Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 81 The Reward Arrives (Please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 81 The Reward Arrives (Please recommend, please collect)

At this time, Luo Feng felt a sense of envy. He felt that he was already very good at being able to enter the elite training camp, but because he was too strong, he was forced to graduate by Hong.

And after discussing with Hong, he can stay for another month.

When will I be forced to graduate because of my strength, and be able to have a face-to-face dialogue with Earth No. 1 on an equal footing?

Luo Feng was full of hope in his heart, he will, he will.

Just when Luo Feng made up his mind and worked hard to become stronger, a smart fighter flew over the Jiangnan Pavilion. Lu Ming knew that this was an item he had traded with Hong.

When Yang Hui saw the prehistoric smart fighter, he panicked and said: "This is the fighter of the museum owner. It should be the museum owner who is here. Everyone is ready to welcome it."

Lu Ming smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, this should be my fighter."

Yang Hui was surprised and said: "This is a prehistoric smart fighter, only the owner of the world has it. You say this is yours? Can you afford a prehistoric smart fighter?"

Lu Ming said with a smile: "I exchanged this with the owner of the museum. You guys go ahead, I'll take a look first. How about this smart fighter?"

With that said, the fighter plane landed outside the courtyard of the Jiangnan Pavilion, Lu Ming and Zhao Qingcheng walked out, followed by Yang Hui and Luo Feng.

The hatch of the fighter plane opened, and a young warrior came down, looked at Lu Ming, and said, "You are Li Wei's student, right? This is the prehistoric smart fighter that the museum owner asked me to hand over to you. Is it convenient for you now? Let's make a Confirm the main program."

Lu Ming smiled and said, "Okay, let's start now!"

Then the young warrior flicked the computer in his hand, shot a blue light from the hatch of the smart fighter, scanned Lu Ming from top to bottom, and then disappeared.

Lu Ming looked at the young warrior suspiciously, is this the end?
The young warrior said respectfully: "Student Li Wei, now you enter the cabin alone, the identification of the smart fighter will be done automatically, and I cannot enter."

Lu Ming nodded, then walked towards the hatch and entered the inside of the fighter plane. There was a virtual screen directly in front of it, and a row of operation buttons below it.

Then a red light shot into the communication watch in Lu Ming's hand, and began to install the remote control program of the smart fighter.

Then, on the virtual screen in front of him, the operation method of the smart fighter was played.After a while, Lu Ming learned how to operate the smart fighter.

Then, a floor of the smart fighter was opened, and a silver box rose up.

Lu Ming stepped forward and pressed down on the fingerprint recognition part of the box, and the box was opened. Inside the box was a black glove, which seemed to be the Black God suit, and a silver-gray shuttle-shaped item with pointed ends. , slightly thicker in the middle, it should be Duntian Shuo.

Lu Ming smiled inwardly: "Luo Feng, I'm sorry, your Psychic weapon is mine now."

There is also a piece of paper next to it, on which is written the method of identifying the owner of the Black God suit and the method of using the Sky Shuttle.

Lu Ming put the Black God suit on his hand according to the method mentioned in the manual.

There was a tingling pain in his hand, and then the black glove turned into a stream of black fluid that flowed all over Lu Ming's body.

As soon as Lu Ming's mind moved, the Black God suit was transformed into various clothes according to Lu Ming's wishes, such as suits, beach pants, and even combat uniforms.

After playing for a while, Lu Ming picked up the box and stepped out of the smart fighter.

Seeing Lu Ming coming out, the young warrior asked, "Student Li Wei, have you succeeded in identifying the fighter?"

Lu Ming nodded.

The young warrior said goodbye: "Since Li Wei student, you have succeeded in recognizing the master, then I will leave first."

After the young warrior left, Yang Hui and Luo Feng also left.

Luo Feng's heart became stronger and stronger.

Yang Hui took Luo Feng to arrange a place to live. According to Yang Hui, Luo Feng lived in the yard next door.

After Yang Hui took Luo Feng away, Zhao Qingcheng snuggled up to Lu Ming's side and asked Lu Ming, "Husband, that Luo Feng just now felt very powerful."

Lu Ming asked curiously, "Oh? How did you feel it?"

Zhao Qingcheng thought about it and said: "He has a special temperament, just like my husband, but it's not exactly the same. Compared with my husband, he has such an indomitable temperament, and the whole person feels very Sharp, like a war knife out of the body."

"Oh?" Lu Ming laughed, "Then what do you think I look like?"

Zhao Qingcheng thought for a while and said, "Well~, you are like a piece of jade."

Lu Ming asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Zhao Qingcheng said softly: "A gentleman is like jade, gentle and elegant."

Lu Ming was touched and said, "Qingcheng, am I really that good?"

Zhao Qingcheng's eyes were full of love, "Honey, you will always be the best in my heart."

The figures of the two merged together.

In the next few days, Lu Ming and Zhao Qingcheng went to city 1001 to hunt and kill monsters in a single day, just like an ancient couple of gods and immortals, slaying demons and demons together.Of course, all the monster materials were still given to Zhao Qingcheng.

In two days, Lu Ming and Zhao Qingcheng practiced in the instruments unearthed from the ancient civilization ruins in the elite training camp.Because Lu Ming gave Zhao Qingcheng all the monsters he hunted last month, so his ranking is not much different from Zhao Qingcheng's.

Last month, Lu Ming ranked 11th, and Zhao Qingcheng ranked 19th.

Therefore, both of them can use the ancient civilization gravity chamber for the same amount of time, and they can only use it for 6 hours within this month.

So the two can only go there once every few days, and stay for an hour each time.

While Lu Ming and Zhao Qingcheng were practicing leisurely, the rewards for Lu Ming's fist level and trial tower level arrived.

same.Zhao Qingcheng's reward has also arrived.

After Lu Ming and Zhao Qingcheng got the reward, they took the reward to the underground practice room together.

Lu Ming's two rewards were similar, but among the rewards at the trial tower level, the original Black God set reward was gone, so Lu Ming replaced it with the Spirit of Grass and Trees.

In the underground training room, Lu Ming and Zhao Qingcheng poured dragon blood on their bodies, and then spread it.

An unbearable pain came from the place where the dragon's blood was smeared.

Lu Ming and Zhao Qingcheng encouraged each other and forcibly endured the pain. Finally, the pain passed.

Lu Ming rubbed the black mud on his body, and found that his skin had turned into a bronze color, and the strength of his whole body had become much stronger.

Moreover, the dragon's blood promoted the improvement of physical fitness, which led to the explosion of the latent mental power in Lu Ming's consciousness, which further increased Lu Ming's physical fitness.

Lu Ming felt that his current combat power was comparable to that of a planetary-level warrior.

Zhao Qingcheng, who was next to him, saw that his body was covered with black dirt, and rushed to the bathroom with a loud cry.

Lu Ming followed up with a smile, and said, "Qingcheng, the skin on your back can't reach, I'll rub it for you, and you can rub it for me too."

The two went into the bathroom together.

(End of this chapter)

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