Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 119 Yan Ling Ji Leaves (Subscribe)

Chapter 119 Yan Ling Ji Leaves (Subscribe)

Ji Wuye agreed: "Okay, let's do this."

Then, as if thinking of something, he slapped the table vigorously and said angrily, "Today, that kid Han Fei dared to break ground on Tai Sui's head and openly provoked me. He really deserves to die. I'm going to use all the power of the night curtain to kill him!" killed him."

Xue Yihou stopped him and said: "No, killing him directly like this will only make him a martyr, a failed hero, and attract more people who are ready to move."

Ji Wuye and the Emerald Tiger next to him nodded slightly. Xue Yihou was right. What they were afraid of was not Han Fei, but people who were constantly challenging their authority one after another.

Xue Yihou continued: "This country has been at ease for too long. These untouchables have forgotten who put down the chaos and who gave them peace. Now, we need to give them fear again, so they will kneel and pray."

Ji Wuye laughed loudly and said: "It makes sense, and by the way, remind these untouchables, who is the real master of this country."

Xue Yihou and Jade Tiger also laughed together, obviously what Ji Wuye said was very suitable for them.

A few days later, in a prison that was more concealed and tighter than Yan Lingji's, it was unknown whether the prisoner's guards were careless or intentional. The prisoner's chains were pulled in, and what's more, the jailer who was pulled in happened to be carrying the key that could unlock the prisoner's shackles.

A moment later, following the screams in the prison, a young man in black robe walked out of the prison. The chains on his body were floating around him, like poisonous snakes, as if waiting for the prey, waiting for an opportunity.

The young man in black was holding a map in his hand, on which were drawn the locations of the cages where other Baiyue murderers were held.

The young man in the black robe squeezed the map in his hand vigorously, gritted his teeth and said, "Is this intentional to let me out? If you are planning to drive away the tiger, then you have to be careful to let the tiger go back to the mountain."

"However, I accept your gift with a smile."

After saying that, the young man in black robe jumped up and disappeared into the dense forest.

In the next few days, several secret prisons around Xinzheng City were attacked by young men in black robes. All the guards of these prisons died, and no one escaped.

In Xinzheng City, Lu Ming sat on the main seat, with many soldiers sitting below.

Xue Changren sat on the guard on the left side below, turned sideways to face Lu Ming, and reported to Lu Minghui: "My lord, in recent days, some prisons belonging to Ji Wuye outside the city have been attacked, but no one knows who did it. , this subordinate guesses that it may be the actions of Ji Wuye's enemies to revenge Ji Wuye."

Lu Ming asked, "Why do you see that?"

Xue Changren said: "My subordinates found out through investigation that these prisons were secretly established by Ji Wuye. If these prisons had not been breached in the past few days, no one would have been able to discover these prisons. From this, my subordinates deduced that these prisons The prison must be holding people who are very important to Ji Wuye. Now that these prisons have been breached, it means that someone is against Ji Wuye, so the subordinates deduce that this is the action of Ji Wuye's enemy."

Lu Ming nodded slightly. According to Lu Ming's understanding of the original plot, this should be Baiyue Prince Tianze who rescued his subordinates. However, in the original plot, Ji Wuye should release Tianze later than this Quite a lot. Could it be that something happened in the middle?Could it be because he rescued Yan Lingji in advance?

Speaking of Yan Lingji, since that day, Yan Lingji suddenly changed her mind and did not enter Lu Ming's mansion. After Lu Ming arranged for her to go to the inn, Lu Ming returned to the mansion and gradually figured it out why Yan Lingji Will suddenly change his mind.

It's all because of my identity. Yan Lingji is from Baiyue. Ten years ago, South Korea destroyed Baiyue. It is normal for Yan Lingji, who was born in Baiyue, to be hostile to South Korea, and she is also the son of South Korea. , and it is also possible that Yan Lingji's relatives also died in that war, so it is normal for Yan Lingji to change her attitude towards herself.

But Lu Ming didn't want to give up. When South Korea destroyed Baiyue, he hadn't crossed over yet. What did it have to do with him? Moreover, he was only a child in this world at that time, and it was even more impossible to do anything to Baiyue. .

Moreover, in Lu Ming's perception, the integration of the country is not a bad thing for the people, at least there is no need to worry about a sudden war breaking out when the country is integrated.Of course, Lu Ming only looked at this matter from the perspective of the victorious nation.

Because this is a good thing for the victorious country, but it is not a good thing for the defeated country. Losing the war means that one's country is gone, one's belief is gone, and one's own belief is gone. Being integrated into other countries, the characteristics of one's own nation will gradually disappear.

Moreover, the people of the defeated country are inferior to others in the victorious country.

Therefore, when Lu Ming discovered that Yan Lingji's change of attitude towards him was due to his status as a Korean son, Lu Ming took the trouble to run to the inn where Yan Lingji was.

In the inn, Lu Ming first explained to Yan Lingji that he was just a child at the time and had nothing to do with Baiyue's destruction. Moreover, he was full of sympathy for Baiyue. I will definitely support Baiyue's restoration of the country.

Under Lu Ming's tireless explanation and promise, Yan Lingji's attitude towards Lu Ming has eased a lot. Although she is not as close as before, she is not as cold and silent as she was a few days ago.

When he came to the inn, Lu Ming knocked on the door of Yan Lingji's courtyard, and at the same time shouted: "Yan Lingji, are you there?"

Lu Ming knocked several times, but no one responded from the door. Lu Ming felt that something was wrong.Pushing open the door hard, walked in,

There was no one in the yard, and there was a letter on the stone table in the middle of the yard. Lu Ming walked a few steps forward and picked up the letter on the stone table.

The letter wrote: "Brother Lu, let me call you that one last time. When you rescued me from the prison, I had a special feeling for you in my heart, but Lingji was dull and couldn't help it." Know what that feeling means.

But when I knew that you belonged to the thirteenth son of South Korea, Lingji's heart was full of sorrow and sorrow. When she didn't understand why you lied to me, brother Lu, the sorrow in her heart suddenly reminded me of a sentence in the book, "Don't do it for a man." Be sad because when you are sad for him it means you are in love with him. '

Only then did Lingji realize that I had already fallen in love with Brother Lu, but, Brother Lu, you are the thirteenth son of South Korea. The hatred of the country and the family cannot make Lingji love you wholeheartedly. "

(End of this chapter)

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