Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 55 Vulture Li Yao (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 55 Vulture Li Yao (please recommend, please collect)

In Jiangnan Base City, Jiangnan Shanshui Community, in the Huayao Peak Villa, Lu Ming stood in front of the villa, hesitating a little.

Seeing the parents of this body for the first time, Lu Ming was a little nervous.

After all, in the Mingyue plane of Qin Shi, he hadn't had time to meet his father, King Han, and his mother, Concubine Chen.

In the Kingdom of Jin, he only met the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin before he died.

So thinking of meeting the parents of this body, Lu Ming felt uncomfortable.

"Let's go, die early and be reborn early."

Lu Ming comforted himself in his heart.

After entering the villa, the housekeeper was already waiting behind the door. When he saw Lu Ming, he bowed down and respectfully said, "Master, you are back!"


Lu Ming nodded casually.

Then he asked, "Where's my dad?"

The villa steward replied: "Master, Mr. Li Yao should be practicing on the balcony. Is the master going to see Mr. now?"

"Well, no need, just let me know when my dad finishes practicing."

Lu Ming ordered.

The villa steward agreed, "Okay, master."

Lu Ming asked again: "Where is my mother?"

The villa steward replied: "Mrs. Vinina has gone to the reception."

Lu Ming also ordered: "When my mother comes back, let me know."

The housekeeper nodded in agreement.

Lu Ming's room is on the second floor of the villa. The entire second floor is his room, including the training area, entertainment area, and bedroom.

Lu Ming changed his combat uniform into casual clothes at home, and lay leisurely on the recliner in the leisure and entertainment area.

In front of him was a super-large electronic screen, on which a video of a group of beauties dancing was playing.

Lu Ming raised the iced Coke in his hand, took a big sip, and then took a long breath and said, "I haven't experienced this feeling for a long time."

After only experiencing it for a while, Lu Ming drank the iced Coke in his hand and ordered: "Open the warrior forum."

A beautiful electronic female voice said: "The voice is being verified, the voice verification has passed, and the warrior forum is being opened."

The video of the girl group in front of him was closed, and the warrior forum was opened.

The homepage of the Martial Arts Forum is similar to the forum interface of Lu Ming's previous life. A post on the top is "The world's No. 1 Hong, mysteriously appeared in the Australian mainland."

Lu Ming immediately clicked in with interest.

The content of the post is very little, just a picture, in which is a vague man in black, flying in the sky, with a straight body, piercing the sky like a sword.

Lu Ming admired in his heart: "This is the No.1 in the world, Hong?"

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, there was still a spirit in the photo.

Lu Ming praised: "This is the real warrior."

Then Lu Ming quit this post and began to look for the cultivation method of the Psychiatrist.

Lu Ming saw a post about a Psychiatrist.

"As we all know, spiritual masters are a very special kind of warriors. After they awaken, their strength improves rapidly. However, once the spiritual power hidden in their minds is fully tapped out, their strength progresses very quickly. Slow, even slower than ordinary fighters, why is this? Listen to me slowly.

Everyone knows that warriors are not like spiritual masters in their cultivation. Once awakened, their progress will be rapid. However, the world's No. 1 Hong is a warrior, and the second person in the world, Thor, is also a warrior.

Everyone knows why, after the awakening of the Psychiatrist, the speed of progress is very fast, but are there so few top masters?
That's because, once the potential of a spiritual teacher is exhausted, there will be no cultivation skills, and he can only rely on his own body to absorb slowly, but we warriors have channeling skills and five-heart-to-heaven skills.

Therefore, even if Psychiatrists make rapid progress in the early stage, they will eventually run out of potential one day, and the future of our warriors is unlimited.

So those martial brothers who envy the spiritual masters don't have to complain all day long. God is fair. Colleagues who have certain advantages must also have certain disadvantages.

Of course, when you meet a spiritualist, you have to give in, because the spiritualist has a heaven-defying ability, that is, he can fly, and the speed of our fighters cannot catch up with the flying speed of the spiritualist. "

Looking at the description in the post, Lu Ming smiled. There is indeed some truth in the post, but it is still relatively one-sided.

Because in the universe, there are treasures that can directly increase the energy in the body. Of course, there are also treasures on the earth, but not only the number is small, but the effect is not very good.

But it is still very practical among ordinary people.

Just as Lu Ming was browsing the contents of the post, the door was pushed open.

A middle-aged man with short hair and a rock-sculpted face came in. According to Li Wei's memory, the person who came in was Li Wei's father, Vulture, Li Yao.

Li Yao, the vulture, is also well-known in the God of War circle, because he also has a wife named Venina Polinas, who is known as the poisonous scorpion.

Vinina Bolinas is also the younger sister of the patriarch of the Bolinas family among the nine core families of the HR Alliance, and is currently the executive president of the China Region of the HR Alliance.

High strength and high status, so few people dare to provoke them.

Seeing Li Yao coming in, Lu Ming quickly got up and said, "Dad, have you finished your training?"

Li Yao nodded slightly, and then asked: "Wei Er, how is the effect of your training this time?"

Lu Ming wondered if he should tell Li Yao his own strength, but when he thought about the original book, Li Yao and his wife Vinina offered 1000 billion rewards to avenge Li Wei. As a result, the whole family was killed by Luo Feng.

Believe that such parents are what anyone wants.

So Lu Ming said without any hesitation: "Dad, this time, I have successfully cultivated a micro-level agility."


Li Yao was pleasantly surprised, you know, for this son, they have broken their hearts. Li Yao has been training Li Wei since he was a child, and he has also given some precious treasures to Li Wei.

Finally, Li Wei became a warrior, but because Li Wei grew up in a greenhouse and had no experience in life-and-death combat, his combat effectiveness was very weak, so Li Yao arranged for his protector, Li Wei, to go to the wilderness for training.

But the effect of tempering was not very good. After more than a year, Li Wei, who was an intermediate warrior, turned out to be only able to beat monsters at the junior warrior level.

Originally, Li Yao was just asking casually this time, but he didn't expect Lu Ming to bring him such a big surprise this time.

Li Yao didn't know that there was an even bigger surprise waiting for him.

Li Yao didn't dare to say anything: "Come on, let's test it now."

Li Yao pulled Lu Ming to the training room. In a corner of the lounge, there was a precious instrument. Li Yao stepped forward to switch on the instrument, pointed to the circle in front of the instrument, and signaled Lu Ming to enter.

Lu Ming walked in, and as soon as the red light rose from the circle, Li Yao turned on the switch of the senior warrior level.

The test begins.

(End of this chapter)

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