Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 783 Mr. Claire Has Whereabouts

Chapter 783 Mr. Claire Has Whereabouts

After dinner in the evening, Yang Tianlong called Vasily, Hank and Albuquer into his room.

When these rough men walked into Yang Tianlong's room, they felt that this should be a different conversation.

Inside the room, they saw Jiang Zhaocheng.

In the afternoon at the training ground, Hanke also introduced the guys he had brought to Yang Tianlong one by one.

These guys are all Germans, and when they introduced Yang Tianlong, their expressions were extremely confident.

Klintz, the former squad leader of the special forces reconnaissance squad; Enka, the squad leader of the sharp knife squad of the Airborne Forces;

"Guys, this is Mr. Jiang, I don't think I need to introduce too much." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Vasily and the others nodded, looking at Yang Tianlong with serious expressions.

"Actually, I didn't tell you the truth about Mr. Jiang's identity before, because it was kept secret, so I specially summoned you guys here tonight. The purpose is to ask some of you to help Mr. Jiang fight the government army. "

"What? Fighting the government army?" Everyone was taken aback. They looked at Yang Tianlong incredulously, and they all thought to themselves, has this guy forgotten the slogan of their Bunia peace commando?
Seeing the surprised faces of these guys, Yang Tianlong couldn't help smiling, he knew that he didn't finish what he said just now.

"Everyone in the country of Catalia should know that the current President Cohen came to power through a military coup. The citizens originally expected him to overthrow the brutal rule of the previous president to change people's livelihood and well-being. Mr. Jiang used to be a member of Congress and had a great reputation in Catalia. In order to resist oppression and exploitation, he personally set up a revolutionary army with his own money. The army is now hiding in the deep mountains, we must help them." Yang Tianlong expressed his remarks with a cadence.

After these words, these guys are also full of enthusiasm.But they are not limited to well-developed limbs and simple minds. After a while, Vasily couldn't help saying, "Boss, I think this matter needs to be put aside right now."

"Let it go?" Yang Tianlong and Jiang Zhaocheng couldn't help being surprised.

"Yes, because Mr. Claire has disappeared." Vasily couldn't help but said seriously.

"What? Mr. Claire's whereabouts?" Yang Tianlong stood up suddenly.

This news is really exciting.

"When will there be news?" Yang Tianlong said quickly.

"Just now, Durul told me." Vasily said seriously.

Hank and Albuquerque also nodded.

"Great, finally there is a whereabouts." Yang Tianlong clenched his fists excitedly.

Jiang Zhaocheng on the side was a little at a loss, he looked at Yang Tianlong expectantly, but he couldn't help but said in his heart, this brother Yang will not leave him alone.

"Brother, you really have to let go of your business. I have to take these guys with me." Yang Tianlong looked at Jiang Zhaocheng excitedly but seriously and said.

"This?" Jiang Zhaocheng was suddenly disappointed.

"Old man, I don't think this matter will affect you." Suddenly, Hank said seriously.

When Jiang Zhaocheng heard this, he couldn't help but suddenly ignited hope in his heart.

"Tell me." Yang Tianlong said.

"We can ask Klintz and Manninger to help them train. These two have served as instructors in the army, and their organizational skills are very strong." Hanke replied seriously.

Jiang Zhaocheng nodded quickly, "Yes, I can send a training team of 400 people to you."

Yang Tianlong didn't make a sound, but frowned and began to think. In fact, what Hank said was right, their guys are completely enough right now, and there is no need to bring a large team to rescue Claire.

"Okay, just do as you said." Yang Tianlong nodded involuntarily.

"Brother Yang, we depend on you for the weapons and equipment." Jiang Zhaocheng said hastily upon hearing this.

"No problem, Mr. Jiang, to be honest, I really can't spend your 3 million US dollars for a while. See if this works. You give me 5000 million US dollars first, and I will help you buy arms and train the army. When the war really starts, you will give me the rest of the funds, and we will calculate it when the war is over." When Yang Tianlong said this, his tone became a little anxious.

Jiang Zhaocheng knew that what he was thinking about now was how to rescue his buddies, and there was really no rush for such things as war. In his opinion, as long as he sent the elite members of his private armed forces here for training, the That's the best arrangement.

"Okay, let's talk first. I'll give you 1 million U.S. dollars later and transfer it to your bank account. I'll arrange someone to come over as soon as possible in the next two days." Jiang Zhaocheng said heartily.

"Mr. Jiang, 5000 million US dollars is enough." Yang Tianlong said quickly.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhaocheng was extremely stubborn. He shook his head and said that it was still 1 million US dollars. After the end, he said goodbye and left.

"This Mr. Jiang is very straightforward." Albuquer said, frowning.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Mr. Jiang is the richest man in Catalia, and his net worth is billions of dollars. For him, these are undoubtedly nothing more than pediatrics."

"Boss, just leave the training to Klintz and Enka. Their ability is not inferior to mine." Elbook said seriously.

"Okay, I believe you, but they still have to have someone in charge, how about this, I will call Siman back later, and Siman will be in overall charge." Yang Tianlong said.

Hank nodded, "No problem, Siman is still very capable."

After quickly ending the topic, Yang Tianlong hurriedly said, "Vassily, go and call Durul over here."

Vasily nodded, and then strode out.

"Where is Claire now?" Yang Tianlong became a little excited.

"Old man, we just listened to what Durul said. We wanted to stay there for a while, but you asked us for something, so we came here first. As for the exact location, we really don't know." Albu Spread your hands and shrug your shoulders.

Hank on the side couldn't help but nodded.

"Then let Durul come over and tell us well." Yang Tianlong frowned and said.

 Thank you "Xiaobiao 009" brother for his monthly ticket support, thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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