Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 297 Boy Scouts (2 more)

Chapter 297 Boy Scouts (Part [-])

The jeep was driving up and down the trail, making people very uncomfortable, but the little black boy Goat had a lot to say, and he narrated some of his past experiences.

According to the goat, before Tuttan's civil war did not break out, they would often go to the border to buy arms through this trail, and sometimes they would encounter Musala's army, and they would directly fight the enemy here.

So far, Yang Tianlong and the others only know that Musala is the leader of the Light of Liberty Armed Forces, and they don't know the specific information about this guy at all.

The goat couldn't say anything about Musala, but he told Yang Tianlong that Musala was an officer of the government army before, and he returned to his tribe because of the outbreak of war.

Musala fights very cruelly, and what he likes most is massacre, so as long as he hears Musala's name, even crying children dare not cry.

It was precisely because Musala fought fiercely that General Satin and the others had to move to the jungle.

"So your main enemy is Musala?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

The goat shook his head, "No, we still have an enemy like the government army, but although their weapons are relatively advanced, they are not good at fighting."

This is no wonder, after all, Nuertu people need political and economic equality, the government does not agree that they can only be against the government.

This is just a microcosm. Decades ago, many countries like this on the African continent were in civil strife.

"We have also equipped the villagers here with some guns and ammunition. Once Musala's army comes to rob, they can actively resist." Goat said.

"Then they are not afraid of incurring larger-scale revenge from the enemy?"

"That group of people didn't dare to walk on the road, so they could only attack from the jungle. Those tanks and artillery couldn't get through, so everyone relied on guns."

"So Musala's army has no advantage here?"

"There is no advantage now, but they still had an advantage a few years ago. Whole villages were massacred. Now there are many children in Musala's army."

"Are they all your age?"

"That's right." The goat nodded. "Several of my little friends were taken away. If they didn't die, they must have been scouts in Musala's army."

"Then what will you do if you meet on the battlefield one day?" Yang Tianlong asked such a sharp question.

The goat was taken aback. To be honest, he didn't seem to have considered such a problem.

He pursed his lips and thought for a while before saying, "Fight like an enemy."


"There are not so many reasons. You can't talk about feelings on the battlefield." The goat said loudly, "At that time, either I will die or they will die."

After listening to the goat's answer, Yang Tianlong fell silent. War has changed human nature the most. If a year ago, he would not have dared to face the bloody scene, but now he has to pick up the weapon in his hand and go to war. battlefield.

The reason is the helplessness of the objective world and the greed of human nature...

"Hey, why don't you talk?" Seeing that Yang Tianlong was a little silent, the goat couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm thinking about a problem."

"What's the problem?" the goat asked involuntarily.

"If the war was over, what would you do?"

"If the war is over?" the goat couldn't help repeating, and then he said, "If the war is over, I will marry a wife and let her have more children for me."

"You kid wants to marry a wife at a young age?" Alexander couldn't help joking.

"Young?" The goat was as white as Alexander, "basically everyone at my age has become a father, okay?"

"Really?" Alexander didn't believe the goat's words at all, "You mean you here are 12 or 3 years old and became fathers?"

"That's not true." The goat looked proud, "We have to give birth to a few more, you see we have so many forests here, we need manpower to open up wasteland and land, when my sons grow up, when the time comes If we reclaim dozens of acres of land casually, it’s not very beautiful.”

"Haha..." Goat's innocence-filled words made Yang Tianlong and the others laugh out loud.

But the goat ignored their ridicule and rolled his eyes instead.

Two hours later, four GAZ jeeps pulled up.

"There is no road ahead, we have to walk." The goat said seriously.

"Get out of the car, guys." Through the wireless headset, Yang Tianlong notified everyone.

In an instant, all the people got out of the car and suffocated in it for two hours. If the windows were not all opened, some of them would really suffocate.

"Ah..." Alexander couldn't help opening his huge arms, "It's so fucking comfortable, the air is full of fragrance."

"Are you hungry?" the goat asked, looking at the others.

Yang Tianlong and the others nodded, "A little bit."

"Would you like to go to the village and have a look?" The goat pouted towards the mountain pass not far away.

"Is there a village there?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

The goat nodded, "That's right, there is a village with hundreds of people, and we are also Nuertu people. This village used to have a larger population, but now there are only a few hundred people. I think you understand."

Yang Tianlong smiled slightly and nodded, "We won't go there anymore, it's easy to scare the snake with too many people."

"Then let's replenish some energy here. I have chocolate here." After speaking, the goat took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket with a playful expression.

"Expired?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking after looking at the package.

"I don't know." The goat shook his head.

Yang Tianlong smiled, it's normal for the goat to not know whether it has expired or not, after all, the packaging is too old.

"Throw it away."

"Why?" The goat looked puzzled.

"I'll give it to you." After speaking, Yang Tianlong took out dozens of chocolates from his bag.

"Wow, so many." The goat's eyes turned green.

"It's all for you." Yang Tianlong smiled and gave all the chocolate in his hand to the goat.

"Thank you boss." The goat who took the chocolate smiled happily.

"Boss?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help being stunned.

"That's what they call you. Could it be that you're not their boss?" The goat tore open the package and stuffed it in one bite. "It's delicious, very delicious."

"Eat slowly." After speaking, Yang Tianlong walked towards the group of mercenaries.

"Guys, we need to replenish our energy. The next step is a ten-kilometer climb. With luck, we can reach the border before dark."

"At the border, Odbem's men will come to pick us up."

(End of this chapter)

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