Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 60 Marksmanship "Mie Shi" (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 60 Marksmanship "Mie Shi" (please recommend, please collect)

Zhao Qingcheng said in surprise: "Really? Do you really think my clothes look good?"

Lu Ming realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing, but he didn't expect that he was just complimenting politely, and this beautiful senior sister seemed to take it seriously.

Lu Ming quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, senior sister, where is my residence?"

The look of joy on Zhao Qingcheng's face weakened slightly, and he replied, "I don't know which base city my junior is from?"

Lu Ming said, "Jiangnan base city."

Zhao Qingcheng was surprised: "Oh? It turned out to be the base city in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Lu Ming asked curiously, "What happened to Jiangnan Base City?"

Zhao Qingcheng said: "It's okay, but I don't think the younger brother is from Jiangnan base city."

In fact, Zhao Qingcheng secretly said in his heart: "Junior brother is actually in the same place as that nympho Zhao Ruo, no, I have to keep an eye on it."

Lu Ming knew that although his appearance hadn't changed much since he traveled, there were still some features of a mixed race.However, you can't think I'm a foreigner just because I'm mixed race.

Zhao Qingcheng dismissed this topic and said to Lu Ming, "Let's go. Your residence is in Jiangnan District. I'll take you there."

Lu Ming expressed his gratitude: "Then thank you, Senior Sister."

Zhao Qingcheng said with a smile: "It's all trivial, remember to come and play often in the future."

Lu Ming said awkwardly: "Yes, yes."

Zhao Qingcheng smiled and said: "Then I'll wait for my junior brother to come!"

Then Zhao Qingcheng led Lu Ming out of the room, locked the door, handed the umbrella in his hand to Lu Ming, and said, "Junior Brother, this umbrella is the only one in the world, let's use it." Lu Ming nodded in agreement.

Just when Lu Ming put the umbrella on top of the two of them, Zhao Qingcheng embraced Lu Ming's left arm with both hands.

Lu Ming only felt his left arm sink into a piece of softness, he broke free lightly, and found that Zhao Qingcheng was hugging him tightly, Lu Ming said helplessly, "Senior Sister?"

Zhao Qingcheng opened his big innocent eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

The words of refusal in Lu Ming's mouth could not be continued, so he could only say, "It's nothing."

"Oh!" Zhao Qingcheng replied softly, but said shyly in his heart: "Ah, so shy! This is the first time I'm so close to a boy."

Lu Ming enjoyed and tortured along the way. Finally, Zhao Qingcheng said, "Okay, here it is."

The houses in Jiangnan District have white walls and black tiles, which are antique and completely different from Zhao Qingcheng's single-family villa just now.

Open the door and go in. There are three attics inside, but the courtyard is empty. Also, it is raining outside.

Zhao Qingcheng spoke directly: "Senior brother Shi Jiang? Senior brother Shi Jiang?"

On the second-floor balcony of the attic on the left, a petite woman with slightly dark skin appeared, wearing pajamas, and said: "Senior brother Shi Jiang is not here, if you need anything, you can call him directly."

Zhao Qingcheng smiled and said: "Senior brother Shi Jiang is not here, it is fine if you are here."

Then he finally let go of Lu Ming's left arm. Lu Ming felt a little bit of reluctance in his heart, and then he cursed himself inwardly, how could he become a strong man even if he couldn't stand such a little temptation.

Zhao Qingcheng pointed to Lu Ming and said: "This is the new Junior Brother Li Wei, he is also from the Jiangnan District, so I brought him to live with you in the Jiangnan Pavilion."

Zhao Ruo excitedly said, "A new student here?"

Then he jumped down from the second floor holding an umbrella.

Zhao Ruo jumped down and looked at Lu Ming, and said, "Isn't he good looking? But, isn't it usually Teacher Yang Hui who brings people here? Why did you bring them here this time?"

Zhao Qingcheng said: "Teacher Yang Hui has something to do temporarily, and I also want to get to know the new junior, so I volunteered to bring the junior here."

Zhao Ruo nodded and said, "Okay, Junior Brother, in the Jiangnan Pavilion from now on, I will cover you, Senior Sister."

Lu Ming smiled and said, "Then thank you, Senior Sister."

Zhao Ruo smiled and said, "Small things."

Zhao Qingcheng said: "Junior brother, your room should be in the attic on the right, and the room should not be cleaned for a long time, let me clean it for you."

Lu Ming declined politely, "You don't need to bother Senior Sister with such a trivial matter."

Zhao Qingcheng said: "No trouble, no trouble."

Then he walked towards Lu Ming's house.

Lu Ming followed helplessly.

At night, after the rain, the air was exceptionally fresh. Lu Ming sat in the audio-visual room and began to think about his assessment in the morning.

The Spiral Nine Shadows I practiced have advantages against small-scale enemies, especially when dealing with one person, but the only disadvantage is that in large-scale wars, the Spiral Nine Shadows are not applicable, because in In large-scale battles, the nine phantoms will be attacked at the same time as soon as they appear. On the contrary, the micro-level movement skills are more suitable in large-scale battles. On the contrary, when they are one-on-one with others, they do not have the advantage of spiral nine shadows.So I have to cultivate both.

After figuring it out, Lu Ming looked at the student notes on the laptop in front of him.

The rewards related to the boxing level and the trial tower level in it made Lu Ming jealous. These are all training resources.

Most of the cultivation resources in this world are in the hands of Hong and Thunder God. Of course, Hong has the most.

You have to break through your strength to get these rewards.

Still, this power level is interesting.

In Lu Ming's understanding, and in the martial arts that he had practiced before, the martial artist has a part of his strength, so he should use all his strength.

In this world, it is true that if a force is divided into two or more bursts, the power generated in an instant is several times that of a force used in its entirety.

This level of punching power is that you can break out a force several times at a time.If you burst nine layers at a time, and split them into two bursts, then your power rating is 1.8.In the same way, if a person can divide a power into 100 bursts, each bursting into nine layers, then if you punch out with one punch, it is equivalent to the power of ninety of you gathered together.

At present, in this world, the number one training cheat book is Hong's spear technique to destroy the world. The weapon he is good at has not been determined, so even if it is a spear technique cheat book, he can practice it.And since I want to cultivate, I must practice the best.

So Lu Ming opened the Martial Arts Mall of the HR Alliance, and clicked on the number one cheat book "Mie Shi".

The ultimate marksmanship of "Mie Shi" is 1000 billion Huaxia coins.

Lu Ming was surprised: "It's so expensive!"

Originally, Lu Ming had 300 billion in his hands, and he thought he was rich. He didn’t expect that one of Hong’s cheats would be 1000 billion. Moreover, the cheats are not unique and can be copied in batches. As long as one person buys them, Hong will earn 1000 billion. , The HR alliance sells Hong's marksmanship cheats without charging a fee, to show respect for the world's No. 1.

After clicking on the detailed information of "Destroying the World", Lu Ming happily said, "I knew I could buy it separately."

Lu Ming took a look, and found that the four levels of exercises before the World Extinction cost 75 billion, which was just within the range of his it!
Lu Ming made up his mind.Click to buy, and the delivery address is Elite Training Camp.

Now, Lu Ming is waiting for the arrival of marksmanship to destroy the world.

(End of this chapter)

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