Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 38 Plan (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 38 Plan (please recommend, please collect)

The two looked at each other, and their whole bodies were shocked at the same time, and both of their skills were broken.

Bao Xiruo had blood on the corner of his mouth, still struggling to subdue Zinu, Zinu also suffered internal injuries, but she looked much better than Bao Xiruo.

The fight between the two happened in an instant, and by the time Lu Ming reacted, both of them had been injured.

Lu Ming rushed over quickly, hugged Bao Xiruo, not letting him continue to do anything, and used his inner strength to heal Bao Xiruo.

Slowly put in the internal force, and after that, the internal force in Bao Xiruo's body eased a lot, Lu Ming said distressedly: "Xiwei, are you okay? Why did you attack Miss Zi Nu for no reason?"

Bao Xiruo's eyes widened, "Could it be that you were held hostage by her?"

Lu Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "How did you know that I was kidnapped by her? Are you so distrustful of your husband?"

Bao Xiruo realized that he had misunderstood, and immediately blushed and said, "I saw a strong murderous aura emanating from her body, so I thought..."

Lu Ming almost cried with laughter, my family's Xiwei is so cute!
Lu Ming smiled and said, "It's all my fault that I provoked Miss Zi Nu when I came in. Miss Zi Nu was just a little angry, but you misunderstood me."

Bao Xiruo was so ashamed that she just wanted to crawl into Lu Ming's arms.

Lu Ming turned his head to look at Zi Nu, and asked, "Has Miss Zi Nu ever been injured?"

Zi Nu smiled lightly: "My injury is fine."

Lu Ming said guiltily: "I didn't expect that I wanted to help Zi Nu, but let Zi Nu get hurt. This is because Han Che didn't think carefully, I'm sorry."

Zi Nu smiled mysteriously: "Young Master Thirteen, don't mind, maybe it's a good thing."

Lu Ming asked suspiciously, "Why does Miss Zi Nu say that?"

Zi Nu explained: "If Ji Wuye really wanted to follow us, he might send someone to inquire about the servants of the Young Master's mansion. Now that the young master's concubine is attacking me, the servants think that it is the two princesses of the young master. They are jealous of each other, so they fight. In this way, when Ji Wuye comes to inquire, it will be able to pass false news to Ji Wuye."

Lu Ming suddenly realized, and said with admiration: "Miss Zi Nu is suddenly very smart, I didn't expect this level."

Then he said with some concern: "In this way, the news that Miss Zi Nu is my concubine will probably spread throughout the palace, and the outside world will definitely hear about it, so will it affect Miss Zi Nu's reputation. "

Zi Nu didn't care and said: "Young Master Thirteen, don't worry, compared to being worried about by Ji Wuye, Zi Nu can still afford the loss of reputation, but it may affect the reputation of Young Master Thirteen." affected."

Lu Ming was a little puzzled: "Why would this matter affect my reputation?"

Zi Nu smiled and said: "Those maids must think that it was because the young master's concubine attacked me because of jealousy. Once it gets out, people outside will definitely think that the young master has no ability to stabilize the inner house."

Lu Ming's face was slumped. Could it be that this is a word from his previous life, what is it called, Huo Gang is weak?

But Lu Ming immediately figured it out, these are trivial matters, if he wants to stand in this war-torn world, he should not focus on these trivial matters, he should also focus on the world while practicing martial arts.Speaking of which, Wu Mu's suicide note that I brought back from the last world should be very useful to me now.

Then who will I arrange to study Wu Mu's suicide note?

I have to find someone who is loyal to me,

Yes, my uncle and grandfather.

My mother, Concubine Chen, was not from an ordinary family either. She was born in a large family in South Korea. Most of the men in the family served in the army.

My grandfather was a general, and my uncle led an army alone.

And in my memory, my uncle and grandfather wanted to support me to become King of Han.

So if you give this Wu Mu's suicide note to your uncle or grandfather now, and let them train according to the things in Wu Mu's suicide note, then their army's combat effectiveness will increase, and they will have more say in the army. Also more chance.

However, if you want to compete for the right to speak in the army, you will inevitably collide with Ji Wuye, so your top priority is to improve your own strength, and when your uncle or grandfather has accumulated enough strength, you can get rid of Ji Wuye, and let My grandfather controls the army of South Korea, so that I have a big chance to become the king of South Korea.

He just didn't know what Han Fei's ideal was. If Han Fei wanted to be the king of Han, he would inevitably collide with him.But this is what Lu Ming absolutely does not want to see.Because I have always liked Han Fei as a historical figure, whether it is real history or Han Fei in Qin Shimingyue, so it is not a last resort, Lu Ming does not want to confront Han Fei head-on.

Of course, if Han Fei just wants to govern the country according to his own ideas and spread the ideas of legalism, then he can't get what he wants, so what if he entrusts you to manage the whole country?All I want is a stable environment and a free life.

When the environment can't satisfy him, he will be the king of Han himself and unify the seven kingdoms.

As for who helps you govern the country, it doesn't matter, just find someone who is pleasing to you and capable.

With a decision in his mind, Lu Ming naturally stopped hesitating, and a smile appeared on his face.

Zi Nu looked at Lu Ming and found that she couldn't understand Lu Ming. Before, she always thought he was just an interesting kid, but just now when Lu Ming was thinking deeply, Zi Nu felt that she should be more optimistic. Lu Ming, not Han Fei.

Lu Ming, who recovered from his contemplation, smiled, and explained everything that happened before to Bao Xiruo. Only then did Bao Xiruo understand that Lu Ming was afraid that Ji Wuye would be unfavorable to Zi Nu, so he did it. She lied that Zi Nu was Lu Ming's concubine, and just now Lu Ming was about to explain, but was interrupted by Bao Xiruo, who was worried about Lu Ming.

Bao Xiruo apologized embarrassingly: "Miss Zi Nu, I'm really sorry. I misunderstood."

A smile appeared on the corner of Zi Nu's mouth, and she said: "It's okay, I lost my composure just now, which is why the princess misunderstood. But the princess and the thirteenth son are really affectionate."

Bao Xiruo nodded gratefully, and said, "Husband is very good to me."

Then he said to Zi Nu: "Miss Zi Nu, you don't have to be so polite, just tell me to be weak."

Zi Nu smiled and said, "Then how about I call my concubine Xiwei sister? You don't have to be so polite, just call me Zi Nu."

Bao Xiruo said happily, "Hey, then I'll call you Sister Zi Nu too."

Lu Ming looked at Bao Xiruo and Zi Nu, the older sister chatted with the younger sister, and couldn't help thinking that if he married Zi Nu, then they would be real sisters.And in this day and age, it is not illegal to marry more than one wife.
(End of this chapter)

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