Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 50 Micro-level body skills (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 50 Micro-level body skills (please recommend, please collect)

The strong white man originally just looked at Lu Ming's self-mutilation training with a joking look, but when he heard the old man surnamed Liu muttering to himself, he was shocked and said, "What? You said this is a subtle body technique?"

The old man surnamed Liu said in a deep voice: "That's right, this is the micro-level movement technique. You may not know that I once stayed in the God of War team, and there were two God of War in it, one was the captain, the other was the vice-captain, and the rest They are all high-level fighters, but in the end I was expelled from the team because of my poor physical skills."

The strong white man said in surprise: "Old Liu, your level is already the strongest in our team, and you will be expelled from the team because of your poor physical skills?"

The old man surnamed Liu snorted and said with a snort: "My level looks like a fart in the eyes of those geniuses, you know? In that team, apart from me, there are two war gods and three other high-level warriors. The method is all down to the micro level."

The strong white man said in surprise, "What? They are all at the micro-level? Didn't you say that the micro-level agility can only be cultivated by the God of War?"

The old man surnamed Liu said with a smile: "That's not the case. In the real situation, the subtle level is the most common movement technique among Gods of War. It is said that there is another kind of movement technique at the subtle level, which can only be cultivated by geniuses and high-level Gods of War."

The strong white man was stunned, and then asked the old man surnamed Liu: "Then, can we learn the young master's method of cultivating body skills at the micro level?"

The old man surnamed Liu worried: "I don't know. Logically speaking, this is an advanced cultivation method that most people don't know about. The young master practiced in front of us. It should be because no one told him to keep it a secret. We will tell the young master later. I beg you, let the young master pass on this cultivation method to us, so that even if others track it down, it can be said that the young master taught us on his own initiative."

The strong white man nodded excitedly.

On the other side, the shadow cats fighting with Lu Ming gradually became dull. Lu Ming knew that these shadow cats were exhausted.So Lu Ming punched and killed all the shadow cats.

The old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man hurried forward and asked nervously, "Master, how is it? Is there anything wrong?"

Lu Ming shook his head slightly, indicating that there was nothing serious, and then ordered: "You two help me treat the wound."

The old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man hurriedly agreed.

The two took off the armor on Lu Ming's body. On the way to take off the armor, they pulled the wound, and Lu Ming's face trembled slightly.

Finally, all the armor was taken off.

The old man surnamed Liu and the strong Caucasian man wiped the blood from the wound on Lu Ming's body with disinfectant, and sprayed the wound with a quick hemostatic spray, and the wound stopped bleeding immediately.

Lu Ming thinks this hemostatic spray is very useful. He can inquire about the prescription of this hemostatic spray. If the ingredients can be found in the main world, the combat effectiveness of his army will definitely be greatly improved.

The old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man bandaged Lu Ming's wound with medical gauze. Lu Ming asked, "Is there any medicine to speed up recovery?"

The old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man said: "Yes, there are, but this medicine is too precious, so we only brought a bottle when we came out this time. Young master, your wound is not very big, so you don't need that medicine."

Lu Ming said: "Use it now. Medicines are meant to be used, but you take them and don't use them. This is even more wasteful."

The old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man had no choice but to take out the medicine to speed up recovery and give it to Lu Ming.

This medicine is really different. As soon as this medicine was put on the wound, Lu Ming felt that the wound was cool, and the granulation in the wound was growing rapidly, making the wound itchy again.

After a while, Lu Ming waved his arm and found that the wound was no longer painful. He looked carefully at the injury on his body and found that the wound was already scarred. After rubbing it hard, the scar fell off, and his whole body was smooth, as if he had never been injured.

Lu Ming, the old man surnamed Liu, and a strong white man found a clean room. The room was full of dust, but it was covered with a dustproof cloth. It seemed that the owner of this room still wanted to come back.

The three of Lu Ming took off the dust-proof cloth, sat on a clean sofa, ate a few concentrated energy bars, and drank a few bags of water.

Lu Ming told the old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man, "Let's rest for two hours and continue in the afternoon."

Of course, the old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man nodded in agreement. Just when Lu Ming was about to close his eyes, Lu Ming found that the old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man seemed to have something to say, but they kept silent.

Lu Ming asked, "Do you two have anything to say?"

The old man surnamed Liu and Ai Ai, a strong white man, said: "Master, can we both learn the cultivation method of your micro-level agility that you have today?"

Lu Ming asked curiously, "What is a micro-level movement technique?"

The old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man said anxiously, "It's the agility you practiced this morning, young master!"

Lu Ming tried his best to think back, it seems that there is such a thing, on the earth, when Luo Feng first started, he used the power of his mind to cultivate his body skills.Can dodge and move in a small range.

Speaking of which, my own cultivation method seems to be thought of from Luo Feng's cultivation method, but I forgot the founder of the cultivation method, no wonder Lu Ming felt so familiar with it.

Lu Ming said to the old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man: "No problem, you can also learn from that, but the beast-level monsters probably won't work for you, you can start training directly from the beast-level monsters.

However, a large number of beast-level monsters can only be found in large cities, and large cities are too dangerous.

So I suggest that it is better for you to practice slowly in a small city. "

The old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man were taken aback for a moment. Obviously they were too excited just now and forgot to consider the difficulty of cultivation.

However, the old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man still gritted their teeth and said, "Thank you, young master, for teaching us how to cultivate. As for how to practice, let's think about it after we get down."

Lu Ming nodded noncommittally. He had already told them the cultivation method and the difficulties of cultivation. As for whether they would listen to his advice, it was none of his business.

After resting for two hours, the three of them packed their bags and started to look for the next group of Shadowcats.

In the afternoon, luck was good. It didn't take long for Lu Ming and the three to find another group of shadow cats. However, there were more than 100 shadow cats in this group, and one of them was the leader of the shadow cats who was a junior beast general. Lu Ming asked the old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man not to Take the shot, and wait until they are in danger, the two of them will take the shot again.

The two agreed, so Lu Ming rushed straight to the group of shadow cats.

(End of this chapter)

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