Chapter 564
When Yang Tianlong saw his wife at Addis Ababa Airport, he found that his eyes were moist.

Maybe it's excitement, maybe it's a long-lost reunion.

You know, when he got off the plane earlier, he even trotted all the way.

His appearance also attracted the attention of passengers in the airport.

Even a black policeman with a big belly stopped him and asked him with a puzzled look if there was anything important.

Yang Tianlong shook his head and told the police that he had nothing serious to do.

The police didn't seem to take him very seriously.

The moment he saw his wife, he suddenly slowed down.

You can't let your wife see that you are a little nervous.

"Honey." Elena couldn't believe it when she saw her husband whom she missed day and night. In fact, Bunia is not far from Addis Ababa, but because of her pregnancy, Had to stay at home.

Elena threw herself into Yang Tianlong's arms, her face full of happiness.

Many airport staff were already familiar with this couple, and they even looked at Yang Tianlong and Elena happily.

"You have become beautiful again, my dear." Yang Tianlong said while holding Elena's beautiful face.

"Really?" Elena seemed a little unbelievable, "I think I've gained a lot of weight."

"Your beauty has nothing to do with being fat or thin." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"You're the only one who can talk." Elena said coquettishly.

"That is, who made you my wife." After Yang Tianlong said this, he held his wife's hand tightly, lest she slip away from him.

"Let me kiss you, please?" Suddenly, Elena said with her big beautiful eyes shining.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, he hadn't thought of his wife at all...

"Okay." Yang Tianlong knew the reason why his wife missed him too much.

Elena kissed him lightly on the face with a sweet face, and then nestled her head on Yang Tianlong's solid shoulder with a happy face.

"Honey, who is here to pick us up today?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smile.

"It's father." Elena replied.

"Where's Johnny? Is he at home?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"He's not at home, he cares about Dali."

At the airport parking lot, Yang Tianlong met his father-in-law, Mr. Francois.

"Hey, Huaxialong, my child." Franlo gave Yang Tianlong a big hug after speaking.

"Why did you turn black?" Franlo said suddenly after the hug.

Elena was taken aback. She didn't seem to notice this problem before, but now that Mr. Franlo said this, she seemed to notice it all at once.

She couldn't help but looked at her husband a few times, and sure enough, he turned black.

"Honey, do you often bask in the sun outside?" Elena said with some distress.

"Almost." Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing at himself, "The sunshine in Bunia is much stronger than that in Biades Ababa. Have you noticed that the aboriginals there are much darker than the aboriginals here?"

Elena seemed to disagree with his words, "No way, why do I feel that the ultraviolet rays in Addis Ababa are stronger?" After saying this, Elena couldn't help turning her eyes to her father .

Mr. Franlo is a very knowledgeable elder.

Franlo nodded and said seriously, "Child, Huaxia Dragon is actually right. Addis Ababa has strong ultraviolet rays, but the color difference it causes to the human body is mainly dark brown, while Bunia The sunlight over there is very strong, mainly because it is closer to the equator, and the color difference it causes to the human body is mainly black, which is why the local aboriginals in Bunia look darker than the aboriginals in Ababa reason."

After hearing her father's explanation, Eileen suddenly realized, and she nodded involuntarily.

"Let's go, children, let's get in the car." After speaking, Mr. Franlo took off the sunglasses hanging on his chest, and then put them on his face smartly.

Soon, the off-road vehicle driven by Mr. Franlo drove out of the airport parking lot and quickly drove towards his home.

However, not long after they drove out of the airport, they saw car sirens blaring, and a van rushed past at a speed that did not match its condition.

Immediately afterwards, several police cars quickly passed in front of them...

Seeing this, Franlo hurriedly parked the off-road vehicle firmly on the side of the road, and stared at what happened ahead seriously.

"Father, what's wrong?" Elena couldn't help asking.

"It should be the smuggler who was caught." Franlo frowned involuntarily.

"Smuggler?" Elena was very surprised.

Yang Tianlong was also taken aback, and he never expected that there would be smugglers.

He was very curious about how Mr. Franlo could quickly identify the other party as a stowaway.

"Sir, how did you know that the other party was a stowaway?" Yang Tianlong asked curiously.

"Because that car belongs to the local snakehead group." Franlo smiled slightly.

"Where did they smuggle from here to?" Yang Tianlong was a little confused. In fact, Ethiopia's economy is considered good in the whole of Africa. Could it be that the residents here smuggled to nearby poorer countries.

"This is another intersection for smuggling from Central Africa to Europe, my child." Franlo said seriously, "Another relatively large intersection is Lanfei. From here, you can reach the Middle East through the Red Sea. From the Middle East to Europe is a very simple matter."

"Then if you want to smuggle from Bunia to Europe, how should you go?" Suddenly, Yang Tianlong was quite interested.

After thinking for a while, Franlo said, "Enter Ethiopia from South Sudan or Uganda, but the best way to go is South Sudan, because there is still civil strife there, and basically no one cares about you. After arriving in Ethiopia, you basically enter the Red Sea , as long as you arrive in the Middle East, it will basically be smooth all the way.”

Franlo's analysis is not unreasonable, and Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded when he heard it.

After waiting in place for a while, Franlo continued to drive.

Sure enough, 3 kilometers ahead, the police stopped the van just now, and more than a dozen black people were escorted to the side of the road by the police.

Those black men were all in tatters, which fit well with their identities as stowaways.

The police were not polite, and even started punching and kicking.

Yang Tianlong's eyes quickly passed over them.

Sluggishness, dullness, and bewilderment are the best interpretations of the expressions of those stowaways.

(End of this chapter)

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