Chapter 60 The Fuse!
"Yeah, I got a mission!"

Li Xiyan turned on the live broadcast as usual, wandering around her Shushan Sword School.

Suddenly, Mr. Feng'er walked up to her on two short legs and chatted a few words.

Then, a new task fell on her head!

[Mediation: Feng'er, the head of the Shushan Sword Sect, learned that there was a change in a valley outside the sect.The spirit beasts in the valley have gone crazy for some reason, all of them are bloodthirsty and easy to kill, and they have already caused irreparable disasters in the area. 】

[Headmaster Feng'er wants to send you to investigate the truth of the mutation, and you will be rewarded according to the completion of the investigation! 】

That's right, Feng'er is the head of Shushan Sword Sect!

And the old man that day, Zongmenge Lao, was the former head of the Shushan Sword Sect!
He is also Feng'er's master!
On the site of Tongtian Sword Sect that day, the head Feng Er originally wanted to visit the head of Tongtian Sword Sect with her master.

It can be regarded as making up for some regrets of my master, and to settle some worries before the deadline is approaching.

Didn't think so.

Before I saw anyone, I saw Li Xiyan first.

Under her teaching and teaching, Ge Lao directly became immortal on the spot!
Achieve the position of Sword Immortal!

This is great, the strength of the Shushan Sword Sect has risen to a higher level!

The previous master was a sword fairy!
The current master is Sword Immortal!
And the direct disciple is the forehead of the sword, the theoretical sword fairy!

One door, two strongest kings, one mouth strong king!
Such a sect's strength can be called extremely terrifying!
Because of this.

Among the new sects, the Shushan Sword Sect is second to none, and the number of players is comparable to the three old sects!
There are even crooked nuts!

The screen returns to Li Xiyan.

At this moment, she has a face of reluctance.

Because, there is another task to do, and it is still a job that requires a business trip, which is extremely troublesome!
"Once you open your mouth, it's old Versailles!"

"I have never received this task from Feng'er's head at all. It really is the treatment that only direct disciples can have!"

"Good guy, another hidden mission? Isn't this too easy to receive?"

"Wooooow, the storm is crying! When will ordinary players stand up!"

"If it wasn't for Xiyan who received this task, I would definitely kill the person who did it!"

"One punch and one woohoo! Beep!"

Other viewers and players in the live broadcast room expressed envy.

Among them, some people took the rhythm, saying that it was unfair.

But soon, he was scolded by other audience players.

What is real fairness?
I don't have special treatment, so it's unfair if I can't receive the hidden mission?

Quite the contrary!

If all players can receive hidden missions, then such missions are not called hidden missions at all!

Immediately, the hidden mission that came to every player, just like Li Tianba before, that is the real fairness!

Li Xiyan finished the task, set off helplessly, and rushed towards the task location.

Along the way, she met some players with the same mission location as her.

And the task content is not bad, to investigate the cause of the mutation.

These few players are not big anchors, big up hosts, or some well-known people.

Many more were completely unknown even before.

They are all wandering in the wild, encountering strange and mysterious NPCs, telling them with a sad face that such a thing happened, and asking them to go to the mission site to find out the reason.

The appearance of these players who also received the mission just slapped the rhythmic person in the live broadcast room in the face!
It proves the fairness of the game mechanism!
Even ordinary players may receive hidden missions from mysterious NPCs!

It's not just people like big anchors, big up masters, and direct disciples of the gaming sect who can receive these tasks!


A group of players arrived at the mission location.

Here is a valley that was originally quiet and peaceful, with grass growing and warblers flying everywhere, birds singing and flowers fragrant.

But now, there are places that are destroyed and ignited by war everywhere!

"What the hell happened here?"

"The NPC who gave me the task said that the spirit beasts here have gone crazy, and they must have destroyed this place by themselves."

"But why are they mad?"

"Is it a natural disaster?"

The players began to analyze.

Afterwards, they divided into several teams and went to investigate in batches.

However, the results of the investigation are yet to come.

Accident happened!

"I met a player from the Demon Race ahead!"

"Nine Nether Valley, Burial Heaven Demon Prison, Blood Moon Peak, Infinite Sea, there are demon players from the four factions!"

"They actually came here to do missions?"

Li Xiyan heard that other players' messages were synchronized, and immediately brought all the water friends in the live broadcast room to that place!
"Brother, are you also on an investigation mission?"

"Ah? No!"

"Then what is your mission?"

When Li Xiyan came to the place, she happened to find that this was the center of the entire valley.

There are two entrances to the valley, one is where they came in, and it is near the Zhengdao Zongmen.

The other entrance is actually a force close to the players of the Demonic Dao and the Demonic Race!
Moreover, they also came here after receiving a mission!

The demon player just wanted to reveal the content of the mission, but before he could say anything, he was stopped by a person next to him.

"We're here to do a mission, don't we need to inform you?"

"Everyone does their own tasks, so it's over?"

This player seems to be well-known among these demon players.

He felt that this mission was unusual and something was wrong!
Out of caution, I don't want to disclose it to the players of the orthodox sect here!

"They are all players, what's so great, don't say it if you don't say it!"

Both sides give up, and in the end they don't know what the other party's mission is.

I only know that it is related to the investigation of the mutation that happened in the valley.

Li Xiyan pondered for a while, and seemed to feel something was wrong.

Like, the game is pushing players from both sides to meet here.

If there is any reason to do so.
"The rise of the magic way, the rise of the wind and the clouds"

"Shouldn't it be."

Li Xiyan had a little guess in her heart, and she immediately contacted her best friend, Qin Yue!
And through Qin Yue, tell Qin Wuya what happened here!

Once Qin Wuya knows, all of their five-member team will know!
These are all great gods!

Most importantly, they are all from the orthodox sect!
After Qin Wuya received the message, he said that he was on the way with a few teammates immediately, and told her not to act rashly.

The next task development confirmed Li Xiyan's conjecture!

The players found out that the spirit beasts in the valley were mildly infected and turned into monsters because of an accidental magic energy leak!

And their mission also has a follow-up, which is to rescue these spirit beasts and return to normal!
However, the same investigation revealed the truth.

Players on the demon side, the follow-up task is not to save these spirit beasts.

Instead, continue to infect them with demon energy until they all become future demon citizens and bring them back to their respective demon realms!

Players on both sides, the task conflicted!

"This is to make us fight!"

"This is not an ordinary task conflict, players PK, this is a battle of forces!"

Li Xiyan thought of a lot in an instant!
Even, she made a bold guess!

This is the main line of version 2.0!
Fighting between human players and demon players!

Race war!

The task they received this time is the beginning of this version, the fuse of the war!

(End of this chapter)

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