Chapter 4

I sat in the living room, and there was silence upstairs.

I was bored and looked around. The brothers of the Long family lived in a three-story villa. The living room was very spacious and there were almost no extra decorations. There were only several large and small animal specimens hung in a patchwork pattern on one wall.Back then, Long Feige pointed out to me very proudly: "This is a snipe, a kind of bird with very flexible movements. It is not easy to hunt. It is a heron, there is an elk over there, and... all He came hunting when my brother was in the United States." He raised his thumb, "He has a hunting license and his marksmanship is very accurate."

I was so dizzy that I couldn't tell what it was, I just felt uncomfortable, subconsciously, I felt more inexplicable fear towards the man who looked very cold at first.

Suddenly, there was a faint voice from upstairs.

I turned my ear to listen.

After listening for a long time, I only heard vaguely: "'s me...I don't like it...can you..."

I thought about it, and then I remembered what Longfeige said in the Thai restaurant, and I realized something.Presumably, he hired me as a tutor behind his brother's back.It can be seen that he was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and this kind of stealing is not a first-time experience.

Just as he was thinking, someone slowly went downstairs.I looked up and saw that it was Long Feimo.After a while, he had already changed into a casual outfit, with a V-neck cashmere sweater on top, and it really looked like what was written in the last issue of Financial Weekly: his face was like a crown jade, straight and unrestrained.

He easily sat down on the sofa opposite me: "Hello, Ms. Yu." "Hello." He looked at me, his tone still sounded flat: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that Fei Ge was so pretentious Advocate." I also looked at him and said calmly, "It's okay."

His eyes flickered, and his bamboo-like fingers tapped rhythmically on the back of the sofa, still at a leisurely pace; "Frankly speaking, I don't think you will be more suitable than the teacher I invited for Feige earlier. .” The meaning of chasing customers in the words is very strong.

I smiled: "I don't think so either."

I have been waiting for his words.

Since my sophomore year, I have also tutored several foreigners.Don't think that all foreigners are generous and talkative, and there are many people who are nagging and nagging, but basically, from the inevitable small friction at the beginning to the gradual running-in later, most of them can be regarded as getting together and breaking up.

This time, of course, is no exception.

His eyes flickered again, and he watched me close the book and sort out the things at hand with a little playfulness, and asked coldly: "Can I ask?" He took a sip of the tea in his hand, leisurely, " You should have your own teaching plan to get Feige back from being a senior professor at Fudan University, Peking University, right?"

Aggressive huh?I put the book in my bag, stood up, and answered him simply: "No." I didn't even say sorry.

He raised his eyebrows, but his voice was still calm: "...No?"

I buried my head in finishing my things, closed my backpack, zipped it up, and said bluntly, "Didn't you also learn it? You don't know that learning a language requires environment, talent, and hard work?" I shrugged, "Light Teachers can’t teach you.” Then, I added, “There are many things that cannot be taught in books, and even if they can be taught in books, there are still individual differences.” The dignified University of California with a master’s degree in business administration is different. Arrogant and arrogant?
For some reason, I hate the faint sarcasm on his face.

So, my attitude is also not kind.

It doesn't matter, just fire me!

No one has answered me.Even the expression on his face didn't change in the slightest.

I looked at my watch, and I made an appointment with Sang Mei to accompany her to the movies, the time was almost up, so I looked at the person on the sofa who was drinking tea, "I'm sorry, I have something else to do." I turned around Go, "Goodbye."

It should be gone.

When I was about to walk to the door, I heard a voice: "Miss Yu—"

I paused, and turned around in surprise.

A figure slowly stood up on the sofa. He raised his glass and gave me a slight nod. He said calmly, "See you next week."

I gently opened the door.

Old Xu, the gatekeeper, smiled kindly at me: "Why, Miss Sang is here again?" This honest man can't always tell who I am.

I raised my hand at him: "Is Aunt An okay?" "Not bad." He opened his mouth, "I've been looking forward to your coming." I smiled a little ashamedly: "I've been busy these two days." , has been walking towards the yard.This is a private nursing home with a very quiet geographical environment.Aunt An is waiting for me in the room, her complexion is very good: "Sang Xiao." I looked at her for a while: "Aunt An, you seem to have gained a little weight." As I said, I pushed her in the wheelchair: " I'll take you outside for a walk."

Sitting in the yard breathing fresh air, Aunt An was as happy as a child. She took a deep breath from time to time, or reached out to pick the leaves around her.I sat watching, smiling.Almost five or six years have passed, and Aunt An is getting old.As long as I can remember, she has been working in Yu's house, responsible for cleaning the whole family, and sometimes taking us to school.

In the entire Yu family, she is the person who treats me the best. She always saves me a bite of delicious food and drink. When I am beaten and scolded, she can't help but come forward to intercede for me, even if she is wronged.She has no children, but she treats me better than her own children.My affection for her is much deeper than that of my parents.

So, when I was 13 years old, when I came home and found that Aunt An suddenly disappeared, it was like a bolt from the blue to me.I couldn't help asking my mother, but I got an indifferent glance.I couldn't help asking my father, but what I got was a hard look and an impatient answer: "The adults' business, children should leave it alone!"

At that time, I lost my only shelter, hid in bed and cried alone, was scolded by adults, and laughed by Sang Tong. At the age of 13, I wiped away my tears and vowed secretly: When I grow up, I must find Aunt An.

One day a year later, after Youbo looked around, he secretly slipped a letter to me with a strange expression: "Sang Xiao, no one else saw it except me." He scratched his head, "I guess Mom will probably be surprised when she sees it." Throw it away."

I opened it and took a look. I was happy at first, then sad.

The letter was written by Aunt An's brother, saying that Aunt An went back to her hometown and started off well, but she had a car accident a while ago and was seriously injured. After amputation, she could only sit in a wheelchair. The family environment is not good. You can think of helping one or two in the past.The tone of the letter was very poignant, and I thought, if it hadn't been the end of the mountain, the simple-looking middle-aged man I had seen before would not have written such a letter.However, I know that, as Youbo said, there will be no reply to this letter.

I went back to my room and counted all my savings, and decided to help Aunt An.I got in touch with Aunt An according to the address mentioned in the letter, and worked with her family to send her to this nursing home.I can't afford to take care of her, but here, with someone to take care of her, her life shouldn't be too big of a problem.

Everyone, including Qiao Xu, didn't know that over the years, more than half of the money allocated to me by my family every month was spent on Aunt An's expenses.

Aunt An stopped and looked at me: "Sang Xiao, you've lost weight." "Well, I've been a little busy recently." She leaned over and took out a bunch of things from the bag on the side of the wheelchair: "I was in a rush a while ago. Try the gloves and scarf woven for you," she helped me put it on, "it's getting colder and colder, be careful when you're outside." Her eyes were warm and insightful: "Sang Xiao , is it easy to find a job?" I smiled and said, "No, not at all."

I sent out several resumes, but nothing came of it.

She was silent for a moment, then patted my hand: "Don't worry, just wait."

I nodded: "Don't worry, I know."

She looked at me carefully, and sighed: "Sang Xiao, you are already 22 years old, don't always dress so plainly and so carelessly." Her expression was a little sad, "If I didn't drag you down..." I stopped She: "Aunt An, don't say that." She sighed again: "Sang Xiao, you are getting more and more..."

She stopped suddenly and didn't say any more.

"Tuk tuk tuk", someone knocked on the door.

Lying on the bed reading a book, I looked at my watch, it was past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, who is it?
I got up, opened the door and looked, and couldn't help frowning: "It's so late, and you drink so much wine, the stench is so bad, you want to kill me?" Standing at the door was my suave and romantic brother, Yu Youbo.

As if he didn't hear me, he walked around me and entered the room, and lay down on my bed carelessly all the way.I covered my nose and pulled him hard: "What's the matter with me so late, tell me quickly."

In the middle of the night, smelling like alcohol, there must be no good.

Sure enough, he opened his eyes and squinted at me: "Why, think I'm drunk?" He said angrily, "It's not because of you!"

"Because of me?" This is strange.

He rolled over and sat up, looking at me seriously: "Sang Xiao, do you know who dragged me over to drink tonight?"

I rolled my eyes at him: "I'm not a god, how do I know?"

"He, Yan, Qing." He emphasized his tone, "I was dragged to drink by Yan Qing, and he got very drunk."

I smiled: "Really?" When I was young and ignorant, I couldn't imagine using all my imagination, and there would be a day when I would be completely indifferent when I heard this name.

"'Really'? What's the matter with you two?" You Bo frowned and repeated, and then said with a serious expression, "Sang Xiao, Yan Qing was introduced to you by me. One of you is my sister, and the other It's my friend, so she broke up with me for no reason, I'm just an outsider, so I can't say anything, but..."

He sighed.

I looked at him, and my heart skipped a beat.Yes, without Youbo, I wouldn't know He Yanqing.

When I was 16 years old, two [-] or [-]-year-old boys who were covered in sweat came up behind me as I was walking slowly on bicycles. My friend said casually: "Hi, Sang Xiao, let me introduce you, I just met Golfer, He Yanqing. Have you heard of the old Mr. He Yukun of Jiren Hospital? His grandfather," he said as if talking about cross talk, "the current dean He Linfu knows, his father."

They are all well-known local people, and they seem to have contacts with our family.

The boy who looked a little strange had a mouthful of white teeth, and his smile was very similar to that of the Hong Kong star Liming when he was young. He said warmly and slightly shyly, "Hello."

Facing the sun, I inevitably narrowed my eyes slightly, and my face blushed slightly in the halo.

I pray no one sees.

When I was 17 years old, during the rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River, I received a small note: I heard from Youbo that you want to learn how to ride a bicycle. Come to the small square next to the school tomorrow afternoon, and I will teach you.

That night, for the first time in my life, I suffered from insomnia.

The next day, in the small square, I stepped into the car tremblingly, and there was a gentle voice beside me: "Don't be afraid, I will always support the car."

I lowered my head, not daring to look at him, but I could feel the faint smile in his eyes.

I was a little embarrassed and just rode forward.

There is a trace of sweetness in my heart, because his words——

I will always hold the car...

I have never experienced such warmth.

In the next few days, I slipped out every day to learn how to drive, and gradually I rode more and more smoothly. One day, after several laps, suddenly, I remembered something, and I looked back. Sure enough, that person was smiling and crossing his arms, standing far away in the square. the other end of the

"Ouch—" I lost my balance for a while, and I yelled and fell off the car.

That figure ran over in a hurry, I stared at him, and muttered softly: "Liar!"

He knelt down in front of me, smiling softly.

Suddenly, the sky began to drizzle.He pulled me up and ran towards the nearby small pavilion.The rain was getting heavier and heavier, interweaving a faint smog.I looked at the non-stop rain outside with a sad face and a little annoyance: "What should I do, I can't learn to drive..."

In a blink of an eye, he was looking at me intently.

I choked slightly.

He stretched out his hand and gently brushed the wet hair on my forehead, and then his head bowed down: "You don't need to learn to drive." I watched his face zoom in before my eyes: "Fool, with me Woolen cloth."

In the rainy season when I was 17, on that day, in that pavilion, amidst the faint fragrance of gardenias, a boy kissed me.

He really confessed his love to me in a letter he sent me, which contained only a note with one line:

Leaning on the door and looking back, I sniff the green plum.

Li Qingzhao's words made me smile knowingly and blush slightly.


Later, behind our parents' backs, we secretly talked about our relationship for three years until I was a freshman in college.

Later, although he did not disappear into the vast crowd, he suddenly became silent overnight, inexplicably silent, and absent-minded. I was very at a loss, but I could only be at a loss.

Then, another girl appeared.I suffered a double betrayal of family and love, my heart aches, my heart is discouraged, no one can know.

Love in the world is probably like this.

So, facing You Bo now, I just smiled lightly: "If the relationship fades, it's gone, and if it's gone, it's gone." I got up and made him tea, "There's no right or wrong." You Bo took the tea and sighed again. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Although I said that, Yan Qing looks like..." He hesitated for a moment, "I'm very unhappy, he looks decadent all over, Sang Xiao, this doesn't look like him."

not like him?
so what?
I stood in front of the window, watching the slender bamboo strips swaying gently in the night wind outside the window, and listening to the rustling of the bamboo leaves: "Brother, can you stop talking about him?" I turned around, "I can't help it." Rewrite the past, but at least..."

I said calmly, "I can try to control the present."

Another weekend, Qiao Xu and I walked out of the school gate, ready to go home.Suddenly, a Mercedes Benz slid slowly over.The car stopped in front of me, and then the door opened, and a middle-aged man stepped out of the cab: "Miss Yu."

An unfamiliar face, I am a little confused.He smiled: "Hi, I'm Mr. Long's driver." Which Mr. Long?I frown.He smiled again, and seemed to explain very kindly: "Mr. Long Feimo." Seeing that I was still a little confused, he added, "Mr. Long sent me to pick up Miss Yu to go to class."

I just remembered that since the last time, it seems that I haven't been to Long's house for a while.One is because I am busy, and the other is, perhaps, because of the hidden resistance in my heart.

So, looking at this gentle and friendly face, I also smiled: "Please go back and tell Mr. Long, I'm sorry, I've been busy recently, I'm afraid I can't..." Before he finished speaking, the middle-aged man smiled heartily Get up: "Mr. Long said that you will definitely say that, so..." He knocked on the window of the rear seat, and the window slowly rolled down. I saw that it was Long Feige's energetic smiling face .He opened his mouth to me and Qiao Zhi: "Hi." He winked at me again, "Mr. Yu, you are so honorable, you want me to pick you up in person."

Qiao Xi took a deep breath, and gently whispered to my ear: "Oh my god, little handsome boy——"

I glared at her, and said softly, "Take back your saliva!"

A guy who pays more attention to sex than friends.

She responded to my elbow and intensified: "I won't hinder you, let's go first—"

The words are still unfinished, and people have drifted away.

Facing the two smiling faces, I had to get into the car with a disgusted and soft face.

Occasionally, when Sang Tong was at home, I would see Long Feimo coming in and out of our house.

Occasionally, he also stays at our house for dinner.

Every time he comes, everyone from grandparents to aunts and fathers are very happy.Auntie was right, Long Feimo was by far the best candidate around Sang Tong.As for Sang Tong, although she was reserved, it was obvious that every time Long Feimo came, she dressed up extra brightly, and she smiled and talked more than usual.

At the dinner table, I just sat in the corner and ate with my head down. No one paid attention to me, and I didn't pay much attention to their conversation. I just felt that my father's hospitality to Long Feimo was far more than that of ordinary juniors, which was rare in the past.He would unreservedly praise Long Feimo's management ability: "It's amazing, I heard that you opened the freight line to Africa in a short period of time..." or compliment him directly: "You are awesome, you are awesome!"

Long Feimo usually just replied a few words in a polite manner, and it could be seen that he didn't care about his father's compliments, let alone enthusiasm.Even, he was only polite to his father.

I rarely greet Long Feimo, he usually just glances at me when he sees me.

Even with the relationship of Longfei Pavilion, we have always been strangers.

Sang Tong's friend will never be my friend.

A few days later, I received a text message on my mobile phone: I have returned to school, if you are free in the afternoon, come to my apartment.Fang Anhang.

I was very pleasantly surprised, Uncle Fang came back from Europe?Counting, as a well-known Chinese professor, he has been visiting for nearly half a year.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, I stood outside the professor's apartment and knocked on the door.The door opened quickly, and Uncle Fang smiled and stood at the door to welcome me.He was wearing a middle suit, and he still looked so gentle, amiable, and elegant.

After sitting down, he looked at me: "Sang Xiao, long time no see, I've lost weight." Immediately, he picked up a box from the coffee table next to the sofa and handed it to me, "Here, I bought it from an auction when I was passing through England. here."

When I opened it, it was a well-preserved 18th-century woodblock print of figures.

He smiled: "Remember you like it."

I also laughed: "I heard a while ago that an old British lady bought two woodblock prints for 200 pounds in her early years, but before she died, she found out that they were early out-of-print woodblock prints in Europe, worth more than 100 million pounds." Hua Hua, "So, Uncle Fang, you have to think carefully." The corners of his lips curled slightly: "That would be best, as your dowry." He remembered something, and gave me a look, "Obviously you are very talented in painting Points, but can't persist, useless!"

I stick out my tongue.

When I was ten years old, at the home of Chinese painting teacher Lin Qinglan, Sang Tong and I met Uncle Fang for the first time. At that time, he had just returned from abroad and was only in his early thirties. He has always been very good, he is both a teacher and a friend, Sang Tong and I admire him very much.

Later, when I was in college, he also came to our school to teach. He has a Ph.D. He has no pretensions to students, and he immediately became the most popular star professor in the school. Countless girls are obsessed with him to death.

He took a sip of tea and suddenly remembered something: "I heard that Sang Tong is back?"

I nodded.

He turned his head and said, "Well, I haven't seen her for a long time, but," he put down his glass and smiled, "Sang Tong can adapt well no matter where she is, and the Yu family must have another helper." I was a little surprised that he rarely mentioned people and things in our family.As if never interested.

Suddenly, without warning, he said, "What about you? Sang Xiao." I blinked: "Huh?" Uncle Fang slowly withdrew his smile: "I'm about to graduate, what are you going to do?" He thought for a while, "Do you want to go abroad? I can guarantee you. Besides," he said slowly, "it shouldn't be difficult for the Yu family to pay for you to study abroad."

I shook my head: "I don't want to." I lowered my head, "I still want to find a job, but it's difficult."

A faint disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he remained silent. After a while, he handed over a business card: "A friend of mine opened a magazine, and the benefits are very good. If you are interested, please contact me."

I took it, and I was very grateful.

Only he and Aunt An never asked me why.

It was the day that was agreed in advance to make up lessons for Longfei Pavilion.

In the living room of Long's house, I was packing my books while chatting happily with Long Feige.For some time, he got on very well with me.It can be seen that Long Feimo takes care of him wholeheartedly, but has no time to accompany him, making him clingy to everyone like a three-year-old child.

And for the past two days, I have been in a good mood.After submitting my resume and having an interview with the person in charge of the magazine, the other party very readily asked me to start an internship next week and gave me a salary standard.Although it is not high, it should be enough to meet my daily expenses, including Aunt An's expenses, if I save a little.

I can finally stand on my own.I am very grateful.

The obedient kid at Longfei Pavilion seemed to have noticed it, and pulled out a chessboard like a conjuring: "It's still early, play the next game with me, okay?" I took a closer look and couldn't help laughing.

When I was eight years old and You Bo was ten, my father sent us to learn chess. Two years later, You Bo dropped out of school, and he never wanted to play chess with me again.

This, the reason...

Twenty minutes later, Long Feige smiled at me very sweetly, and cautiously said: "... If you regret one step, just regret one step, okay?"

I also smiled sweetly at him, and immediately restrained myself completely: "No."

Quick wins and no regrets are the principles of my chess game. It is precisely because of this that Youbo refuses to sit at both ends of the same chessboard with me.

The master who taught chess once said that this is both an advantage and a disadvantage.Especially for a girl.

Long Feige frowned again for a while, seeing that I had no room for change, he said bitterly, "Then let me think about it again, is it okay?"

I nodded.

It seems to be one of my strengths to let go when I have to let go, not to chase and give up.

After he scratched his head for a long time, he suddenly said: "I'm hungry." I looked at him with both a smile and a smile: "So what?"

Sure enough, that was what he meant, and he smiled flatteringly at me: "Today, I made my favorite roasted pigeon and abalone in the kitchen." He took a deep breath, very intoxicated, "I seem to smell the aroma."

I shrugged: "That's good." I took advantage of the situation and prepared to get up, "Come again next time." He quickly reached out his hand to stop me: "No." He said solemnly, "Sang Xiao, don't rush away again, stay here, After dinner, play this game of chess with me, okay?"

I just wanted to refuse, but when I saw his eyes, I couldn't help hesitating.That look is as innocent as a child, with a slight pleading, disappointment that can be expected, and a touch of melancholy.

He's just a fragile kid who gets lost.

So, I actually softened my heart.After a moment, I nod.

We just sat down at the ridiculously long dining table, when suddenly, I heard a series of footsteps behind me, moving from far to near without haste.

I have a complicated indescribable premonition.Sure enough, Longfei Pavilion yelled in great surprise: "Brother, didn't Sister Qin Shan say that you have a meeting tonight? When did you come back? Why don't I know anything about it?"

All he got was a flat "huh".Long Feimo sat down opposite me, wearing home clothes, seemingly casually: "Miss Yu is also here."

I nodded.He is the kind of person who is born to give others a strong sense of oppression, and he is far from being able to escape freely like Long Feige.

Long Feige didn't seem to notice it at all, and said enthusiastically: "Brother, Sang Xiao is very difficult to invite, I specially asked Mrs. Bai to add more dishes." He said attentively, "I remember you said that you like to eat scallops, shrimp balls and pine nuts. Eggfish right, come on, try Mrs. Bo's cooking skills, is your chef better?"

I glanced at him, a little dumbfounded.This chess idiot is really omnipotent.

I raise my chopsticks.Well, that middle-aged woman who looks so silent is a real person, I sincerely said: "It's delicious, it's delicious." I thought for a while, "It's like Xiao Li Fei Dao, you can only feel it, Unspeakable."

He half understood, but was still overjoyed: "Really? Even someone like you who is so picky about food agrees, it seems," he winked at Long Feimo, "Brother, it's time for you to give Mrs. Bai a raise. "

Long Feimo ignored him, but lowered his head, sipping the soup shallowly.Then, he raised his head, tasted the abalone slowly, and frowned: "It's almost too hot today."

I am also a person who pays attention to food, and I am still amazed at his pickiness.He glanced at me, then looked at Longfei Pavilion: "How have you learned recently?"

Long Feige thought for a while: "It's okay, but there are some inverted sentences, idioms, ancient prose, etc., which are a bit unclear." He winked at me, "I need to trouble Teacher Yu to help me review. "

I didn't look at him, and snorted secretly, didn't he just want to find someone to chat with him regularly?However, this kid is not boring.I have Youbo as my elder brother and Sang Mei as my younger sister. Such a cunning yet childish brat is quite new.

Long Feimo looked at us, frowned slightly, and said in a blunt tone, "If you don't get into F University, go back to America to study!"

Long Feige didn't seem to take his threat very seriously, he stuck out his tongue, and after a while, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he made a face at me.I lowered my head and suppressed a smile, watching him in a good mood as he stroked the tiger's beard without fear of death: "Brother, have you seen Sang Xiao's cousin recently?"

Long Fei ignored him, and said lightly, "Since when did you become so gossip? Or are you close to black?" He frowned slightly, looking not very emotional.

Longfei Pavilion finally shut up obediently.

I have been eating with my head down, I don't know why, but I can feel the faint anger of the person opposite.I continue to bow my head.It has always been my principle to be wise and protect myself.

For a moment, there was only the sound of the gentle clinking of dishes and chopsticks on the table.

We sat on both ends of the chessboard again.He routinely asks to think.Since the promise comes first, I reluctantly agree.

I looked around a bit bored, and saw that the front wall was empty, with nothing long on it, which was very different from the scattered Fu Baoshi authentic works in our living room, although I never thought there was anything beautiful about hanging them like that.I couldn't help saying casually: "Don't you have any paintings on the walls in your house?"

In an instant, Long Feige's young and handsome face twitched slightly, and thin beads of sweat began to ooze from his forehead.He subconsciously covered his forehead, his face pale.

I was startled: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind: "It's getting late, Feige." I turned around and saw that it was Long Feimo, who was looking at me without any expression on his face.He approached us and stretched out his hand to disrupt the chess game: "Miss Yu has to go home." Long Feige stood up obediently, his complexion was still very bad, he nodded to me and left.

Long Feimo turned to look at me, and said calmly, "Yu Sangxiao, I just want to go out, so I'll give you a ride."

In the small carriage, I sat beside Long Feimo silently.

I was still a little confused and surprised by the scene with Cai.I've never seen Long Feige, who has always been sunny, lose his composure so much.I glanced sideways at Long Feimo's face, his face was as cold as water, looking forward, the blurred shadows of lights were layered on his face, changing different colors.

I bowed my head again.

Suddenly, a cold voice spoke: "Please remember, don't mention any topic about painting in front of Fei Ge in the future."

I look up at him.He still doesn't look at me.Before I could make a sound, the corner of his lips twitched coldly, and the voice sounded again: "Also, Feige is a child at heart, but I'm sorry," he paused, but still coldly, "Please do the same Remember, you are only Feige's teacher."

I froze for a moment.

What does he... mean?
He turned his face and glanced at me, there was a silent warning in his eyes, a touch of disdain.There is also a trace of other things that are elusive.

There was a little "hum—" in my mind, as if I had understood what was coming, and I couldn't help laughing, he was either too brotherly, or he overestimated his brother's charm.According to Qiao Xun, who is full of white characters and dialects, is the big story of the bone world good?
So, I smiled and smiled again, I couldn't help but smile: "Yes, don't worry, he is just my student."

He never spoke again and never talked to me again.

When approaching the door of the house, he braked and put me down.

I walked a few steps, and suddenly, a voice called from behind: "Yu Sangxiao——"

I look back.

He sat in the driver's seat and looked ahead quietly. After a while, his voice was cold: "There will be no next time."

The car sped away.

(End of this chapter)

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