Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 13 "Wu ​​Mu's Last Letter" (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 13 "Wu ​​Mu's Last Letter" (please recommend, please collect)
Qin De said helplessly: "Your Majesty, that treasure is a military book left by my Qin family's enemy, Yue Pengju, called "Wu Mu's Last Letter".

This military book has never appeared in the world since it was collected by my Qin family. A few days ago, I heard that the prince is coming, so I prepared to dedicate this book to him. I believe it will be of great use to the prince. "

Lu Ming nodded, "That's right, that military book is indeed of great use to me. But since you want to dedicate it to me, why don't you keep it safe?"

Qin De said bitterly: "My lord, it's not that I'm unprepared, it's that I can't take precautions at all. I sent twenty guards to guard the room where the military books were placed, but the night before yesterday, a man in black suddenly broke into the room." Entering the official's house, the place he went was like a deserted land, he wounded all the guards in the mansion, and then left in the air.

The next official was really helpless, so he replaced him with Yu Ruyi, and hoped that the prince would forgive him. "

Lu Ming asked curiously: "He injured all the guards in your mansion by himself? Did he not get injured?"

Qin De said helplessly: "Yes, that person is unscathed."

Lu Ming suddenly became very interested in this matter. He was not only curious about the identity of the man in black, but also Wu Mu's suicide note was of great use to him, no matter in this world or in the world of Tian Xing Jiu Ge.

Lu Ming continued to ask: "Is the body of the guard in your mansion still there?"

Qin De said respectfully: "I am afraid that other people will laugh at me if they find out about this matter, so I secretly arranged for someone to throw them into a mass grave outside the city. If the prince needs it, I will arrange for someone to take them away tonight." Dig it out again."

Lu Ming nodded and said, "Well, yes, you can send the corpse to this yard tomorrow morning."

Qin De nodded in agreement.

Lu Ming asked curiously again: "By the way, you said Yue Pengju is your family's old enemy?"

Qin De said angrily: "That's right, my lord, you don't know that when Yue Pengju was killed for disobeying the military order, the Yue family said it was because of my grandfather. It's really shameless."

Looking at Qin De in front of him, Lu Ming suddenly realized that he is a descendant of Qin Hui, no wonder he belittled Yue Fei so much.

Lu Ming, who originally wanted to give Qin De some benefits, lost his mind in an instant.After chatting with Qin Dexu, he asked the guards to see off the guests.

In the evening, Huang Yaoshi came back from a trip, and Lu Ming told Huang Yaoshi about it.

Huang Yaoshi was very happy to know the whereabouts of "Wu Mu's Last Letter". At the same time, Lu Ming also revealed that the thief who stole the book was a martial arts master.

Huang Yaoshi became even more excited. He was currently at a bottleneck in his internal strength, and fighting with martial arts masters would increase his chances of breaking through. So when he heard the news of a martial arts master, Huang Yaoshi was restless and worried about these two news all the time.

Lu Ming comforted: "Qin De will bring the body of the bodyguard killed by that martial arts master tomorrow. You can see what kind of martial arts it is. If you can recognize it, I will personally lead the soldiers to fight for you. Take back Wu Mu's suicide note"

Huang Yaoshi said gratefully: "Thank you very much. If I can't beat him at that time, you can directly lead your troops to surround him. I will restrain him and prevent him from escaping."

Lu Ming nodded in satisfaction. It seems that Huang Yaoshi hasn't been dazed yet, and knows that the overall situation is the most important thing.

The next day, Lu Ming, who had practiced all night, stretched his legs, sat up from the bed, and called, "Come here."

The maid outside the door heard the call from inside, walked in, brought up the wash water that had been prepared, and waited for Lu Ming to wash.

Lu Ming asked while washing up, "Did Qin De send the body?"

The maid replied: "My lord, it was delivered early this morning. Mr. Huang went to the room where the corpse was stored when he heard the news, but he hasn't come out yet."

"Oh? Interesting!"

Lu Ming touched his chin habitually. Is there something wrong with these corpses?
After washing, Lu Ming asked the maid to lead the way. When he arrived at the room where the corpse was stored, Lu Ming waved the maid to go back.

Two guards were guarding outside the house. When they saw Lu Ming coming, they hurriedly saluted Lu Ming. After they finished saluting, Lu Ming asked, "Has Mr. Huang come out yet?"

The guard replied: "My lord, Mr. Huang hasn't come out since he went in in the morning. His subordinates have gone in to investigate. Mr. Huang seems to have been playing with those corpses."

Lu Ming knew in his heart that there was indeed something wrong with those corpses.

Pushing the door open, I found that in the empty room, there were more than a dozen corpses covered with white cloths, but the white cloths had all been removed, revealing the tragic death of the corpses under the white cloths, and the clothes on the injured parts of the corpses were all exposed , revealing the pitch-black wounds, all wounds are a pitch-black palm print, which is extremely frightening.

Huang Yaoshi was playing with a corpse. There was a black handprint on the chest of the corpse, and the ribs on the chest had all collapsed. It was obvious that the person who shot it had done it very hard.

Seeing Lu Ming coming in, Huang Yaoshi waved to Lu Ming and said, "Come and take a look, this man looks strong and strong, with no wounds on his whole body except this palm print, obviously he was killed with one blow.

Moreover, this palm print is extremely powerful. I heard that he survived the siege of twenty guards with ease, and only after killing them all did he take away Wu Mu's suicide note, which shows that this person did not use his full strength at all.

With such a deep palm force without using all his strength, and this person's lightness kung fu is extremely high, the only person who meets this condition is probably the leader of the Iron Palm Gang, known by people in the world as Qiu Qianren, who is floating on the water with the Iron Palm. "

Lu Ming's eyes lit up, Iron Palm floating on the water?Qiu Qianren?
"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and gather your troops and set off immediately to Iron Palm Peak."

Huang Yaoshi nodded happily, "Through the injuries on these people, I also understand Qiu Qianren's palm technique. This person is indeed a rare opponent. After arriving at Iron Palm Peak, you must let me fight with Qiu Qianren first."

"Don't worry." Lu Ming smiled.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Jin Mutuo came to report that the soldiers and horses were ready and ready to go at any time.

Lu Ming didn't even bother to eat breakfast, so he led the people out directly.

Since it was relatively close this time, in less than half a day, everyone came to the vicinity of Iron Palm Peak.

The shape of Iron Palm Peak is as its name suggests. From a distance, it looks like an iron palm standing there. The mountain is steep, with thousands of walls and jagged rocks. It is really a dangerous peak.

This time Lu Ming brought a total of [-] soldiers. At the foot of the mountain, Lu Ming arranged for a general to lead [-] soldiers and horses to guard the main roads of Iron Palm Peak, and the other [-] soldiers and horses went up the mountain with him.

On the mountain road, the members of the Iron Palm Gang saw so many soldiers on the mountain from a distance, and fled directly to the mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, a big man with a long beard led a large group of iron palm gangs to meet him.

The big man mobilized his inner strength, and said with a loud smile: "I don't know which lord is coming, but my humble servant Qiu Qianren is far away to welcome you, please make amends."

The sound spread ten miles away and was deafening. Lu Ming and Huang Yaoshi's eyes showed shock. It was obvious that Qiu Qianren's inner strength was so deep that they hadn't expected it.

(End of this chapter)

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