Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 570 Live Ammunition Shooting Range

Chapter 570 Live Ammunition Shooting Range

"Let's not talk about it now, let's talk about it later." Wilmots said with a smile.

"What's the matter? Could it be that such a sumptuous supper is for us to feast our eyes on?" Siman said jokingly.

"Hey, can't you wait? Old man." Yang Tianlong looked at Siman and said with a smile.

Siman was taken aback for a moment, completely unaware of what kind of medicine these guys were selling in the gourd.

"Are you all right?" Siman even began to look at Wilmots and Yang Tianlong suspiciously.

"How can something happen?" The two shook their heads in unison.

"Then why don't we start?" Sman frowned.

"Wait for someone." Wilmots chuckled.

"Who?" Siman and the others were even more puzzled by Monk Zhanger now.

"Raff, he and Lucy will be here soon." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Siman couldn't help laughing, "You two should have said earlier, now that it's so mysterious, I thought something big had happened."

Just as they were talking, Raff and Lucy came up with smiles on their faces, and Mrs. Wilmots, Belen, Ciri, and Hansa also came to the rooftop together.

Of course, the old man Kurtu is also indispensable.

Seeing the influx of so many people, Siman was completely dumbfounded. What is this for?
"Happy birthday, old man." Raff grinned.

As soon as Raff finished speaking, Mrs. Wilmots held up the big cake in her hand.

"Happy birthday." Everyone said together.

"Today is my birthday?" Siman seemed a little unable to believe his ears.

"Of course it's today, May 5th." Wilmots said with a smile.

"My God, I completely forgot." Siman's face was touched.

"Actually, thanks to Raff's reminder." Wilmots said with some embarrassment.

Raff smiled and said, "I also had a burst of inspiration by accident, and I always felt something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, I remembered that today is Siman's birthday. By the way, old man, you won't be angry, right?"

Siman shook his head and said with a smile, "How could I be angry? I'm too late to be happy now. I said why something is wrong with the atmosphere today. It turns out it's my birthday."

"Come on, everyone sit down quickly, each of us opens the can, and wish Mr. Sman a happy birthday together, what do you think?"

"Alright..." Raff's proposal was also very appealing. Needless to say, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

Clap... All of a sudden, everyone opened the lid of the can, including a few ladies.

To Yang Tianlong's surprise, Vasili also picked up a can of beer.

When Vasili saw Yang Tianlong looking at him, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Happy birthday." Everyone's voices were surprisingly unanimous.

Then the cans began to collide in the air, bursting out beautiful hops...

It feels so good to drink it in one sip.

"Hey guys..."

Suddenly, Siman seemed to have something to say.

"What's wrong?" Wilmots couldn't help but looked at Siman beside him.

"I still want to say the slogan of our peace commando." Sman said with a smile.

"This second cup is just fine." Wilmots said with a smile.

Then, at Sman's suggestion, everyone clinked glasses for the second time.

"Cheers to justice..." Everyone roared again in unison.

Although they have been training on the training ground today, the spirits of these rough men are surprisingly good. After drinking for three rounds, they are the only members of the peace commando left on the huge rooftop.

"Guys, our training is great." Siman said with alcohol, "We are confident that we can train them within half a month."

As soon as Sman's words fell, Vasili and the others couldn't help but nodded.

These guys are very good at military training, and the scientific training method is very effective.

Of course, the strict education and management of those black soldiers is also indispensable.

"After half a month, we can teach them to shoot with live ammunition." Raff said seriously.

"It's just that the live ammunition shooting site has not been found yet." Raff's face is full of meaning that you understand.

Yang Tianlong and the others know that simple training will not attract the attention of the local garrison, but once it involves live ammunition training, there are some problems.

If discovered, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"It seems that there are really no venues in the Bunia area." Yang Tianlong frowned involuntarily.

This is a big problem.

"Only the 312th Brigade has a live ammunition training ground." Raff said seriously.

"We borrowed from them?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help blurting out.

"Man, you have to think about it, we are defending against them now, if we still borrow their field?" Wilmots reminded kindly from the side.

"How far is their venue from here?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"It's about 30 kilometers away, and it's also on the edge of the rainforest." Raff replied.

"That's still far away. Is there anyone guarding that field?" Yang Tianlong asked again.

This time it was up to Wilmots to answer, "Yes, but not much."

"I think I can give it a try." Yang Tianlong seemed to gain some confidence.

"How to try?"

Everyone was a little surprised.

"Leave this issue to me for the time being, and I will deal with it in the next two days." Yang Tianlong smiled.

The person he found was Tem, of course.

That guy even dared to sell arms, what else would he not dare to do.

"But will we be discovered?" Vasily frowned involuntarily.

Raff immediately replied, "Theoretically, it shouldn't be, because from our place to the training ground, we don't pass through the town at all. It's sparsely populated, and basically no one shows up."

After seeing this, Vasily couldn't help but nodded. To be honest, this method may be worth a try.

After finishing the discussion on this issue, everyone focused on Siman again.

Of course, it is still considered for Siman's lifelong event.

"Don't make fun of me, I look like this, who would like it?" Sman said with a smile.

There was a long scar on his face, which looked really scary. Many girls would involuntarily think of Siman in the direction of the bad guy when they saw him.

"Like someone is not based on appearance, but on the heart. To be honest, you basically have no other shortcomings except for a little bad temper." Raff said with a "serious" face.

"Go away." Siman couldn't help "angry", "Your temper is more irritable than I am sometimes."

"So, there are people who like me, let alone you? Is this the truth? Old man." After Raff finished speaking, he smiled heartily.

Siman was not angry when everyone made such a joke.

But at the end, he suddenly said, "Actually, I have someone I like."

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately pricked up their ears.

For fear of missing any important information.

(End of this chapter)

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