soon, Lion's Head's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey guy."

"Lion head, have you returned to Bunia?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"No, I'm in Belgium now, and I'm applying for a passport for Mana." Lionhead said with a smile.

"How?" Yang Tianlong asked in surprise.

"Of course I'm looking for a relationship." Lionhead said, "We can finish it in two or three days. By the way, old man, where are you now? I heard they said you returned to Berlin, right? Berlin and I It's very close to my hometown." Lion Head became a little excited.

"I'm now in Reedsburg, the capital of Karta." Yang Tianlong said.

"Ah?" Lion Head was taken aback, and said immediately, "Old man, why did you run so far?"

"Isn't it winter in Europe now? The children are still young, and I'm worried that they won't be able to stand the severe cold, so we went to Reedsburg for vacation." Yang Tianlong said.

"I can't see, you are quite competent as a super dad." Lion Head said jokingly.

"How about it, buddy, are you interested in coming here for a few days?" Yang Tianlong extended a warm invitation to Lion Head.

"Okay, but I have to wait for two days." Lion's head agreed heartily.

"Okay, I'll stay here for at least half a month, I'll wait for you." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.


After finishing the call with Lion Head, Yang Tianlong walked into the bedroom and couldn't help smiling wryly. His wife Elena had already fallen asleep, but he hadn't taken a shower yet.

Seeing his wife sleeping soundly, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but kissed his wife's face lightly, and then walked into the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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