Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 9 Heading to the Song Dynasty

Chapter 9 Heading to the Song Dynasty
Back at the palace, I went to see Bao Xiruo first, talked to her for a while, and then started to practice martial arts in seclusion. During this time, I tried out the eighteen methods of picking up girls I learned online in my previous life. Now Bao Xiruo gradually became familiar with herself, but those methods of picking up girls were of no use at all.

Now my first task is to practice martial arts well, otherwise, I don't know when I will be easily decapitated by a hero who is killing harm for the people.

Spiral Nine Shadows, Heart Breaking Palm, Yijing Bone Forging, Lu Ming practiced them one by one.The first thing to do is to forge the bones of the Book of Changes. It is already relatively late for me to practice. Fortunately, I have money and have collected a lot of training resources, so that my internal strength can improve so fast. However, the resources in this world are limited after all. Only when one's own cultivation aptitude improves can one's own cultivation speed increase.

Sit down cross-legged, recite the formulas of Yijing forging bones in your heart, run your internal force, and start to run it according to the path of Yijing forging bones. After running it once, your whole body is itchy and a little sore, just like when you grew up in junior high school feel.

Lu Ming was overjoyed, "It seems to be effective."

In the next few days, Lu Ming practiced the Yi Jing forging bones every day, and began to practice the exercises in the Nine Yin Manual in the rest of the time.

In the next few months, Lu Ming practiced martial arts again and again, and at the same time cooperated with the medicinal materials collected from time to time to practice internal strength.
One day, the King of Jin ordered Lu Ming to go to the Song Dynasty again to deepen contact with the ministers of the Song Dynasty.By the way, I would like to urge the Song Dynasty to pay this year's coins.

Although Lu Ming didn't want to run around and affect his martial arts practice, but he had practiced for so long and hadn't verified it, and he was itchy in his heart, so he packed up and set off for the Song Dynasty with his men. Bao Xiruo also went with her.

Knowing that Lu Ming was going back to the Song Dynasty, Bao Xiruo would also go with him. Lu Ming thought he would have a companion on the way, so he agreed.

But when they set off, Lu Ming realized that Bao Xiruo was still taking Wanyan Kang with him, so he was excited for nothing.At first, Lu Ming thought that there would be some embarrassing things happening between a lonely man and a widow on the road, but after thinking about it, Wanyankang is so young now that he doesn't understand anything, so there are still opportunities. Thinking about it, Lu Ming An indescribable smile appeared on his face.

Just as Lu Ming was dreaming, a guard came to Lu Ming on horseback and said, "My lord, it's going to rain soon, we have to speed up and try to find a shelter before it rains."

Lu Ming ordered: "Okay, then give orders and speed up."

Several people rushed all the way, and finally found an abandoned ancient temple before the heavy rain fell.

The ancient temple should have been abandoned for a long time, most of the stone Buddha statues have collapsed, and the ground is full of dust.

The guards cleared out a place, found some hay in the temple, spread a blanket on the hay, and a simple seat was made.

Lu Ming and Bao Xiruo sat on the blanket, and the surrounding guards had already taken out the ingredients from the package, lit a fire in the open space, and started preparing dinner.

Take a pot of rainwater outside, put the pot on the fire, and put the cakes on the pot. After a while, the water in the pot boils, and the steam covers the cakes on the pot, and the fragrance of the cakes slowly spreads. come out.

Seeing that the cake was almost hot, Lu Ming raised his hand to take it off, and handed it to Bao Xiruo. Bao Xiruo took it, and slowly ate it in small bites. Lu Ming took another piece of cake from the pot. Take it down and start eating.

Seeing that Lu Ming started to eat cakes, the guards also lit a fire next to it, just like here, and began to heat dry food, but their dry food was much worse than Lu Ming's.

The wind and rain outside gradually increased, and everyone in Lu Ming was full of food and drink. Seeing this situation, it seemed that they could not leave today, so the guards began to prepare things for sleeping at night. At this moment, a couple He ran in in the rain.

The man was dressed in green with a handsome face, and the woman was eccentric. She looked like she was newly married not long ago. Both of them were soaked in clothes. The woman's drenched clothes could not conceal her graceful figure.

Although Lu Ming wasn't the kind of pervert who would have sex with anyone, he wouldn't turn his head away from this kind of welfare that was delivered to his door.

Just when Lu Ming was looking at the woman's graceful figure comfortably, the man who was traveling with him noticed Lu Ming's gaze. A flash of anger flashed across the man's face, but seeing the guards around Lu Ming, he held back and did not attack.

Blocking Lu Ming's sight with his body, he and the woman walked to a corner of the ruined temple. The man asked the woman to sit down and got up to start a fire, but found that all the firewood used for the fire had been collected by Lu Ming's guards. There is no other wood other than beams.

The man hesitated for a while, showing embarrassment, but he still got up and walked towards Lu Ming, and said to Lu Ming, "I wonder if you can lend me some firewood, brother, my clothes are all wet."

Bao Xiruo's face was a little moved, her kind nature wanted to help this stranger, but Lu Ming took over the conversation, "I'm really sorry, we don't have much firewood here, it's too cold at night, we And set aside some firewood."

When the man heard this, his face became angry, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he wanted to teach Lu Ming a lesson. This is Lu Ming's slow reply: "Why don't you and your wife come here and sit with us, so that you can save some firewood."

The man's face froze, and he didn't know where to put his raised hand. At this time, the woman sitting in the corner made a voice like a yellow warbler, "Thank you so much, sir."

After finishing speaking, she walked over gracefully from the corner, and when passing by the man, she stretched out her hand to pull the man over and sat by the fire.

She raised her pretty face and thanked Lu Ming again: "I really thank you sir, otherwise it would be too cold in the middle of the night, and our husband and wife are wearing these wet clothes. If we get sick, it will be a big problem."

Bao Xiruo smiled slightly, and gave the woman a smile. She usually didn't speak in front of outsiders, and the man also reluctantly raised his hand as a token of appreciation.

Lu Ming smiled and said, "You're welcome, it's convenient for people and yourself when you're away from home. It's a great fate that we can meet here."

There was a slight surprise on the woman's face, she smiled and said, "It's convenient for others, but convenient for yourself? It makes sense."

Lu Ming said again: "The girl is wearing wet clothes. It must be uncomfortable to wear. Madam has spare clothes. Why don't you put on the girl's clothes and put them on after the girl's clothes are dry?"

Bao Xiruo blushed, knowing that Lu Ming was just making up an identity for himself, but she was still a little ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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