Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 559 Battle (1)

Chapter 559 Battle (1)

Vasily was surprised at first, but then he couldn't help laughing.

Obviously, he also knew the significance of this strategy.

Vasily nodded very readily, and he also gave up the idea of ​​​​attacking at night in his heart.

Abandoning the oil field means that General Satin and the others must never lose the second defense zone again. General Satin also knows that once the second defense zone is lost, the oil field will be absolutely finished.

"Huaxialong, don't worry, we will guard the second defense area well." General Satin said, patted his chest with a face full of promises.

Yang Tianlong nodded. In fact, he also understood from his heart that the second defense zone is not difficult to defend, provided that there are no more traitors.

However, General Sardin still has a request, that is, he hopes that Vasily and the others can stay and help them train.

Yang Tianlong looked at Vasily, and Vasily said with a smile that he would do whatever the boss asked him to do.

"Then follow me back to Bunia." Yang Tianlong laughed.

General Sardin was taken aback, and looked at Yang Tianlong with a puzzled expression, "Huaxia Dragon, this..."

"Vassily is an all-around fighter. I need him to train your soldiers to drive tanks. General Satin, don't you need those heavy equipment?" Yang Tianlong said seriously.

In an instant, General Satin understood what was going on. It turned out that Vasily still had such a mission.

Once he had equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles, General Satin felt that his confidence must be a lot stronger.

He nodded decisively, expressing that he would fully cooperate, and he would send the best fighters of the entire Nuertu people to study.

Yang Tianlong thought for a while, and he told General Satin that the first batch of 200 people would be dispatched at that time.

While chatting enthusiastically, General Sardin's adjutant brought up food and beverages such as barbecue, vegetables, fruits, and spirits. General Sardin first raised his glass and thanked Yang Tianlong and the others with respect.

This night, Yang Tianlong drank a lot of wine, although he had a good capacity for alcohol, but when he was resting, he still felt that the strong wine was higher.

He fell asleep until nine o'clock in the morning. When he got up, General Satin was still sound asleep. Vasili, who had no drinking habits, naturally did not drink. He passed on his military knowledge to these Nuertus as much as possible. man soldier.

It wasn't until noon that General Satin woke up. When he woke up, he was still a little unconscious, and he swayed when he walked.

It wasn't until after two o'clock in the afternoon that General Satin felt much better.

According to the original plan, they will return to the small town of Subi in the afternoon. When they arrive at the small town of Subi, Yang Tianlong and the others will take a boat back to Bunia, and the No. 200 soldiers sent by General Satin will sneak into the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and arrive in Bunia. nia.

Just when they were about to get into the car, suddenly, the brigade commander of the second defense zone ran over and told General Satin that Musala's army was attacking again.

Upon hearing this, General Sardin did not express his opinion immediately, but looked at Yang Tianlong. It was obvious that he was seeking Yang Tianlong's opinion.

"General Satin, since the enemy is actively attacking, it is not too late for us to leave after this battle." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong closed the car door he had just opened.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw an enemy plane roaring towards him.

"Get down quickly..." Vasili yelled, and then threw himself on Yang Tianlong's body.

"Bang..." The missile fired by the fighter jet hit a cabin directly.

The cabin was blown to pieces, and a raging fire ignited inside instantly...

Seeing the cabin they stayed in last night was hit by a missile, Yang Tianlong and General Sardin couldn't help but feel a lingering fear.

You must know that half an hour ago, they were still in the cabin.

Vasily frowned after watching the enemy plane go away.

It's not like that village has big trees for Vasily to play.

Yang Tianlong also saw what Vasily was thinking. Seeing this, he couldn't help but smiled, "Vasili, don't worry, let the drones deal with them."

Hearing this, Vasily couldn't help but also laughed.

"Hey, old man, let the unmanned attack aircraft go to the sky, just try the firepower of this thing." Yang Tianlong said to General Satin.

General Satin nodded, and then shouted orders to the adjutant.

Soon, more than 100 unmanned attack aircraft buzzed like bees and took off, heading straight for the battlefield.

The black soldiers who remotely controlled the unmanned attack aircraft looked even more serious, as nervous as they were facing a big enemy.

From time to time, these guys would ask questions, and Yang Tianlong hurried over to answer them one by one.

Under the command of Yang Tianlong, more than 20 unmanned attack aircraft stayed nearby, ready to attack the enemy's fighter jets, and the remaining nearly 100 aircraft flew directly to the battlefield.

According to the method taught earlier, the flying altitudes of these unmanned attack aircraft are not low, and they are all at an altitude of about 200-400 meters. In this way, the enemy can basically recognize the existence of the unmanned attack aircraft from the naked eye.

Yang Tianlong also remotely controlled the four unmanned attack aircraft. Under his remote control, the unmanned attack aircraft arrived at the location of Musala's army in less than 10 minutes.

Under the cover of tanks and cannons, black soldiers rushed towards the second defense zone where they were located.

Seeing this posture, Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing. With such a density, it is almost unnecessary to use an unmanned attack aircraft to attack.

After decisively pressing the launch button, the unmanned attack aircraft, which can hold more than 100 rounds of ammunition, fired out the bullets.

However, the unmanned attack aircraft cannot be launched continuously. It will pause for a few seconds after every 2-3 launches to adjust the position of the fuselage.

This time Yang Tianlong really didn't aim, and he didn't need to aim. Hundreds of unmanned attack aircraft bullets poured down like a torrential rain.

Musala's soldiers rushed to the ground before they even figured out what was going on. Most of these guys were hit by bullets, and the splashed blood formed terrifying blood-colored rainbows under the reflection of the sun.

Seeing this posture, the soldiers who were not shot were so frightened that they hurriedly hid in the woods. Even the tanks and armored vehicles that were flying and domineering just now and rolled up the dust quickly stopped attacking.

The on-site commander was also completely dumbfounded, but he immediately judged that the opponent's attack came from the sky.

What the hell does this happen?Why do bullets fall from the sky?
He didn't understand at all.

Embarrassed, he hid in a remote place, and the commander hurriedly reported the situation to a higher-ranking commander.

The military adviser Petadev, who has been in command at the headquarters, heard that there were bullets in the sky. He was also very surprised at the first time. The attack, the situation they are encountering now is really extremely strange.

"Send fighter jets to lower the altitude to investigate." Pedadev ordered decisively after thinking for a while.

"Boom..." The fighter planes of Musala's army took off from the airport one after another and went straight to their destination.

 Thanks to the old man "Ye Luo Fan Hua" for the reward, "Thanks to Brother Lang Xiao" for the monthly ticket, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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