Chapter 94

At this moment.

The two girls surrounded Lin Xiang, as if the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuchs were in a hurry.

Lin Baoer: "Why don't you apologize to her? Although Mr. Chen is only on temporary duty, he is the vice-president at any rate. If she just blows a word of pillow talk, it will be enough for you to be unlucky."

Lin Xiang said indifferently: "If you are unlucky, you will be unlucky. The big deal is to leave. To be honest, I really don't care about this job."

Originally, I came here because there were more beautiful women.

Now she and Chen Xiang are in a period of passionate love, and Zhou Xin works in this company again, and because of Tian Feifei, she is not very popular...

Thinking about it again, this job doesn't seem to be as good as I thought before.

If we talk about the reason for staying, half of it is to be friends with Li Guo, and the other half is to let the cousin who is about to come to "investigate" see that he has a serious job.

Well, after all, he owed Li Guo a favor.

The last time Lin Xiang told Xiao Xie about helping Wen Xiaohuan's friend find a job, but Xiao Xie was not in this city, so he mentioned it in the group. In the end, it was Li Guo who helped him with a phone call.

In general, apart from Tian Feifei, everything is pretty good.

That being the case, why did you leave because of Tian Feifei?

He thought to himself, if he left like this, wouldn't Tian Feifei be having fun secretly?
"You, don't be angry. Who wasn't as young and energetic as you when you first came out of society? Didn't you have to obediently obey the workplace rules later?"

Lin Baoer wanted to persuade her again, but Lin Xiang suddenly said: "Well, don't you want to know why I am so stubborn, actually..."

He raised his index finger and pointed to the ceiling, and said mysteriously, "There is someone above me."

Wen Xiaohuan and Lin Baoer looked "as expected", and hurriedly asked, "Who?"

"God of Wealth!" Lin Xiang pretended to be serious: "Stop pretending, I have a showdown, God of Wealth is my cousin, and he is protecting me, so I get money for everything I do, and I can earn millions a day for playing games... ..."


Wen Xiaohuan dragged out a long tail, beckoned her little hands, and said mysteriously: "Then let me confess, in fact, my husband is Thor."

"How to say?" Lin Xiang pretended to be surprised.

Wen Xiaohuan clenched her fist and gave him a lump on the back of the head: "Did you feel the warning from Thor's Hammer, if you brag, be careful not to be struck to death by lightning!"

Lin Xiang held the back of his head and smiled wryly: "I'm serious, I can really make money playing games."

Wen Xiaohuan raised her fist: "Do you still want to try my husband's Thunder God power?"

"No, no, stop bragging, stop bragging..."

Lin Xiang quickly waved his hands.

With a wry smile in my heart, no one would believe the showdown!

Lin Baoer sighed: "Hey, I really admire that you two can still laugh, think about how to stay..."

"Isn't it easy to stay?"

Lin Xiang became playful, picked up his mobile phone and opened the work group: "@外管-飞菲, since you are fine, let me add one more thing. In the future, speak ill of me in the group, and don't be behind my back Spread rumors, if you let me know, I promise to reveal all your dark history!"

As soon as this remark came out, Tian Feifei, the "white lotus", immediately lost her composure, and quickly posted several pictures to refresh the screen.

Lin Xiang proudly said: "See, it's not that I can't play with her, but I just don't want to play with her. There is a saying, keep a line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future. She wants to drive me to death. I can make her play in a minute." Ruined."

The two girls looked gossipy: "What black history does she have? So nervous?"

I believe that at this moment, all the female colleagues in the group are like them, aware of Tian Feifei's intimidation, and are very curious about the "black history" that Lin Xiang said.

Lin Xiang shook his head: "Well, as long as she doesn't bother me anymore, I don't need to cheat her."

"I'll go, I hate half-talking people like you!" Wen Xiaohuan complained.

"What the hell is it, let's talk about it."

Lin Baoer gently shook Lin Xiang's arm, and Lin Xiang almost didn't stick to his principles: "Ahem, she used to have Hong Kong feet, does it count as black history?"

The two covered their mouths in surprise: "You know this, it means you..."

Lin Xiang jumped up anxiously: "Damn, you two are humiliating me!"

Then Lin Xiang fooled around for a while before "inviting" the two girls out.

Sure enough, it was easy for girls to get closer. Wen Xiaohuan quickly got along with Lin Baoer. Maybe it was because of Tian Feifei's incident in the morning that Wen Xiaohuan didn't dare to get close to other colleagues.


When eating at noon, Lin Xiang was very uncomfortable.

The company doesn't have a cafeteria, and the employees take care of their own meals. Zhou Xin took the initiative to take a few close colleagues to the restaurant with Lin Xiang and the other three.

So, the seven girls, like seven fairies, squeezed Lin Xiang into a very uncomfortable table at a small dining table...

Why is it uncomfortable?
Depend on!
In the summer, with bare arms and legs, the scenery is simply white, and the visual effect is so shocking.

In addition, the fabrics of girls' clothing are mostly of the thin cotton quality, which is particularly comfortable to the touch when rubbed.

Especially for boys...

Especially for big boys who have never been human!
So, at the end of the meal, Lin Xiang, who was supposed to take the initiative to treat the guests, bit the bullet and asked Zhou Xin to help place the order.

Don't ask why, just ask "Lin Xiang can't stand up"!
Zhou Xin was quite curious. Lin Xiang, who always likes to show off his wealth, lost the chain at a critical moment?

She asked Lin Xiang on WeChat: "What did you do? It was a waste of my kindness."

Lin Xiang knew that Zhou Xin had deliberately asked a few colleagues to come over to share a table, in order to help him restore some image, because she believed that with the contact, the colleagues would change Lin Xiang's character.

But Lin Xiang was fine, he sat like a gentleman after dinner, and even asked Zhou Xin to pay the bill, which is too ungentlemanly.

How does Lin Xiang explain this?

Could it be that you squeezed me up, making it inconvenient for me to stand up?

If you really dare to tell the truth, I'm afraid even Zhou Xin would despise him...

Lin Xiang, who was in distress, had no choice but to transfer the meal money to Zhou Xin silently, and replied: "You go back first, I don't seem to be too full yet, eat more..."

(Since then, Lin Xiang’s image has indeed recovered a little bit. When the colleagues in the personnel department talked about him, they didn’t say he was stingy or not a gentleman, but gave a thoughtful impression label: thrifty!)

That's all, this evaluation is a rare and good quality.

And at this moment, our good comrade Lin Xiang who is "thrifty and frugal" finally stood up, walked out with a wry smile under the contempt of all the restaurant staff and the customers at the two tables next to him.

There was also a faint voice of an aunt teaching her son from behind: "See, this is the end of not studying hard, no education and no money, do you want to be like him in the future? What's the use, no one will like you if you don't have money...Hurry up and break up with that female classmate of yours, what kind of object do you have at a young age...Look, still watch, eat! Your dad has to clean you up when you get home..."

Lin Xiang couldn't help but look back, a junior high school student was looking at him with pity.


Embarrassment is small, but setting up "wrong" love values ​​​​for young people is big!

With a sense of social responsibility, Lin Xiang suddenly rushed back to the restaurant and said loudly, "Boss, I paid for the meals for these tables."

As he spoke, he scanned the QR code and transferred 1000 yuan.

Immediately said with emotion: "It's not that I don't have money, it's just that I'm single-minded. My girlfriend has been in love with me since junior high school, and I'm almost married. Can I use my hard-earned wife to treat other women to dinner?"

Saying this, he deliberately raised his eyebrows at the pensive junior high school student.

After the junior high school student finished thinking, he was quite disdainful: "Cut, there are so many women here, why haven't you invited..."

Lin Xiang couldn't refute it!
tui!Gang fine, you deserve to be arrested, you don't deserve puppy love at all!

(End of this chapter)

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