
Chapter 29 Extra Story: Lawyer Guan's Conscience Discovery

Chapter 29 Extra Story: Lawyer Guan's Conscience Discovery
Xiaomu has been in poor health since the day she was born.

First he had frequent fevers, then infantile pneumonia, and then asthma. From the time he was born to the age of four, he never stopped.Juanjuan couldn't help complaining to me afterwards: "You must be helping others with the lawsuit, and you have done too many bad things!"

Fortunately, since he went to kindergarten, maybe there are too many outdoor activities, and the kindergarten teacher is pulling a bunch of students, so it is impossible for him to take care of him as well as his grandparents at home, and his body is miraculous after being beaten. Get better.

I was really happy, and I took the time to help Xiaomu's head teacher fight a divorce lawsuit for free.

According to European standards.

So, that skinny woman in her early 30s turned into a little rich woman who could look down on all kindergartens overnight.

Although it was only a small lawsuit, I actually felt very fulfilled.

And, I'm still excited.

Because of my conscience, my son's body grew stronger day by day.

One day when I was bored, I called Yu Sangxiao endlessly, but she actually said to me: "Wait a minute, I'll find something."

I heard the rustling voice on the other end of the phone, and I was infinitely curious: "What are you looking for?" She said perfunctorily, "Looking for a pen." Then she asked brazenly, "Repeat what you just told me, say The more detailed the better."


"What else can I do?" She actually laughed, with a relaxed tone, "Of course I wrote it down for emergencies."

I seemed to feel countless thorns on my back, and immediately shivered: "Well, Sang Xiao, I'm not feeling well recently, let's talk about it another day."

Putting down the phone, I let out a long sigh of relief.

Long Feimo, you can't blame me for this.How do I know that you, my precious wife, are so good at drawing inferences from one instance.

Then again, you asked for it, so who is to blame?
Long Feimo and I have been friends for many years.

When we were in the United States, we were college classmates for two years, until I later gave up business to study law.

How did we gradually become close?

Hold on, let me think about it.

When I first went to the United States, Long Feimo had already lived there for many years. Except for the color of his hair and skin, his way of thinking was no different from that of ordinary Americans.

In fact, I couldn't understand him at first, but after I arrived in the United States, I realized that Americans are no less snobbish than our compatriots. More blond babes than my second-hand little Ford?
More than once, I saw beautiful girls in school running over to invite him: "Do you want to have a cup of coffee with me after class?"

When I first arrived in the United States, I was still dazed by the world of flowers and flowers. Of course I was jealous of him. Whoever told him that he looked weird could be favored by beautiful women.One day later, when even our little teaching assistant, who was as elegant as Audrey Hepburn, smiled brightly at him, I finally could bear it no longer. To him: "What did Anne tell you?"

He looked up at me with a smile on his lips: "Does this have anything to do with you?"

I looked at his determined face, wishing I could tear off the mask on his face.He is like a magnet, as soon as he sits there with a smile, someone will automatically stick to it.

As proud as I am, of course I won't admit that he has a shitty charisma, it's nothing more than relying on a few bad money.

Unexpectedly, soon I was also conquered by his stinky money.

Do you think I want to?

Who told me to be unlucky? ?
On the way back to the dormitory, I met a group of black people who robbed me of all the cash, credit cards and documents in the middle of the night.

There are all my belongings in there.

I went to the school police to report the crime, but the big man who was two meters tall and weighed two hundred kilograms looked at me, shrugged his shoulders, and opened his hands to me with a shaking belly as big as a pregnant woman: "Sorry, you said no Knowing the specific appearance, without any circumstantial evidence, I can't help."

I get discouraged.

He can be helpless, but I can't be helpless.

Certificates can still be reissued, and credit cards can also be reported as lost, but what should I do this month?Fortunately, I excitedly took out 2000 US dollars that night, preparing to pay the rent and living expenses for the past few months.

The condition of my family is mediocre, so I have no face to go back and ask for it because of such a reason.

How to do?
I can only look for work everywhere, ready to wash dishes.

In just a few days, I discovered that washing dishes is not an easy job. It needs to be done quickly, cleanly, and saves water and detergent.There was an old Cantonese lady standing in the kitchen all the time, the shop owner's old lady, staring at me covetously, mean, bitter, and would always reprimand me a few words.

Of course I really want to throw a tattered rag at the old landlady and say no to it, but, if I don’t, where is my meal money for tomorrow?
The school is so big, and there are only so many Chinese people. Long Feimo heard about it very quickly. At that time, I had already transferred to study law and did not have classmates with him, but he actually came to me and straight to the point: "I heard Are you short of money?"

I looked at him sourly: "Yeah, such a wonderful taste, people like you will not be blessed to enjoy it." He actually laughed: "Then I want to regret that you may not be able to enjoy it soon. Have you reached this kind of pleasure, or slapping you as you wish to encourage you to continue to be so wonderful?"

Um?I'm so smart, of course I could hear the meaning behind what he said, and it's a lawyer's instinct to chase after him. I immediately asked him, "What do you mean?"

He grinned: "I thought you were so noble that you were already full of fairy air." He looked me up and down calmly, "Now it seems that there is not necessarily a fairy air, but a lot of oily smoke. "Of course I could hear the sarcasm in his mouth, and before I could get angry, I heard him smile again the next second, "Who told you that your grades are so good, eight out of ten times you are ahead of me, I have to find A little balance."

I scratched my head and laughed too.For the first time, I felt that this Long Feimo was really insidious, and he didn't even use dirty words when he hurt others.

Also, it's so loyal!
He quickly arranged for me to work in his adoptive father's company. The salary was good and the time was right. The most important thing was that I could learn a lot.

I have been getting closer and closer to him since then.

One day after work, the two of us went to drink some wine and chatted. I relied on the strength of the drink for a while and said, "Do you like Christina or Matina?" The girls beside Long Feimo said Those two appeared most frequently.One is a blond-haired and blue-eyed half-virtue man, and the other is a well-groomed British-French descendant, both of whom are effervescently beautiful girls.

It is estimated that [-] to [-]% of the boys in this school miss her two.

Long Feimo glanced at me: "What do you think?"

I really thought about it for him: "Christina looks quite virtuous, but Matina is much more coquettish. I said it doesn't work, it depends on how good you are."

He took a sip of his wine and actually smiled: "Do you know what my adoptive father said?" He imitated the old man's Northeast accent, "Eight-Power Allied Forces! Whoever dares to bring it back, I will break whose leg!!" That old man really Has been quite domineering.

Long Feimo said that he made such an outcry in the company's mid-level meeting.

Long Feimo also said that when he got older, what he was most passionate about was to go back to his hometown in Shandong Province, China to find wives for the bachelors in the company, and he was already a local celebrity.

But later, I couldn't help thinking, you said that this old man was so capable, and drove the Eight-Nation Allied Forces out of the door with a solid wall, how could it be his family's turn to be so helpless?

From my point of view, the relationship between Long Feimo and Qin Shan is really good. It looks good after one year or two. If you are curious about gossip, then I will definitely humiliate the profession of lawyers who make a living by observing words and deeds.

How to say that sentence, more than AUO, not enough lovers.

It is this feeling.

Qin Shan is very smart and good at being a person. She knows that Long Feimo has a good relationship with me. Over the years, every time she travels abroad, she never forgets to bring me some special local gifts.

I knew in my heart that she wasn't attacking me.

As for what the person she wanted to attack was thinking, I really don't know much about it.

But sometimes I also think, if one day Long Feimo finds out that Qin Shan is good, as I do, then I won't be in vain for taking gifts from others for so many years, right?
So I just waited and waited, waiting for an opportune time to relieve the rare guilt in my heart.

Who knows, after waiting and waiting, a Yu Sangxiao fell from the sky out of thin air, and I couldn't recover from it for a long time.

In the beginning, Yu Youbo arranged for me to go on a date with his sister. When he called me, Long Feimo happened to be beside me. I put down the phone and saw him staring at me: "Master Yu?"

I nodded: "Yes, yes." I hooked his shoulders with a playful heart, "Long Feimo, maybe we will really be a family in the future!" Sang Tong walked quite close.

After all, Long Feimo and I are two turtles, and there are others who want to attack us together. Although most of them eat meat and I drink soup, it’s fun after all. Make a few more friends and rely on relationships like this. There are only advantages and no disadvantages. Therefore, when there is no one in private, I often joke with him, and he always laughs it off.

But this time, he actually pushed my hand away and left with a sullen face.

Well?I touched my chin, originally I could go or not, but now I have to go and see what's going on!
Do you want to ask me Yu Sang Xiaomei?
My answer is, then you have to see who she compares with.

If she stands with Sister Fu Rong, it is considered stunning. If she stands with Qin Shan or Yu Sangtong, I have to say something kindly, then the first thing I see will definitely not be she.

She belongs to the kind of person who compares her temperament with beautiful women, compares her beauty with talented women, and compares her cuteness with both talents and looks.

In fact, my liver trembled when I said this, Yu Sangxiao is cute?
The first time we met, she gave me a slap in the face.

She looked at me: "What did Youbo tell you?" After the meal, she was always lukewarm to me. When Yu Youbo introduced me, she used countless shocking words that made me ashamed It didn't impress her either.

She didn't even move an eyebrow.

This girl is kind of interesting.

I smiled and pretended to be stupid: "What do you say?"

She looked at me and said helplessly, "I'm sorry, Lawyer Guan."

I still smiled and said, "Just call me Guan Mu."

She actually ignored my intentional diversion, and continued stubbornly: "I'm sorry, Lawyer Guan, I didn't know that Youbo invited you over tonight. I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble." She looked up at me, My heart skipped a beat, her eyes turned out to be so dark.After a while, she lowered her eyes with a thoughtful expression.

Under the street lamp, I saw very clearly that she actually had such long eyelashes, which fluttered little by little.

I was stunned there.

That look, those long eyelashes, that expression...

I couldn't help but blurt out, "You really look like someone I know!"

She looked at me blankly, but didn't intend to press on.

She is a smart girl.

A few days later, Long Feimo made an appointment with me to discuss business. From 11 am to 30:[-], it was a full two and a half hours.We are busy with each other, so we are not polite, I picked up the car keys to say goodbye to him, he got up to see me off, and suddenly remembered something: "How was the blind date?"

I asked him back: "Do you know who I'm dating?" He glanced at me and said with a half-smile: "The dinner Yu Sangtong had with me that night, Yu Sangmei was still in high school, except Yu Sangxiao , does the Yu family have other young women for you to choose from?"

Of course I could hear the slight contempt and temptation in his voice, of course I was not convinced, touched my chin, and wanted to argue with him: "Yes, I am dating Yu Sangxiao. Moreover, I found out that this woman Child, although I can’t say how beautiful it is, but it’s a bit—” When I find it difficult to express the exact meaning in Chinese, I will pop up some English words, “charming.”

An indescribably fascinating feeling.

Long Feimo stared at me with a puzzled expression on his face.

I shrugged and looked back at him calmly.

I'm not admiring this, Yu Sangxiao does have such a bit of vigor all over her body, which might not be appreciated by others, but I think it's fresh.Later, I asked her out several times for coffee and dinner. In fact, eight out of ten times she refused, but who am I, Guan Mu?When did you do such a degrading thing?I said to her kindly: "If you don't want to come, your brother will ask me later. I'm not good at lying. If I accidentally let it out, there's nothing for us to do. The date has gone, right?" I deliberately paused, "Rather than disturbing you, it's better for the two of us to spend time slowly, and we have the right to make friends with each other! We'll talk about the future. "

In fact, I was full of ghosts.

Yu Sangxiao was obviously deeply moved by my word "fan friend".She has a lot of research on eating, and she knows all kinds of special snacks, but it can be seen that in Yu's house, she has the final say on what to eat or not, and even when to eat it.

So, to a certain extent, these two words saved her just in time.

So, I can hear her happily say to Yu Youbo on the other end of the phone: "Don't come back to eat tonight, please help me." The other end was probably making fun of her, she frowned, "Take care Your little star named Ann."

I'm actually quite surprised, this Yu Sangxiao in front of me, no matter what you say, she seems to never know what shame is, a girl of how old she is, she is even more indifferent than a 50-year-old, and sees through the world.

If I didn't still have Shao Juanjuan in my heart, and if she didn't seem to care about anyone, maybe we could really make a couple.

Often, after eating and drinking, we chatted casually, and I told her Shao Juanjuan.

She is my first love, a typical Jiangnan girl who is as gentle as water.In fact, I look like a white-faced scholar on the surface, but I have always had a poor mouth. However, after so many years, including in front of Long Feimo, I have never mentioned this name.

I don't know why, to Yu Sangxiao, with a little drunkenness, I actually said everything in one go.

She listened quietly, without saying a word.

And this is exactly what I need.I don't need other people's pale explanations or hypocritical responses, as long as someone can sit by and listen to my chatter without getting bored.

So, I think this girl is quite righteous.

In fact, I'm also quite curious about her, especially after I had some vague guesses.

I probed her mind, but she responded briefly: "I was dumped, and I haven't found someone to dump until now." Unconvinced, I poked her shoulder: "What about me?" She glanced at me, and said in surprise, "Aren't you the only fan friend of mine?" I resentfully said, "Yu Sangxiao, anything can happen in this world, so don't say it out loud!"

Fan friends?

What more?

Yu Sangxiao, if a tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm hello kitty!

One day, I want to let you know the ability of my attorney Guan Muguan!
But in fact, I've only had a good mouthful. I've always taken good care of Yu Sangxiao because of her affinity with her, and because she's my girlfriend in name. That's why I took the risk of being discovered by Long Feimo. Text her a warning.

Unfortunately, she didn't take it seriously.

What's more, she was foolishly sent to the altar by the whole family.

In fact, as early as Longfei Pavilion's birthday, I had some vague doubts.

That night, I sat on the porch.It was noisy inside, but I sat there alone.

At that time, Yu Sangxiao and I didn't know each other.

I don't know why, but every time this happens, I can think of that sentence.

When it is the most prosperous, it is always the bleakest.

I actually have a vague sadness in my heart.

Whenever I help a client win a lawsuit.

Whenever I have a drink with my friends.

Whenever I get paid a lot of money.

Also, whenever I think of Juan.

Back then, at the most lively Christmas ball, I met the most beautiful, gentle and quiet girl among the group of girls.

I was just so dejected.

However, as soon as I saw Long Feimo, my sadness faded away without a trace.

His shirt collar is a bit wrinkled, his trouser legs are obviously kicked by someone, and most importantly, he is sitting five meters away from me, drinking coffee in silence at 15 Within a few minutes, according to my perceptiveness, I found that the corner of his right lip was broken and slightly oozing blood.


Can I not be curious?

Can I not be curious? ?
Can I not be curious? ? ?

I happily pretended to have just noticed him: "Hi." He glanced at me in response.

I shrugged, not minding his indifference in the slightest.

What I mind now, how could it be him?

I asked myself, does Long Feimo have a habit of self-harm?

Then, I answered honestly, of course not, he cherishes life very much and cares about himself.

So, neither self-harm, someone must have committed the crime.

Who could be the suspect?
I excitedly began to investigate in my mind, who told me to be a lawyer?

Qin shirt?I looked back, she was busy like a hostess tonight, I'm afraid she didn't have the time to commit crimes.

Yu Sangtong?I shook my head, even if she had time, she would never have such a motive for committing the crime.Who doesn't know that the attitude of the entire Yu family is quite positive now.


I am so curious.

However, no matter how curious I am, I will not have the guts to ask the insulted and injured party in person, even though I am really happy!

So, this matter has always been an unsolved case in my heart.

Until Christmas Eve that year.

I am deeply influenced by western cultural etiquette, so don't worry about what I think, at least on the surface, I don't lack all the etiquette for female compatriots, so Yu Sangxiao is with me, although my mouth is too tight, but in my heart There are many.Think about it, there are people who will take care of what you eat, drink and do for you, even if you are an awkward girl, you should be quite happy!

As for Long Feimo, I have stayed in Huahua World much longer than me, and I am more proficient in using this method. No wonder the wife of the president of the local chamber of commerce, the old lady in her 70s and [-]s, eyes shine every time she sees him. Blush.

So I didn't expect that.

So I was inexplicably surprised.

So I was literally flabbergasted.

That night, from the beginning to the end, he had a crush on Yu Sangxiao.

When did you see Long Feimo like this?

When Yu Sangxiao spoke, of course he replied every sentence.

In the end, the little girl simply kept a sullen face and said nothing, but he actually teased others shamelessly.

Are you a man? ?

I sighed inwardly.

It's just too shameless!
And, almost instantly, I had an epiphany that I thought was weird.

I kept thinking, that night, with Long Feimo's shrewdness and cunning, he was at his own home again, changing clothes, tidying up, and then coming out to see me as if nothing had happened was very difficult?
The answer is of course no.

So why exactly?

I thought about it for a long time, and I was a little dizzy, but I still could only shrug my shoulders, with no solution.

At this moment, I finally understand.

He did it on purpose.

He just wanted me to know.

He just wanted me to ask him.

He just wanted to use his usual trick of seemingly passively giving me the information he needed to know bit by bit, just like we did in the United States.

It's just because I was a little obsessed with the past at that time, my mind didn't turn around all of a sudden.

However, I don't regret it at all.


How can I regret it?

Otherwise, where can I see this once-in-a-lifetime scene?

I sat across from Qin Shan, and within three to ten minutes, I observed her expression change from reserved to surprised, to scrutinizing, and then to secretly guarding, I was actually a bit complicated in my heart.

Qin Shan is a girl with a lot of artifice, with a meticulous mind and thoughtful thoughts. When I was in the United States, I accompanied her to the local underworld boss to discuss protection fees. That fat Italian guy has a good attitude but has always been obsessed with sex. Yes, she wasn't afraid at all, and after a long time of see-sawing, we finally reached an agreement, and under the eyes of the fat man's wife who came after hearing the news, we finally escaped safely.In fact, when I came out, I reminded her: "You should tell Fei Mo, and we can discuss it if something happens." She glanced at me, and actually smiled: "I usually look like a very smart person, how come the critical moment So stupid?" She flicked the cigarette ash casually, "Why do you think the old man always pushes me out to do such unsightly things? Long's is so big, Fei Mo and I have to keep one of them." I was I was really astonished, and couldn't help but blurted out: "Then you are willing to be used by him?" She smiled faintly: "My life was saved by Fei Mo, and my foster father is kind to me, so don't talk about such trivial things , That's..." She paused, but didn't continue.When I heard it at the time, I felt a little sad, but she was fine, she turned on the stereo to listen to hip-hop, and drove smoothly while listening.After a while, I finally asked, "Does Feimo know?" She glanced at me, "What do you think?" Before I could answer, she smiled softly, "Do you think that fat man's wife just appeared by chance? "

So I once very hoped that Long Feimo and Qin Shan would have a good result.Although Qin Shan is not simple at all, she is absolutely sincere to Long Feimo.

So later, I was not without guilt.

Because, I finally made a choice.

The reason is actually very simple, it was the first time I saw Long Feimo like this.

It was like seeing me standing in front of Juanjuan several years ago.

I am a man.

A nostalgic big man sees another big man chatting about teenage madness, and feels sympathy, that's all.

I thought at first that my conscience was eaten by dogs.

But later I found out that my conscience is actually very strong, otherwise, how could Yu Sangxiao abandon the dark and turn to the light, bah, bah, bah, long Feimo successfully accepted him as he wished?
Later, in Long Feimo's office, I solemnly protested to him: "Is it the one who pried the corner of my wall with confidence, President Long?"

What more?

Simply reckless.

And get married at the speed of light.

The sympathetic look in my eyes has gained countless rewards, and my heart is really depressed.

He was flipping through some documents, and glanced at me: "Really?" He sat down and said casually, "It seems that I made a mistake, I thought Teacher Shao from the Department of Applied Psychology, School of Humanities, X University You're the bastard man I've been waiting for for eight years!"

what did he say?
I was dumbfounded.

Again dumbfounded.

Then, I stood up, rushed over, and punched the man who obviously deserved a punch.

This Long Feimo is really insidious, he doesn't even use dirty words when he hurts others.

Also, it's so loyal!
This is the news I've been dreaming about.

In fact, I was really moved.

This girl Yu Sangxiao is the kind of person who cares about other people's affairs even if she cannot protect herself.

Although she doesn't say anything.

I have always reciprocated kindness and resentment.

So of course I tried my best to protect Yu Sangxiao, I told Juanjuan about her, and Juanjuan liked her very much.

But the longer the days, the more I realized that it was actually very difficult to help her.Because she is really like a hedgehog, always showing great vigilance to other people's concern, often making you dumbfounded.

It's like I broke it apart and said to her who was dying of exhaustion, why bother, does Long Feimo still need a little money from you?She lowered her head and said disdainfully, "I am me, and he is him." With my sharp eyes, I saw him standing quietly behind her.

For another example, I beat around the bush and hinted to her that Long Feimo's cunning old aunt has a lot of weight in the whole family, so even if they don't get along, don't offend her.She didn't say a word, as if she had listened, but less than a week later, when the old lady celebrated her birthday, people came early everywhere, but her family members came late, and Long Feimo obviously didn't have time to talk to her The old lady would not be happy to greet her, and Qin Shan would not even pay attention to her, so I had to strike up a conversation and ask her where she had been. She took it for granted: "I went to interview Principal Zhang." A rural teacher with [-] elementary school students has been getting a lot of publicity recently.I looked at her and didn't know what to say, but she didn't take it seriously, looked around at the surrounding layout, and thought I was an outsider, tsk tsk, "You said these things, you don't know how to take them apart, but turn around and take them apart. Throw it into that trash can, isn’t this a waste, what is it?” My eyes are too sharp now, and when I turned around, I saw the old lady squatting quietly beside the corner listening to the expression on her face. livid.

You said that Yu Sangxiao, who is a thief, wants to put on a cover, what can I do?
Juanjuan told me later: "You think Yu Sangxiao is stupid, but I think you are actually stupid."

Of course I'm interested: "Oh?"

Juanjuan smiled: "Do you think that in the past, your ex-girlfriend Yu Sangxiao was so ignorant?" She ignored my protest to the title, and sighed, "Don't you see that she doesn't have any eyes at all?" It was on purpose, I hope they kick her out sooner."

kick out?
I also sighed.

It's easier said than done.

It was very difficult for Long Feimo to marry willingly, at least the old man had been looking forward to that day until his death.

Want Long Feimo to divorce willingly?I thought very honestly, I should tell Yu Sangxiao, based on the current average life expectancy of Chinese women, congratulations, you can wait another 50 years.

Anyway, I think Yu Sangxiao is quite unlucky.

Just out of the wolf's den, and into the tiger's mouth.

It's just that I would never do such a stupid thing as pulling a tooth out of a tiger's mouth.

Since it's impossible, at the very least, I certainly hope that she can be happier. Even if she resists, I still have to beat the side drums from time to time, to make trouble for Long Feimo.In fact, I really want to frustrate the always arrogant Long Feimo, but on the other hand, I feel that I can't ruin Yu Sangxiao's future just for my own selfish desires.

What she had was not much.

Sometimes I even admire myself when I think about it.

An ex-boyfriend can do what I do, if not unprecedented, then certainly unprecedented.

I drank with Long Feimo, and it was easy to get him drunk. Although afterwards I suspected that he might be pretending, at least I followed his wish and packed him up and delivered it to Yu Sangxiao who left home in anger.I actually disdain it in my heart. These two people are over 50 years old together. Yu Sangxiao is a girl who can understand. You, Long Feimo, are so busy with business, and you still have this time to dance with you, isn't it? What is messing up?
The funny thing is that I also babbled and added to the chaos.

From time to time, I asked Juanjuan to chat with Yu Sangxiao and go shopping. I know that women and women can talk more easily.

The clue-like message brought back by Juanjuan is: On the Long March, we stumbled and walked in the dark.

Well, that's better than trying to stick to a dead end.

Of course, I will never fake the most powerful medicine.

At the very moment when the two of them were quarreling the most violently, the scalding boiling water from the spoon was more than [-] degrees by visual inspection. If it was fake, it was my lawyer Guan who poured it all over Yu Sangxiao's feet. Above, not a drop is wasted.

I'm not afraid that Yu Sangxiao will sue me.

Moreover, with this spoonful, Long Feimo's debt to me will be exaggerated.

I have to keep this favor.

Stay until the effective inflection point where the input-output ratio is optimized.

I am still very conscientious.

Always like this.


Xiaomu is going to drag me out to play badminton again.

Father Lin, let's talk next time, 88.

(End of this chapter)

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