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Chapter 81 Lost, Dead! [Seeking the first order! 】(44)

Chapter 81 Lost, Dead! [Seeking the first order! 】(44)

Hecarim raised his front hooves, and after a while of dancing, he rushed directly to the three of Steve.

"War is eternity—"

Hecarim waved the halberd in his hand and whipped up a strong wind, and the figure had already arrived in front of them and swung down.

"So fast!"

Steve exclaimed, and hurriedly raised the shield in his hand to block the attack, but under Hecarim's halberd, he was hit by the man and the horse under his crotch and slid far away.

"team leader!"

Natasha and Barton spoke anxiously, but they also seized the gap between Hecarim's attacks, and the two rode their horses to attack.

Swinging the rusty long sword in his hand, he pinched Hecarim left and right.

clang clang!

The long sword slashed on Hecarim's armor with a crisp sound, but it didn't leave a trace on the armor.

"Face death!"

Hecarim stomped his horse's hooves, and a circular force field surged around his body, sweeping Natasha and the three of them.

"No, go back!"

Although it seemed that the fluctuations around Hecarim's body did not cause any harm to them, they clearly felt that something was missing from their bodies, so they quickly distanced themselves from Hecarim.

"Hahaha, charge!"

A thick and terrifying laugh escaped Hecarim's mouth, and he moved his four legs wrapped in spiked armor to attack again.

This time he rushed towards Barton, and the halberd in his hand made a fierce vertical strike at Barton.

Barton received the halberd with his horizontal sword, but the long sword fell out of his hand under the huge force and fell to the ground.


The blow worked, and Hecarim didn't give Barton any chance to breathe. He raised the chopped halberd fiercely, pointing directly at Barton's chin, intending to cut his head open.

It was too late, but soon, a spear flying across the sky knocked the halberd that was about to hit Barton's chin, and Barton also took this opportunity to lift the horse and avoid Hecarim's vicious attack.


The sound of horseshoes sounded at this moment, and the subsequent sound of breaking through the air made Hecarim turn his head and look aside, but saw Steve's figure flying directly.


Taking advantage of the inertia of the horse running, Steve jumped directly from the horse to Hecarim, and a terrifying kinetic energy erupted at an extremely fast speed, and Steve kicked Hecarim's body , kick it out a few meters.

Then Steve in the air pulled the rein tightly in his hand, and the flying body was pulled back on the horse's back. The whole process was done smoothly and smoothly.

"Barton, are you okay?"

"Thanks to you, captain, otherwise I would be a headless corpse."

Barton was a little scared, as if he had reached the gate of death at that moment.

Hecarim slid out, and immediately stopped by stabbing the halberd in his hand into the ground, then pulled out the halberd, kicking up the dirt.

"Yeah, that's what's interesting—"

Hecarim let out a hollow laugh, but in Steve's ears, it sounded so frenzied.

"What a lunatic!"

Natasha looked at Hecarim's writhing body and expressed her feelings.

"It's not just a lunatic, it's like a killing machine."

"It feels like he was born to kill."

Steve had a serious expression on his face. Every attack of Hecarim was of devastating force and an attack method that would directly kill people.

"The current situation is too difficult, and we must find other ways to break the situation."

"Natasha, is the Quinjet fighter still available?"

Natasha shook her head and said softly, "Judging from the crash just now, it's probably useless."

"Also, even if it works, how can we break through the circle of cavalry around us?"

Steve sighed, he was indeed in a desperate situation, and the only way was to defeat the centaur creature named Hecarim in front of him.

"I can only do my best."

With a solemn expression, Steve pulled out the spear stuck in the ground, and then quickly analyzed Hecarim's weakness in his mind.

"Damn it, what should I do with such a huge monster covered in armor?"

Barton on the side suddenly approached Steve, waving his fingers, made a boom gesture, and said, "Specially made by S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"Then do it!"

"Natasha, you are more flexible. Hold this thing and wait for the right time to activate it and throw it into the skull of the huge creature in his chest. Barton and I will create opportunities for you."

"Understood Captain!"

Barton threw a black object into Natasha's hand, then caught the sword picked up by Steve from the ground with a spear, dragged the horse and Steve forward.

"Come on, Hecarim!"

Steve adjusted the position of the shield in his hand and opened his mouth to challenge.

"Your souls are begging for relief, and I will fulfill you."

The skull on Hecarim's horse spit out a mouthful of flames, then took another step and rushed over.

However, this time the speed was several times faster than before, and it was just like teleporting to the front of the two in an instant, leaving an afterimage behind them.

The clanging sound of metal weapons colliding sounded, and Steve and Barton parried Hecarim's attack together.


Hecarim increased his strength in his hands, bending the limbs of the horses under Steve and Barton.

Barton didn't have Steve's astonishing physique and strength, and his hands clenched to the hilt of the sword began to tremble uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Steve hastily threw out the shield in his hand and hit Hecarim's head, but the moment he touched Hecarim's head, he was spit out by the flames from the skinless and fleshless skull in his mouth. Burned to ashes.

For a moment, Hecarim's face was filled with smoke and flames.

"Now, Natasha!"

Seeing this great opportunity, Steve whispered.

At this moment, a black shadow jumped towards Hecarim whose vision was blocked at an extremely fast speed, and with a beep sound in his hand, he threw the miniature bomb specially made by S.H.I.E.L.D. into Hecarim's chest.

Due to this action, Natasha's body was directly hung on top of Hecarim's burly body, but she didn't rush, and quickly jumped to the distance.


Steve and Barton let go of their hands and rolled to the side.

However, Hecarim's halberd continued unabated, and directly cut their horses into two sections and fell to the ground.


Hecarim let out a small gasp, but suddenly a dazzling fire burst out from his chest.

The massive explosion immediately engulfed Hecarim, and the resulting aftermath also lifted the three of Steve on the ground into the air.

Steve, who had an astonishing physique, quickly adjusted his state after being thrown into the air and got up from the ground. Looking at the thick fire, his heart was still suspended.

"Is it resolved, Captain?"

Barton and Natasha also got up from the ground at this moment, with hope in their voices.


A fragment fell from the air and fell in front of the three of them.

"This is the armor fragment on Hecarim's body!"

Natasha recognized that it was the armor on Hecarim's chest, and her words were full of excitement.


Steve's frowning brows finally relaxed, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

But then, he discovered that something was wrong.

The fragments of armor on the ground seemed to be suspended by some force, followed by other fragments of armor that were blown up.

"I—have already embraced death!"

Hecarim's voice came from the flames, and then the horse's hooves slammed loudly, and the resulting impact blown away the smoke and flames, revealing the tall and burly body of the centaur.

It's just that this body is a hazy blue, and the blown up armor also flew back to his body at this moment to merge, and finally it was intact.

"Now, you have nothing to do."

"Then, die!"

Hecarim's deep and deep voice sounded like a god of death demanding his life.

The three of Steve lost all their weapons, and only one of the three war horses was left. It was a certain death!

(End of this chapter)

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