Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 23 Bao Xiruo's Reluctance (Please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 23 Bao Xiruo's Reluctance (Please recommend, please collect)

"Besides, Ouyang Feng, the Western poisoner, happened to be recuperating in a gangster's cottage at that time. Unexpectedly, General Huang's army suddenly attacked the mountain. Ouyang Feng killed several soldiers and fled, but was also slapped by General Huang.

So those wealthy families teamed up with Ouyang Feng to set up a trap, and the deceived General Huang went deep alone. More than a dozen cottages joined forces with Ouyang Feng to surround General Huang in a gangster's cottage. The remaining food is enough to support, so General Huang sent me to ask for help."

Lu Ming wondered, "The army was surrounded, how did you escape?"

The soldiers in the hall replied: "General Huang led the army to attract attention in front, and the subordinates and the other nine people broke out from the back mountain, but the other nine people were poisoned to death by the poisonous snakes in the back mountain. The Jiuhua Yulu pill given in advance, so I survived."

Lu Ming nodded. In this way, there were no loopholes in the sergeant's words, so Lu Ming was going to Song Dynasty to rescue Huang Yaoshi.

At this time, Lu Ming is one level behind Huang Yaoshi in terms of realm. If Huang Yaoshi just ran over like this, he might die tragically in the army, or be slapped to death by Ouyang Feng, so Lu Ming decided to accumulate his internal energy to the bottleneck first. .

Lu Ming took the medicinal snake he found in Liang Ziweng's village to the secret room, and then cut off the snake's head with a single knife, and put the blood that flowed out into a bowl.There were two full bowls.

Lu Ming picked up a bowl, pinched his nose, and poured it into his mouth.I only felt a liquid mixed with the smell of medicine and blood entering my mouth, which was spicy and bitter, and the taste was unbearable.

Lu Ming restrained himself and drank it in gulp.After drinking, sit down cross-legged immediately and start to exercise internal strength.

After a while, a wave of heat emanated from the stomach, and then spread to the whole body.The heat gradually increased, as if sitting next to a glowing red stove.

But with the operation of internal force, the heat gradually subsided and all gathered in the dantian.

When he couldn't feel the heat at all, Lu Ming checked the internal force in his body and found that the internal force was still close to reaching the bottleneck, so Lu Ming took another bowl of medicinal snake blood and drank it down.

After a long time, after refining all the medicinal power in the medicinal snake's blood, Lu Ming realized that his internal strength had reached a bottleneck. Most of the last bowl of medicinal snake blood was wasted, but there is no way, time waits for no one, Lu Ming can only do everything possible to improve himself, and he doesn't care about wasting or not.

The next day, Lu Ming was about to leave.

This time Lu Ming was not going to lead the troops, and he also left Bao Xiruo in the capital of the Jin Dynasty, because this time he was going to fight the army, and Lu Ming was not sure how to protect Bao Xiruo from the chaos.

After all, even if a top player like Yang Guo almost died in the rebellion, Guo Jing would eventually die in the rebellion, and his manpower would eventually run out.

Therefore, even Lu Ming is not sure of winning the rescue of Huang Yaoshi this time, but Huang Yaoshi is his friend after all.

If his life is in danger at that time, he can let the system take him back at any time, but if this is the case, Lu Ming will not be able to take Bao Xiwei back, so Lu Ming will try not to let this happen.

Bao Xiruo sent Lu Ming away at the gate of the palace. Lu Ming was full of worries, but there was nothing unusual on his face. Bao Xiruo looked at Lu Ming reluctantly, but he understood in his heart.

If he forced Lu Ming to go with him, although Lu Ming would agree, but following him would be of no use at all, it would only hinder Lu Ming, so Bao Xiruo could only send Lu Ming away reluctantly.

But just as Lu Ming got on his horse and was about to leave, Bao Xiruo suddenly shouted, "You must come back alive, I'll wait for you at our house."

Lu Ming looked at Bao Xiruo with joy. Although Bao Xiruo was blushing, he still mustered up the courage to look at Lu Ming. Lu Ming knew that this was probably the most daring expression of love that Bao Xiruo could say. up.

Lu Ming excitedly said to Bao Xiruo: "Don't worry, I will definitely come back safely. When I come back, I will marry you."

Bao Xiruo's expression was agitated, the love in his eyes was about to flow out.

Lu Ming turned his head and whipped his horse away.Bao Xiruo waved his hands vigorously, and followed Lu Ming's figure with his eyes until Lu Ming's figure disappeared on the horizon.

Traveling all the way, it took half a month before Lu Ming arrived at Shouyang Mountain where Huang Yaoshi was.

Around Shouyang Mountain, a group of bandits were patrolling everywhere to prevent Huang Yaoshi from leading his army out of the encirclement, or to prevent people from rushing into the encirclement to rescue Huang Yaoshi.

With Lu Ming's lightness skills, he would naturally not be afraid of being discovered by these ordinary bandits. He moved and dodged along the way, and easily arrived in Huang Yaoshi's army.

At this time, Huang Yaoshi was gathering generals to discuss how to escape from the encirclement.

Huang Yaoshi was above the commander's tent, and asked in a solemn voice: "This discussion is to discuss how to break out of the encirclement. If there are still people who propose to surrender, don't blame me for not being sympathetic and dealing with it by military law."

A group of generals under the handsome tent looked at each other, and after making eye contact, a long-faced general said with a slumped face: "General, I have already thought about the methods I should think of a few days ago, but after trying, they all failed. , the subordinates really can’t think of any other way.”

With stern eyes, Huang Yaoshi scanned the generals under the tent, and then said: "Since this is the case, there will be a way to break out of the encirclement. Are you willing to try?"

All the generals under the tent looked happily at Huang Yaoshi, the same long-faced general just now, and asked earnestly: "I don't know what the general thought of? The subordinates must obey."

Huang Yaoshi said coldly: "I'm going to confront Ouyang Feng tonight, so that he won't have time to arrange a snake formation to disrupt the army formation. As long as the army formation is not in chaos, I believe those mobs can't stop you, and you can naturally break through the encirclement. "

When the generals under the tent heard Huang Yaoshi's method, their faces were not happy. Instead, they frowned and said, "General, haven't you tried this method before? That Western Poison Ouyang Feng will not be obedient and confront you Yes, as soon as you appear, he will immediately hide in the army, leaving you helpless."

Huang Yaoshi resolutely said: "Don't worry, even if he hides in the army this time, I will kill him in the chaos. Moreover, the food and grass in the army is only enough for tomorrow morning. If we don't If we fight, in a few days, even if the enemy puts a knife on our necks, we will have no strength to resist."

The generals under the account trembled in their hearts, it seemed that they could only do their best tonight.

At this time, a voice came from outside the tent, "I have a solution here, why not consider it with General Huang."


The generals under the account shouted loudly.

At this time, the curtain of the tent was lifted, and Lu Ming got in.

The long-faced man jumped out, "Which battalion are you a soldier from? How dare you eavesdrop on the Shangguan's discussion!"

Lu Ming ignored his yelling, but smiled at Huang Yaoshi and said, "I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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