Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 172 My friend, how long have you been away from your parents (heartfelt words)

Chapter 172 My friend, how long have you been away from your parents during the Spring Festival (heartfelt words)

As soon as he heard that the owner was going to visit here, the black man dared not neglect, even though he couldn't see clearly from the outside.

He quickly found a flashlight, and took Yang Tianlong and Wilmots to visit the ranch.

The place they are in is the living area, material storage area, and cowshed area. Although there is no winter in Bunia, there is no guarantee that the pasture will not grow well or wither, so this storage area is still necessary.

In another place is the manure treatment area. To go to the manure treatment area, you must pass through the pasture. The pasture sprayed with the fast-growing liquid grows very fast. In just over 20 days, it has grown to almost knee height. Wilmo Ci looked surprised. He was surprised at the incredible growth rate of these pastures.

Moderate manure can provide nutrients for the growth of pasture, but excessive manure will make the forage overnutritive and appear rich and dead, so the treatment of manure is still very necessary.

After a brief tour of the ranch, before leaving, Yang Tianlong did not forget to tell the black man to pay attention to safety.

"Huaxialong, don't worry, I have three big dogs here, and my five sons, all of them are very strong." The middle-aged black man said, patting his chest.

"Where is the gun? Is there any?" At least he personally thinks that here, he still needs to have a defensive weapon.

"No." The black man shook his head.

"Well, I'll send you some guns tomorrow." Yang Tianlong said on the spot.

"Okay, thank you Huaxialong, we must make good use of what Raf and Sman taught us in our work." I have to say that black people are very slippery.

"Okay, I'll leave the safety here to you, and I will never treat you badly after I finish it." Yang Tianlong said solemnly.

"No problem." Seeing that they were about to leave, the black man hurriedly raised his hands to salute, and when his two sons saw their father salute, they also quickly raised their hands with a serious face.

When Wilmots saw them like this, he almost couldn't hold back his smile.

After leaving the ranch, the two drove straight back to the hotel.

The business of the hotel seemed to be doing well. When it was time for dinner, many hotels who stayed in the hotel enjoyed a Belgian dinner with a unique Congolese flavor downstairs.

Mrs. Wilmots was very busy with several workers.

After a simple meal, Wilmots brewed a cup of Pu'er for him. Since the first meeting and gifted Pu'er to Wilmots, he has fallen in love with this black tea from China. It is delicious and mellow , The color is positive, and the key point is that it can absorb oil, especially suitable for a middle-aged man like him who is fat.

The old buddy who hasn't seen each other for a long time naturally has endless topics to talk about. The two continued their previous style, talking all over the place, and this topic returned to the essence of life.

There is no news about the airport land, and it seems that Bunia's airport will not be expanded, but this does not affect Wilmots' business. In his opinion, as long as the transportation to Bunia is more convenient, the hotel will business will be better.

Stones has not been in contact with him recently, but according to Wilmots, Stones has annexed a scenic spot in Lake Albert, and currently only Stones and Ruff are left in the entire Lake Albert that's it.

When it came to this, Wilmots didn't go on completely, but looked at Yang Tianlong meaningfully.

The meaning of this is self-evident.

"Old man, when I'm done working these two days, let's go to Lafu's scenic spot, what do you think?" Yang Tianlong said seriously.

Wilmots nodded, "Old man, that's exactly what I mean."

"Okay, then I will let you know one day in advance."

Wilmots smiled heartily, "No problem."

There are always many topics between old friends, and this time they talked until almost twelve o'clock, and the two of them ended their chat.

Returning to the room, Yang Tianlong didn't fall asleep immediately, but got up on video with Elena.

The consecutive days of flying made Elena in the video look a little tired, but when she saw her lover, she regained some energy in an instant.

"Honey..." Facing Yang Tianlong in the camera, Elena muttered her cute little mouth.

"So sexy..." Looking at Elena in the pink nightdress in the camera, Yang Tianlong couldn't help flirting...

After some teasing, Elena couldn't help becoming angry, "You bad guy..."

After the teasing was over, Elena suddenly asked: "My dear, it seems that you are in Kinshasa's new home, right?"

Yang Tianlong nodded, "I have arrived in Bunia, this is the hotel of the old man Wilmots."

"Mr. Wilmots' hotel?" To be honest, Eileen had already heard about Wilmots, and she knew that he was a very enthusiastic and happy middle-aged man.

"When can I visit Bunia?" Elena pouted cutely.

"How about your next vacation? I'll pick you up in Kinshasa." Yang Tianlong asked.

"Okay." Eileen looked expectant, and soon, she said with a mysterious face: "Honey, I won't be recalled again this time, so I can accompany you to my vacation completely End."

"The vacation is over?" Yang Tianlong's heart seemed to be shocked by an electric shock. In an instant, he thought of receiving a call from his parents two days ago. During the phone call, his parents told him that the old house had been completely renovated and all the furniture in the house had been changed. , Natural gas and broadband are also installed.

Of course, the final focus of the parents is to ask him whether he will go home for the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival is the most solemn festival of the year for the Chinese nation, and it is also a festival for reunion. From the first day of the first lunar month, all Chinese people will put all the achievements and unhappiness of the past year behind them and take the new year seriously. year.

On the eve of this festival, countless Chinese people who are abroad will travel thousands of miles, even thousands of miles, to return to their homes, just for the short-term reunion of those few days, and for the family relationship that is only for a lifetime. (Sorry, writing this, my little brother’s eyes can’t help but get a little wet, because thinking about earning more money during the Spring Festival, it seems that I haven’t been home for the Spring Festival for several years. Maybe in the eyes of our generation, the Spring Festival is not so important anymore , no, I think I have to overthrow my point of view, the Spring Festival is very important to every Chinese, but due to various reasons, many people can't go home, including our most lovely people - soldiers, nothing As I said, there will be an update on the day of the Spring Festival.)
Regarding whether he can go home during the Spring Festival, Yang Tianlong himself has no idea, but he still tells his parents with a smile on his face that he will definitely come back if he can go home.

After finishing the call with Elena, Yang Tianlong didn't take a rest immediately, but pushed open the window of the room, staring at the bright moonlight outside the window and meditating for a long time.

 There will be [-] updates in two days on the weekend, so stay tuned...

(End of this chapter)

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