Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 358 Tit for Tat (1 more)

Chapter 358 Tit for Tat (1 more)
"Hmph, that bastard is just a dog from a fallen empire. He dared to play tricks in front of us. He really thought he was the Holy Mother." Mills looked disdainful.

"It doesn't matter, as long as our goal is achieved, Baker is always a capitalist, you can just laugh off his words. In front of interests, there is no pure and noble person." Carter said calmly.

"Then he's still pretending to be a Madonna in front of us? Vulgar..." Mills snorted softly.

I thought my conversation was very low, but Yang Tianlong and Franlo listened to what they said. Yang Tianlong didn't care about their words about slandering the Chinese people. In fact, in his opinion, there are too many mad dogs in this world. If a mad dog bites you, do you have to bite it too?
"These self-righteous guys." At that time, Franlo's face was full of anger.

"It's okay, the mouth is on their faces, just let them talk." Yang Tianlong looked very calm, which surprised Franlo.

After staying at the door for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, the two walked into the venue.

The meeting continued quickly. After the three major representatives had stated their respective interests, there was a fierce tit-for-tat confrontation. There is no doubt that the gathering points were mainly concentrated in the four international metropolises in East Asia.

Babatu insisted on Shanghai and Imperial Capital, Park Mingchang insisted on Shanghai and Seoul, and Mills insisted on Seoul and Tokyo.

Babatu: "Huaxia has a vast territory, and the future development prospects of the aviation industry are very broad. The opening of China's air routes will play a decisive role in the entry of EgyptAir into China and even the Asian market."

Park Mingchang: "In the next two to three years, the Yaqi consortium will provide 2 to 3 jobs for local people. By then, more and more people from Bangzi will come to Ethiopia from Bangzi. We firmly believe that this route will It will be one of the most popular international routes in Seoul, and the Archie consortium will continue to increase its capital injection into EgyptAir.”

Mills: "Seoul and Tokyo are international metropolises with extremely high consumption power and a high level of integration with the Western world. EgyptAir cannot develop rapidly without the help of Western countries. Overseas investment injects more capital."

Babatu: "China's domestic aircraft can be introduced to Ethiopian Airlines, and the low cost will promote the leapfrog development of Ethiopian Airlines."

Mills: "I object to EgyptAir's use of aircraft from different aircraft manufacturers. China's domestically-made aircraft are cheap, but the maintenance cost is not low at all. Using the same model will greatly reduce the maintenance cost of the aircraft."

Babatu: "I object to what Mills said. An airline with multiple aircraft models is a symbol of the strength of a large airline. Airbus's aircraft models in recent years are very good and economical to use, but why does EgyptAir not have a single aircraft? The introduction? Is it related to the Americans helping Boeing to open up the market? Is there any unknown transaction here?"

Mills: "You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? Is it possible that I alone have the final say on the introduction of Boeing models?"

Park Myung-chang: "The islanders are very uncivilized. They look polite, but in fact they have a bad stomach. I strongly oppose the opening of this route. If this is the case, then the conspiracy that the Germans failed to achieve during World War II was easily achieved by them. As for the capital city and the capital city, it doesn't matter which route, anyway, they are not too far from Seoul."

Mills: "Tokyo must be opened. Now is a time of peace. Where is there so much conspiratorism? Mr. Park Mingchang, please don't bring in historical issues. This is the economy, this is the interest, and it is closely related to the hundreds of our shareholders here. If you want to talk about national justice, please turn left when you go out, and then take a Toyota taxi to the airport."

What Mills said caused many shareholders to burst into laughter, but Yang Tianlong and Franlo were not amused by him. Yang Tianlong had vaguely felt the strength of the factions inside EgyptAir, thinking that the water was really muddy. of.

Park Myung-chang: "Mr. Mills, did US soldiers rape %% women in the island country without going to court to make you miss this route so much? As far as I know, you served at the Yokosuka Base in Tokyo more than 30 years ago , do you miss the days when there were no legal constraints?"

Park Mingchang was not to be outdone, and he said angrily because of his strong national bond.

The audience burst into laughter again, this time even Yang Tianlong couldn't hold it back, although he didn't like stickmen too much, but he still applauded Park Mingchang's wonderful rebuttal from the bottom of his heart.

The scene started to get a little chaotic, and the host was smart enough to know that if this continued, it would turn from a factional dispute among shareholders into a history between major countries. They were just an airline company, and it was obviously inappropriate to talk about major national affairs on such an occasion.

"Please be quiet, everyone." Seeing this, the host resolutely called a stop. After waiting for the chaotic scene in the audience to become quiet, the host hurried to the board of directors on the stage and asked for the opinions of the seven directors.

Not long after, the host announced that the final decision is made by the directors, and once a resolution is reached, all shareholders must obey the resolution.

In this regard, the vast majority of shareholders have no opinion at all.

However, no decision has been made at the scene, but discussions will be held after the opening of international routes on the African continent.

The Boeing 737 aircraft that fly the international routes on the African continent is a medium-sized aircraft and is currently the most used aircraft in the world. Pakistan flies to any country on the African continent.

2 routes and 4 cities to choose from, one is to stop at Bunia to Kinshasa, the other is to Cairo, the third is to Cape Town, and the fourth is to Lagos.

These small shareholders are basically people of African descent. As with the previous model of international routes across continents, each representative first stated the reasons.

Yang Tianlong was the first to come on stage.

"There are many reasons why we chose to stop at Bunia to Kinshasa, but I think the biggest reason is that the beautiful scenery there can make countless people linger..."

Sure enough, when the photos of Lake Albert, the swamp, and the Congo rainforest appeared on the big screen, these guys were all surprised. They didn't expect that Bunia had a place comparable to the beach .

This is undoubtedly a very good vacation choice for people in Ethiopia, a landlocked country in Africa.


The speeches of the rest are not important, what is important is that the final result is that Yang Tianlong and the others easily won, and finally Cairo and their route were shortlisted for the new route.

The meeting was not over yet. After the host announced the temporary adjournment, several directors on the rostrum walked out quickly and discussed in the small conference room on the side.

After waiting for about ten minutes, seven directors came out one by one, and one of them handed a printed white paper to the host.

The host took a look at the blank paper, then turned on the microphone and said loudly: "After the discussion of the directors just now, I announced that the final cities for the opening of the five routes are New York, London, Paris, Seoul, and Tokyo."

"There is no city in China?" Yang Tianlong frowned involuntarily, and Franlo on the side also noticed his son-in-law's expression. When he was about to comfort Yang Tianlong, he found again that his son-in-law, who was a little emotional just now, had changed again. You have to look calm.

As a small shareholder, Yang Tianlong has no right to interfere in major events, but as a Chinese, he has seen the game behind the so-called major shareholders, and now he fully understands that many things cannot be completely measured by economics, such as politics, Undoubtedly, politics is a big factor.

"Mr. Franlo, let's go." Yang Tianlong looked at his father-in-law calmly and said.

"Okay." Franlo smiled, and then the two walked out of the meeting room quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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