Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 779 I Have a Chinese Name

Chapter 779 I Have a Chinese Name
The two of them were driven by Lao Deng to Jiang's villa in Tasfar at around three o'clock.

Unlike the vast majority of rich people's villas in wealthy areas, Tasfar Jiang's villas are actually in the suburbs.

"The richest man in a country builds his villa in the suburbs, is it possible that he is not afraid of being robbed?" Yang Tianlong half-jokingly half-seriously said on the way there.

"He has a lot of subordinates, and he has hired several retired special forces to be his personal bodyguards. Unless the government takes action against him, otherwise, with the skill of those little thieves, it is estimated that they can't even break through the gate. died."

"That's true. Nowadays, it is popular for rich people to hire bodyguards. One is for safety, and the other is to look dignified when they go out." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"People are different, but a boss like you probably doesn't need a bodyguard." Old Deng said with a smile.

"This is different. If it's really dangerous outside, you still need bodyguards. After all, a person's observation ability is limited, and it's impossible to cover everything. It would be very tiring to keep a high degree of vigilance at all times." Yang Tianlong Said.

Lao Deng nodded, "That's true."

The two turned around on the rugged road, just like Li Weimin took him to Ye Lao's villa before, and it took nearly an hour on the road to reach the villa.

This time, Yang Tianlong was somewhat unexpected again. He originally thought that the richest man's villa was in European style, but after looking at the door, he found that the villa's style was still Chinese style.

Lao Deng had called earlier, so the door of the villa was directly opened to them, and a middle-aged man in his 40s was standing solemnly at the boulder at the door.

"That's Tasfar Jiang." Old Deng said softly.

"It really looks like a Chinese." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"You can have a good chat with him." Old Deng said as he opened the car door and walked quickly towards Tasfar Jiang.

Yang Tianlong followed closely behind.

"Old Deng, long time no see." Again beyond Yang Tianlong's expectation, this Tasfar Jiang could speak fluent Chinese.

"Hello, Mr. Tasfar Jiang." Lao Deng said with a smile.

"This is the Mr. Huaxialong you mentioned, right?" Tasfar Jiang couldn't help but look at Yang Tianlong who was beside him.

"Yes, this is Mr. Hua Xialong." Old Deng hurriedly introduced.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang." To Lao Deng's surprise, Yang Tianlong was not called Tasfar Jiang, but Mr. Jiang.

When Tasfar Jiang heard this address, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up. You must know that many people have not used the word "Mr. Jiang" to call themselves.

"Hello, Mr. Yang." Tasfar Jiang said with a smile.

The hands of the two were immediately held together.

"I have a Chinese name, Jiang Zhaocheng." Tasfar Jiang said.

Lao Deng couldn't help frowning, thinking in his heart that he didn't seem to have heard him mention it.

"Zhao, the surname is Zhao, because my grandfather's mother's surname is Zhao. Since my grandfather came to Africa at the age of 20, he has never returned to his own country, so after I was born, his old man commemorated himself My parents who lived far away in China gave me such a name. A few years ago, I brought my grandfather’s ashes back to China and buried his ashes in the ancestral grave.” Jiang Zhaocheng was a little moved as he spoke, he Already 45 years old, he has experienced a lot of things, and it can be regarded as a time when he is down and down, so when he said these words, he was quite moved.

"Understood, the mentality of the older generation is to return to their roots. Even if they do not do well overseas, they will have such thoughts." Yang Tianlong said with a face of respect.

Jiang Zhaocheng nodded, "Let's go, let's go to the tea room for a chat."

"Okay." Both Yang Tianlong and Lao Deng couldn't help but nodded, and then walked slowly towards the tea room.

The green tea has been brewed, and there are snacks with Chinese characteristics. If it weren't for the black-skinned maid, Yang Tianlong would really think that he was in China.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm very sorry to bother you. Actually, I'm planning to invest in Catalia, but after going there yesterday, I always feel unreliable, so I want you to help me out. Take a superior opinion."

"I can't talk about being an expert, but I am quite familiar with the situation and situation of the country of Catalia." Jiang Zhaocheng said after taking a sip of tea.

"Then please give me some pointers." Yang Tianlong said.

"The current president used to be a major general in the Air Force. He was a tyrant when he was in office, but this one is not much better. In my opinion, he asked you to go to him to do timber business, just to drive out my army."

"Ah?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

Jiang Zhaocheng said with a helpless smile, "In fact, the entire international community is not optimistic about Cohen at present, because his quality lies there. We Chinese people have a saying, 'a dog can't change it and eat shit'. Cohen used to have a bad record. It was only because the previous president was planning to dismiss him that he became rebellious. Otherwise, he must still be a major general of the Air Force. When the previous president was in office, I had a political disagreement with him. What's more, in order to resist them, I called a group of people to form a revolutionary army, but we still have a lot of disadvantages in terms of weapons, so we have been retreating steadily for the past two years, and they drove them to the mountains."

"What's the use of having money? I still can't buy new weapons and equipment. Sometimes our broken guns can't even kill mosquitoes."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zhaocheng couldn't help sighing again.

"What about smuggling arms?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"The smuggled are all light weapons, which are useless."

Yang Tianlong didn't speak anymore, but began to think in his heart. In fact, the ammunition in his plane warehouse can be sold, but...

Forget it, Yang Tianlong couldn't help shaking his head deep in his heart.

"As cruel as Cohen, he might be killed by others. If the country of the United States interfered, the drama would be even more exciting." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Yes, that's why Cohen is also a cunning rabbit. There is a tunnel in his villa, which is directly connected to the forest behind him. Once the Americans attack him, he can escape completely."

"Actually, I don't quite understand why Americans can attack Cohen. This seems to be a violation of international law, right? Are they not afraid of being condemned?" Suddenly, Old Deng couldn't help asking.

 Thank you "Yuzou" brother monthly ticket support, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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