Chapter 94 I Will Take the Lead
"Here, here, we need to open more establishments for Novice Village."

"Here, the map should be expanded, and the number of tasks and monsters should also be increased."

"Fuck! Why are all these foreigners taking pictures?"

"This won't work, I have to come back to fight monsters and upgrade to do tasks!"

The great lord of all beings, the supreme demon god, and a handsome man (by himself) who owns countless vests in one body, fell into the trouble of happiness this day.

He really felt what pain is and is happy!

The large-scale presence of foreign guilds has attracted the attention of gamers from all over the world to this Eastern Xianxia game.

Many people are curious.

What kind of game is it that can attract so many people to play?

To gather guilds from different countries and regions all over the world, and collectively settle in on a large scale?

One person says this game is good, but others may not believe it.

Two people say it's good, probably still don't believe it.

But when the three people said how great this game is, you must try it, I believe many people will start to waver.

And now.

This is no longer three people!
This is almost all the big guilds in the world, and they have proved their ideas with practical actions!

This game is worth playing!
No game has ever done this before!
But "I Want to Cultivate Immortal" did it!

With such an unprecedented wave of publicity, how could it not attract the attention of those foreigners?
Don't let them be tempted, and then download the game and start playing?
And this led to it.

In the game world, Ye Yu originally designed the number of establishments and tasks for the Novice Village, and even some other large and small mechanisms that needed to be modified.

Basically, all sharply raised!
However, compared to these problems, another problem gave him a headache.

That is, after these foreign players came in with various attitudes such as curiosity, suspicion, questioning, objectivity and neutrality.

Most of them were instantly convinced!

What impressed them was not the battle in the game, but the oriental fairy scenery in the game that was like the real world!

"Oh my God! This damn oriental painting! It brings tears to my eyes!"

"Man, I suggest you blink more, or your eyes will be sore!"

"Impossible friend, I don't want to close my eyes for a moment with such exotic oriental scenery!"

"Look, there's something flying in the sky! Oh my God, it's a human!"

"People are flying while stepping on swords! It's unbelievable!"

"This is impossible in our west! He needs a dragon!"

"Wake up guys, this is East Game! The dragon here won't let you ride him!"

"They may even turn into humans, and control thunderstorms, I read this from a book!"

"It doesn't matter if you can't ride a dragon. Don't you think it's cool to be able to fly in the sky with a sword?"

“This is really cooooooool!!!”

"I can't wait to fly!"

"Before that, how about we go over there and take a photo?"


"That's a great idea!"

"I want to take a screenshot and show it to my 12-year-old brother, he will definitely envy me!"

In Xinshou Village, the former vegetable market has returned.

And this time, the scale is bigger than when the server was opened!

The kings in this vegetable market are not Tianxia's domestic players, but basically foreign players with deep faces, blond hair and blue eyes!

Looking at the mentality of these foreign players, each of them is basically——

Before entering: curious/skeptical/neutral
After entering: Oh Snow!This light!This water!This scenery!I want to take pictures!
All the foreign players shouted that they have never played such a virtual game like the real world!

If it wasn't for the extremely oriental world style, and those fairy birds, auspicious beasts, flying fairies, and the game system interface that can be summoned at any time, they would really think that they have traveled to another world!

Think about it, there are so many anime works that have to travel to another world after death on the island country neon, which is enough proof.

These three different worlds are really very tempting!
And now!
These foreign players, stay at home, just connect to the Internet at home and download this game!

You will be able to enter another world in an instant!

Who doesn't care?

Who wouldn't be blown away by a game like this?
In fact, these players really didn't get it wrong.

The game world they came to is indeed a real planetary world on a different plane from Blue Star!
However, no one knows this.

If you know, then maybe not only game players, but even scientists from all over the world will rush to register a game account and come in to experience it!
Well, things are looking good.

Just a little weird angle.

Those foreign players, not long after they came in, they all turned into "tourist parties" and began to want to travel all over China, measuring every inch of land under their feet!

Donkey friend, this is not fun!

This game world is not for you to travel!
It is for you to fight and develop!

As a leek, you need a little awareness!

If you don't have awareness, that's fine.

The great lord of all beings and the supreme demon god Yemou personally helps you to awaken yourself!
A novice village among countless novice villages, the wild forest outside the village.

Several foreign players came here to explore in groups.

All of them are level 0, and they obviously regard the game as a mysterious area that has never been developed before, and they are carrying out adventure activities!
"Hey guys, take a look!"

"This is a unique wild boar in the game, it looks like a monster!"

"We approached quietly, don't be discovered by it."

"This is a neutral monster, it won't take the initiative to attack people, look, how docile its fur is... ah!!!"

"Shet! It's attacking me!"

"My health is dropping, help me!"

Within a few seconds, the foreign old man turned into a white light and was resurrected.

And his companions also started to panic and scattered in an instant!

But not long after running, these players suddenly realized.

its not right!
Here is the game!

It's not a real field adventure, you can be resurrected after death!

What are you afraid of, go back and do it!
So, several players turned back again!
"I have a novice sword from a mission here!"

"Me too!"

"I have a great idea!"

One of the players said excitedly.

"I first attract its attention, and then when it rushes towards me, I immediately rush up to a slide!"

"If all goes well, I will use my sword to cut it in half directly from the belly!"

Under the adoring eyes of others, this player went up!
He rushed forward bravely according to the plan!
There is another white light in the world.

That player will never be forgotten until his death.

When that wild boar monster trampled itself to death, doubts flickered in its eyes.

It seems to be saying: This human being, it seems that his brain is not working well?

But this is not important.

The most important thing is that the foreign "donkey friends" in the game world are surprised to find that all the monsters in the wild have become aggressive!
When you see people, go up to them!
Looks like life and death are bearish, and if you don't accept it, you will do it!
If the player doesn't kill them, they will send the players back to the resurrection point!
The first day of the game.

Foreign players felt the warmest welcome from wild beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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