Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 916 Battle Victory

Chapter 916 Battle Victory
Yang Tianlong and Gordon's lunch, he went to the dinner as promised.

Gordon chose a rather private place for lunch this time, and there were only the two of them in the huge single room.

At first, Gordon only talked about his friendship with Mr. Franlo, and didn't talk about other things at all, but as the drunkenness with Yang Tianlong became stronger, he finally said it out.

It turned out that exactly as he had guessed, Gordon still wanted to cooperate with Prince Hussein on the research and development of a biological vaccine, but the cost of this biological vaccine was too high, and his funds were difficult, so he had to work with Prince Hussein. Prince Hussein cooperation.

"I'll try my best." Yang Tianlong was a little embarrassed, and he even secretly regretted that he must have said something wrong just now, which made Gordon tell him the purpose of this banquet.

"I believe you have this ability, Huaxia Dragon, and I will definitely not forget to thank you then." Gordon said with a smile.

"It would be even better if we can promote the cooperation between you, just thank you." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"Then I thank you in advance." The old and cunning Gordon said while raising his glass.

"You are too polite, Mr. Gordon." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly.

After lunch, Gordon actually proposed to take Yang Tianlong to visit his pharmaceutical factory, but Yang Tianlong declined with a smile on his face as he had something to do in the afternoon.

"Okay, then I'll ask my driver to take you back." Gordon said as he called his driver over.

Gordon's driver also looked like a big and thick man with a beard. For some reason, when he saw this driver, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but want to compare him with those guys who threatened him on the rooftop of Dubai. They are compared.

If Gordon doesn't let his driver take him, Yang Tianlong will definitely take a taxi and go home, but right now he doesn't want to go home, but directly asks the driver to take him downstairs to a hotel.

Walking into the hotel, Yang Tianlong found a seat in the coffee shop on the roof and sat down, looking at the scenery outside the window, listening to the melodious sound of the piano, and sipping delicious coffee. It was not until an hour and a half later that he walked out Hotel, stopped the car and went straight to the house.


The long Christmas holiday is finally over, and just at the beginning of the new year, Vasily and the others launched a military strike code-named "Operation Winter" against Musala's army in South Sudan.

With artillery fire, heavy equipment attacks, well-trained infantry clearing obstacles, and armed helicopters providing air support, they drove Musala's army 200 kilometers away in less than two days. Even they themselves didn't expect it.

Having achieved their purpose of action, the Nuertu people began to build various military buildings on the spot to consolidate their victory.

Peter Udlov also took Ukoya to the small town of Subi, and they commanded a team of hundreds of people to bring the communication facilities from Subi to the oil field.

With a good communication system, the unmanned attack aircraft can play a huge advantage, and this oil field can basically be well defended.

When Yang Tianlong learned of the result of the victory at home, he couldn't help but hugged his wife Elena.

Elena was caught off guard and screamed in the air in fright.

"Sorry, honey, I'm so excited." Yang Tianlong said apologetically after putting his wife down.

"Honey, what makes you so happy?" Elena couldn't help asking hastily.

"The golden waterway in central Africa has been connected, and our market has opened up. Do you think I can be unhappy?" Yang Tianlong looked at his wife and said.

"No wonder you're so happy. This waterway is connected, and Huaxia's small commodities don't need to detour through Lanfei's Cape of Good Hope." Elena also analyzed the situation quite thoroughly.

"Yes, we can save a lot of cost, and I don't need to pay too many deed taxes along the way, do you think I can be unhappy?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"We'll go to Addis Ababa or Bunia after our parents-in-law and mother-in-law spend the Spring Festival with us." Elena said with a smile.

"We'll see when the time comes." Yang Tianlong didn't promise right away, after all, everything was just a plan, not to mention the current economic globalization and transportation globalization, they want to travel, it's just a matter of a day or two.

"Okay, let's see when the time comes." Elena said with a smile.

"Honey, how about we go to Reedsburg tomorrow?" Suddenly, Yang Tianlong put his arms around his wife's waist and said.

"Okay, let's tell Mom and Dad." Elena said.

"Okay, let's tell them when we have lunch." After thinking about it, Yang Tianlong said.

Elena nodded lightly, and then snuggled into her husband's embrace with a happy face.

During lunch, Yang Tianlong informed Mr. Franlo and Mrs. Sofia that he was going to Reedsburg for vacation tomorrow.

The weather in Europe is really cold and terrible. For the Franlos who are used to staying in the spring city of Addis Ababa, it is really unbearable.

Therefore, the two of them nodded without thinking.

Mr. Franlo even took out his mobile phone and checked the temperature in Reedsburg.

Seeing that the temperature in Reedsburg is around 20 degrees at night and around 30 degrees during the day, he smiled and told his family that they can go to the supermarket in the afternoon to buy some summer items, where they can even swim in the sea .

The climate in Reedsburg is indeed suitable for them to go on vacation.

The entire afternoon, the whole family was out, but it is still winter in Berlin, and they also took a lot of effort to find a store where they can buy swimwear, swimming trunks, and swimming goggles.

However, the goods in this store are also extremely scarce...

After thinking about it, they decided to buy it after arriving in Reedsburg.

It's summer in Riedesburg, they don't need to carry too many things, the private plane took off directly from Berlin Airport at nine o'clock the next morning, after five hours of flying in the air, and after two hours of time difference , They arrived at Reedsburg International Airport at 5 pm local time in Reedsburg.

When it was a little regrettable, Prince Hussein was visiting East Asia with King Haziz, and Bazar brought the convoy to the airport to meet them.

As soon as we got off the plane, a wave of heat hit us head-on.

Fortunately, they all changed into summer clothes on the plane in time, so that they would not be attacked by the scorching heat wave.

Bazar in robes and his wives were standing under the passenger elevator with a smile on their faces, waiting for their arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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