Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 370 The Special Plane of the Local Tyrant (Sorry, Poverty Limits My Imagination 3 More)

Chapter 370 The Special Plane of the Local Tyrant (Sorry, Poverty Limits My Imagination 3 More)
"Mr. Huaxialong, where's your fierce eagle?" Bazar couldn't help asking with a puzzled expression.

"They have already flown to Dubai." Yang Tianlong smiled and said with a relaxed face.

"Flew to Dubai alone?" Bazar had an incredulous expression on his face. He had never seen such a method before. In the past, Prince Hussein would travel by plane with his falcons, but now it is strange. Huaxialong actually let his fierce eagle fly directly to Dubai.

"Yes, they are now over the woods near Dubai." Yang Tianlong looked relaxed.

Bazar did not doubt what Yang Tianlong said, he even nodded his head involuntarily, no wonder Prince Hussein was willing to pay such a high price, it turns out that this guy has already had extraordinary advantages over his fierce eagle.

Walking into the cabin, you can see leather sofas, high-grade carpets, refrigerators, computers, LCD TVs, wireless WIFI, bars, kitchens, and bathrooms. In fact, these are the minimum configurations of private jets. The most special thing about this plane There are still two bedrooms at the end of the plane, and the decoration of these two bedrooms is more luxurious and luxurious. The Simmons bed and all the home textiles are all handcrafted by the hereditary craftsman of the French court, and their value is at least hundreds of thousands of dollars. There is also a bathroom in each bedroom, not only the shower is fully equipped, but also a large mirror, a washbasin, an electric razor table, and a modern flush toilet.Even the door handles in the bathroom are gold-plated, which shows how luxurious it is.

"Thank you, thank you very much for giving us the special plane." Mrs. Sophia shook Bazar's hand enthusiastically.

Bazar also responded politely, "Ma'am, you are serious, this is what we should do."

"I'm sorry to borrow your special plane, in case Mr. Hussein needs..." John also said quickly.

Bazar smiled slightly, "It's okay, our prince still has two special planes."

"There are two more?" Elena and Linka couldn't help sticking out their tongues, this is the real local tyrant.

Bazar nodded, "That's right, there are two more. I wanted to send an Airbus A380 to pick you up, but the airport doesn't have the conditions to take off and land, so I had to send a Boeing 737. There are only two bedrooms on it, but these The leather sofa bed is very wide, I really feel sorry for you.”

"There are two more bedrooms?" Linka couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Yes." Bazar nodded, and then pointed to the front and the back, "These two bedrooms are located in the front and the back respectively, and the air time we fly from here to Dubai is about 4 hours. , After having your meal, you can go to rest, if there is any service, our two young and beautiful stewardesses can serve you at any time."

"Thank you." Linka said with a smile.

"Ma'am, you are welcome, this is my duty." Bazar said politely.

After everyone took their seats one by one, a sweet-looking stewardess said softly, "Ladies and gentlemen, the plane is about to take off..."

Just after the flight attendant's introduction was over, everyone felt a slight shock below them, and then the plane began to taxi slowly backwards.

John didn't seem to know much about planes, "Eileen, the plane is in reverse now, does the pilot also have a reverse gear?"

Linka is also relatively new, so she quickly asked the professional Elena for advice.

Regarding this problem, Yang Tianlong already knew that there is no reverse gear on the plane at all. The reason why the plane can go backwards is entirely thanks to the tractor of the front wheels, and in their cabin, the tractor is not visible at all. Yes, so many people think that there is a reverse rudder in the cockpit.

After Elena explained this, Linka and his wife suddenly realized.

Not long after, the plane taxied to the take-off road. After waiting for less than a minute, the plane engine made a huge roar. Soon, the Boeing plane under them rushed into the sky.

After waiting for the plane to fly smoothly, the stewardess quickly brought over meals, and the lunch was rich, including milk, bread, black pepper steak, foie gras and sandwiches.

After eating lunch, it happened to be time for a lunch break. Linka, who had a big belly, was the first to express her idea of ​​taking a lunch break.

"Honey, I'm a little sleepy and I want to take a rest." Linka said this to John, but Yang Tianlong and the others followed suit by the way.

"Honey, I'll call the stewardess for you," John said as he pressed the button.

In less than half a minute, the stewardess walked over with a smile.

After John said it, the stewardess quickly led Linka to the bedroom at the tail of the plane with a smile on her face.

"Son, why don't you take a break too." Mrs. Sophia knew that her daughter Elena also had the habit of taking a lunch break after she became pregnant, so she said with a concerned face.

"No, mom, you can rest, I'm fine." Elena smiled.

"You just need to rest, I'm not sleepy now." Madam Sophia smiled.

"Mrs. Sophia, why don't you go to the bedroom with Elena. I just looked at it. There is a double bed inside, which is very spacious." Yang Tianlong suggested.

"Really?" Elena hadn't visited the bedroom on the plane yet, so she was also surprised.

"Yes." Yang Tianlong nodded affirmatively.

"Mom, let's go and have a rest together." Elena showed a pure smile on her face.

Madam Sophia thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

After all the women in the family left, Yang Tianlong had a boring chat with John, and John also excused himself to say that he was sleepy, and then slowly put down the sofa, narrowing his eyes with a satisfied face.

I saw that everyone started to take a lunch break. After looking at the blue sky outside for a while, Yang Tianlong also put down the sofa and closed his eyes slightly...

This time, I was reminded by the stewardess, "Sir, the plane is about to land, please don't walk around."

Yang Tianlong woke up suddenly from the flight attendant's gentle call to bed, "Miss, have you notified the ladies in the bedroom?"

The stewardess nodded, "Notified."

"Thank you."

The plane quickly descended slowly, and after more than ten minutes, the sea-blue Arabian Gulf was clearly visible.

Five minutes later, the skyscrapers around him can be seen everywhere.

His wife Elena and the others also returned to the rest area from the bedroom.

"Honey, look quickly, the private jet on the roof." Elena pointed to the roof of the glittering golden skyscraper not far away and said with sharp eyes.

Following the direction of Elena's finger, everyone quickly found the plane parked on the roof of the skyscraper.

At this time, Bazar also spoke, "Dubai is a city full of magic. There are a lot of local tyrants here. Like the helicopter you saw just now, its owner used it just to get from this skyscraper. Building to another skyscraper."

"Why don't you take the elevator?" John was very surprised. Sure enough, the petty bourgeoisie didn't understand the world of local tyrants.

"It takes a lot of time to take the elevator." Linka couldn't help but give her husband a blank stare.

Bazar nodded involuntarily.

The more the plane descended, the steeper the tilt of the fuselage became. Seeing this, Elena could not help but tighten her husband's hand, and said silently in her heart: "Dubai, here we come."

Like his wife, Yang Tianlong also read silently in his heart.

"Dubai, here we come."

 Thank you brother for the reward of "Fengxi Xianglei", thank you brother, my work is going smoothly in the new year, everything goes well, let's go all the way
(End of this chapter)

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