Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1054 of Chapter 1052 The Furious Chen Weimin

Chapter 1054 of Chapter 1052 The Furious Chen Weimin

And those who survived have all retreated quickly to a certain safe distance, and found that the four monsters really did not attack them. After finding out, they all turned their eyes to On the other side, all the people started to fight again and again.

Chen Weimin's eyes widened suddenly, and he said incredulously, "How is this possible? Didn't these damned guys think of killing all these 4 monsters together?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "Unless someone can really organize all the people, otherwise there is no way at all, so I advise you to quickly join the battle, with your current appearance There is simply no way to truly protect everyone."

At this moment, a bow and arrow was shot out instantly, and the target was actually Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei immediately caught the arrow with his backhand, and quickly threw it back, instantly killing the person who shot the arrow.

"You should see it now, even if you don't attack other people, other people will come to attack you, and if that person targeted you just now, I'm afraid you don't have any There was no room for resistance, and he was directly shot to death."

At this moment, a different aura appeared on Chen Weimin's body, which was different from his usual kind aura. This aura was a little violent, but not evil, as if a person had exploded.

Bai Yunfei showed a slight smile, which was the effect he wanted, because he wanted to see how powerful Chen Weimin was when he was furious.

"Brother, there are actually two little guys here who don't fight, and are still watching from the side. It seems that they want to take advantage of it."

"You don't care what the two of them are doing, just go up and kill him."

"Also, if the two of them are really fools, that would be great. Killing these two fools will allow me to improve my strength again."

Bai Yunfei said impatiently to Chen Weimin who was beside him with black lines all over his face, "If you still can't figure it out, then you can keep thinking about it here, I don't want to continue being stupid with you here, I still want to Continue to improve your strength."

Bai Yunfei directly attacked the few people who spoke ill of him first, blowing them all up.

Bai Yunfei's cruelty immediately frightened the surviving people to find other targets, and they dared not trouble Bai Yunfei and the others again.

The fact that they didn't make trouble for Bai Yunfei didn't mean that Bai Yunfei didn't make trouble for them.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly took off the knife in his hand, and slashed fiercely at one of the men holding a spear.

The man immediately retreated quickly, and the spear in his hand was thrown like a sharp arrow, stabbing at Bai Yunfei.

The knife in Bai Yunfei's hand quickly chopped off the spear, but he found that the man took out another spear and continued to throw it at Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly changed the way of fighting, and the knife in his hand spun quickly, blocking the spear back.

The spear moved towards it very quickly, and the man stabbed in the past. The man's face changed drastically, and he quickly waved the spear in his hand to resist, but at this moment, Bai Yunfei had already quickly arrived in front of him. , cut him in half with a knife.

After Bai Yunfei collected all the supplies, he looked at the remaining 10 or so people.

Those 10 people had all stopped fighting at this time, each holding a weapon, looking at each other cautiously, then noticed Bai Yunfei's observation, and all looked at Bai Yunfei.

"Now there are only a few of us left? I have a suggestion, that is, let's deal with these monsters around us together. As for whoever dies, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky. How do you feel about this suggestion?" Chen Weimin asked slightly. said with a smile.

"It doesn't feel good. Why do you have to risk your life to deal with those damned monsters? As long as you kill all of you, your power will be blessed to me, so that I will become even stronger, and Isn’t it already said here, as long as all the people are killed and only one person survives, he can leave this world safely and return to our world. Isn’t this a very good thing? As long as you Kill them all, and I will be able to go back intact." The man in Tsing Yi said with a strange smile.

The strong man frowned slightly and said, "That's right, why do you have to deal with those damn monsters? You should have seen the strength of those 4 monsters just now. We are not their opponents at all. Going there is just a gift." Dish, it’s better for the few of us to quickly decide the winner and leave this damn world, no matter whether we live or die, we don’t need to stay in this world, anyway, I’m already tired of this world, this damn world makes me depressed very."

The woman in red nodded slightly, and said in agreement, "That's right, I think so too, to deal with those damned monsters together, do you think that's possible? I really don't know how you got so crazy. "

Seeing that everyone refuted his words, Chen Weimin's anger, which had been suppressed with great difficulty, really exploded.

"Okay, since you don't agree with me, then follow your method. I want to see which of you can really live!"

Chen Weimin took the lead in launching the attack, and the few people closest to him were directly grabbed by him. Before they could resist, they were directly torn to pieces by him.

Some people around were also taken aback, and quickly took out their weapons, intending to kill Chen Weimin.

But before they could take any action, Bai Yunfei shot directly and quickly, killing all their lives in an instant.

Chen Weimin turned his head to the woman directly and quickly, staring at the woman with his violent eyes.


Chen Weimin directly and quickly, with a tall instrument, quickly grabbed the woman over there with both hands.

The woman's face became very ugly, and she directly and quickly swung the soft sword in her hand, only to see that she was waving the soft sword in her hand like a poisonous snake ready to go.

But it's a pity that she completely underestimated Chen Weimin's strength, and also completely underestimated Chen Weimin's terror. Immediately, Chen Weimin broke through her defense and caught her. Before she begged for mercy, he tore him into pieces .

(End of this chapter)

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