Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 135 The Vow of Concentricity (Subscribe)

Chapter 135 The Vow of Concentricity (Subscribe)

Yan Lingji laughed and said: "The dignified thirteen sons of South Korea can actually cook."

Lu Ming smiled and said, "I'll let you see it later."

Lu Ming used mental strength to remove the fur of the pheasant and the hare, and took out the internal organs, after cleaning them up.

Lu Ming collected some dry branches with his mental power and asked Yan Lingji to light the branches.

Then Lu Ming manipulated the cleaned pheasants and hares with mental power and roasted them on the fire.

Because of the mental power to carefully observe the heat of the roasted chicken and roasted hare, it didn't take long for the surface of the roasted chicken and roasted hare to turn golden yellow with a little brownish red.

Lu Ming took out the pre-prepared salt from his pocket and sprinkled it evenly on it. At the same time, he mentally shook the roasted chicken and roasted rabbit gently, allowing the salt melted by the fire to slowly melt into it.

Yan Lingji asked curiously: "You actually carry salt with you?"

Lu Ming laughed and said, "When I used to venture outside, I often went to deserted places and had to cook by myself, so I took it with me. And a small bag of salt is not heavy."

Yan Lingji's eyes sparkled, and she said softly to Lu Ming: "Brother Lu, can you tell me about your past story?"

Lu Ming was slightly taken aback, and his mental power continued to control the grilled chicken and rabbit to roast on the fire. He turned his head and said to Yan Lingji seriously: "Lingji, my previous story contains my biggest secret, so I Now I ask you seriously, are you really willing to follow me all the time and not betray me?"

After Yan Lingji glanced at Lu Ming, without saying a word, she let down the long hair on her head, held a strand of long hair in her left hand, and made a knife with her right hand, with a layer of shallow flames attached, and directly cut the long strand of hair hair cut.

The flame on the right hand was extinguished, Yan Lingji held the lock of hair in her left hand, put her right hand to her mouth, bit her silver teeth, and bit the index finger of her right hand into a small wound, and bright red blood oozed out.

Flame Spirit drew a mystical symbol on his left hand with the blood from his right index finger, and then put his hands together, holding the hair and the mysterious symbol in his hands.Then flicked her hands lightly, forming a mysterious handprint, and then Yan Lingji put the handprint on her heart, Yan Lingji lowered her head and said to Lu Ming: "Brother Lu, what Yan Lingji is doing now is my hundred!" The oath of one heart passed down from generation to generation by the Yue clan."

Speaking of this, Yan Lingji's face blushed, but she continued: "This oath of one heart was made by the woman of the Baiyue clan to her husband on the wedding night. Since Brother Lu has some doubts about Lingji, then Lingji Let’s make this oath of one heart to Big Brother Lu now.”

Lu Ming pulled Yan Lingji into his arms, and said in a low voice, "Lingji, I'm sorry, I was too stupid to see your feelings for me clearly in time."

Yan Lingji twisted slightly in Lu Ming's arms, adjusted a suitable position, and then said softly: "It's okay, since I have sworn to you, no matter what you do, I will Support you, even if it means dying with you."

Lu Ming patted Yan Lingji's back lightly and smiled, "Don't worry, we will never die, I promise."

Yan Lingji laughed aloud and said: "How is it possible, even if you become very powerful, Brother Lu, you can protect us from harm, but people will always be born, old, sick, and die. I don't expect to live forever now, as long as I can be with Brother Lu." You just stay together."

When Lu Ming was about to explain the system to Yan Lingji, Mental Power suddenly noticed a large group of people running towards them.

So Lu Ming shouted loudly: "Who is it?"

In the darkness, a rough voice sounded: "Second boy, I told you that your sneak attack method doesn't work, so you should do as I said, rush straight up and kill the man, and stay behind the woman, we brothers can make fun of ourselves." How nice it is."

Hearing this, Lu Ming was furious. He used his mental power to control a throwing knife and shot it in the direction of the sound.

The flying knife shot into the forest, and there was a miserable howl immediately from where the sound came from, and the rough voice said with a trace of anger: "Old wolf? Li Hai, you are here to take care of the old wolf, and the others will go with me to kill it." This kid."

Then, the footsteps of everyone in the darkness quickened, and three seconds later, a strong man in leather armor rushed out with a group of people.

The rough and strong man looked at the two of Lu Ming, with a smirk on his face, and said with a trace of cruelty: "Boy, you dare to hurt my person. I wanted to give you a good time, but now I have changed my mind. I decided to I want to cut off the flesh of your body one by one, and then cut you into a stick and feed it to the monsters."

Lu Ming looked at the bloody smell on the strong man, and knew that the strong man must have killed many people. Although this world is a world of cannibalism, the strong man actually wanted to kill himself just now.Take Yan Lingji away, then they will be sentenced to death in Lu Ming's heart.

Seeing that the strongest strong men in the crowd were only average, Lu Ming sneered in his heart. These people are looking for death.

Although I haven't cultivated Dou Qi, warriors in this world can't see my own strength at all. This group of bandits should see that I and Yan Lingji have no force at all and ride expensive horses, so they came to rob me .

Lu Ming moved mentally, and the dozen or so throwing knives on his body drew a series of mysterious curves, and swept towards the necks of many bandits.

The speed of the flying knife was so fast that when the head of the next bandit was cut off, the head of the first bandit had just flown up.

The strong man who took the lead saw that his subordinates had no ability to resist, so he knelt down on the ground with a plop, kowtowed to Lu Ming a few times, and begged, "Please forgive me, my lord. Treat me like a fart and let it go."

Seeing this, Lu Ming stopped a throwing knife between the brows of the strong man, but did not stab it, and shouted: "Kneel there obediently and don't move. I'll ask you a few questions. If your answer satisfies me, I'll give you my answer." I can consider letting you go."

At this time, all the bandits around had been killed by Lu Ming's flying knives. The brawny man trembled in his heart, and nodded his head hastily, "Don't worry, my lord, the villain will know everything and say everything."

Lu Ming put away the flying knife between the brows of the strong man, and said to the strong man: "I only ask you three questions, as long as you answer all of them, I will spare your life.

First question, how long have you been doing this?Don't try to fool me, I'll find out as soon as I inquire in the nearby towns. "

Seeing that Lu Ming's throwing knife was retracted, the strong man wiped the cold sweat from his head slightly.

After hearing Lu Ming's question, he quickly replied respectfully, "My lord, I have been in this business for about three years."

Lu Ming sneered, "Haven't you met any powerful people in the past three years?"

The strong man replied: "The villain always inquires about the opponent's strength before he strikes, but I didn't expect that the kid who inquired about the news this time didn't inquire about your strength, my lord. Otherwise, I wouldn't offend you!"

(End of this chapter)

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