I picked up Easter eggs in the glory of the king

Chapter 81 Who is the real father

Chapter 81 Who is the real father

The follow-up procedures of buying a house and some errands can be handled by the intermediary. Lin Xiang only needs to prepare the documents and sign them.

Zhang Dongyang privately sent a WeChat message to Lin Xiang, saying that he had said hello, and the intermediary company would handle it with special care, so that Lin Xiang could rest assured.

Oh, Zhang Dongyang is that cheerful fat man.

Then the two chatted very happily, and Zhang Dongyang also invited Lin Xiang to attend his grandfather's birthday banquet in a few days, and introduced beautiful women to him by the way.

Beauty, Lin Xiang doesn't have the slightest flamboyance for the time being, but he can't refute Zhang Dongyang's kindness and agrees.

This house purchase can be said to be the happiest shopping for Lin Xiang.

In his bones, a boy from the countryside has a special feeling for the new house and a great sense of accomplishment.

In the impoverished village where he grew up, buying a car worth [-] yuan is a very dignified thing. If you buy a house in the city, it will be a glory for your ancestors, enough for your parents to stand upright in front of relatives and friends Waist.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiang became entangled.

How do you talk to your parents about buying a house?

Tell your parents all of a sudden, they will definitely not accept it.

Moreover, my parents are very typical of rural thinking. I just learned to use WeChat not long ago, and I haven’t dared to bind a bank card so far, for fear of being cheated.

In the extremely conservative ideology of my parents, the only way to do it is to find a stable job down-to-earth.

Occupations that they don't understand, such as food delivery, live streaming, part-time jobs, etc., will be labeled as "non-serious".

Last time, Lin Xiang transferred 3000 yuan to his parents and explained how to deliver food for half a day. If the village head hadn't happened to be there to help explain, they would still feel uneasy.

It is almost impossible for parents to accept his huge source of money with peace of mind.

The only way is to convince his sister first, and then work together to reassure parents slowly.

At least, let parents feel that every sum of money he sent back is legitimate.

Lin Xiang has an older sister, not relative, but a distant cousin.

When my cousin was young, her parents were killed in a construction site accident, and relatives and friends competed to snatch her custody just to get the compensation.

After the money was received, the relatives pushed her to the next family, like chasing away flies, and no one wanted to take her.

One year during the Chinese New Year, Lin Xiang's parents saw that she was still wearing a thin autumn coat in winter, and her trousers were all cropped. She looked very pitiful in front of the colorful new clothes of children of the same age, so they took her back. Family upbringing.

She is only one year older than Lin Xiang, but she is more sensible than Lin Xiang.

After finishing elementary school, my cousin dropped out of school because the family couldn't afford the tuition and miscellaneous fees for the two children.

Although my cousin's grades are much better than Lin Xiang's, but the parents are selfish, and out of the concept of patriarchy, they choose to let Lin Xiang continue to study.

Later, when my cousin got older, she followed the village migrant team to work in the factory.

Ashamed to say, since my cousin went out to work, I usually only have time to go home during the holidays.

Normally, Lin Xiang had very little contact with her.

The main reason is that there are fewer and fewer common topics. Talking about family affairs and asking about work is basically gone.

But my cousin worked a lot of overtime and couldn't bring her mobile phone with her during work, so over time, the siblings hardly chatted with each other unless there was something important.

Recalling, Lin Xiang secretly scolded himself for not being a thing!
Because he suddenly realized that if he hadn't thought of asking his cousin to help convince his parents, he would have almost forgotten about her in his spare time...

Of course, not real forgetting.

It's like relatives and close friends who haven't been in touch for a long time, gradually forgetting, not at special moments, and don't miss that kind of intentionally at all!
That's his sister, a relative who went out to work at the age of 15, worked 12 hours a day, but still sent most of the money back home for his education...

Involuntarily, Lin Xiang's eyes were wet, and he wanted to slap himself, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, a little painful, but he couldn't restrain himself from swallowing hard.

Back to the dormitory with his bicycle on his back, it took Lin Xiang a long time to calm down and send a message to his cousin.

She saw it and would reply as soon as possible. If she didn't reply, it must be because she didn't bring her mobile phone with her.

Lin Xiang was not in a hurry, so he packed up his mood, turned on his tablet, and watched Xiao Ran's game video.

He has to watch each video three times in a row.

The line of sight is mainly focused on the heroes used by Xiao Ran.

Sometimes I will play it backwards, watch a certain clip repeatedly, and then meditate for a while, and then continue to watch the following after I have some insights.

Time flies when you are serious about something.

It was dark, and Wang Xiwen and two roommates returned to the dormitory, and it was only then that he was brought back to reality from his concentration.

Rubbing his somewhat dry eyes, Lin Xiang stared at Wang Xiwen suspiciously: "What are you looking at me like that for?"

"I haven't asked you yet. When did you become so addicted to games? Fat brother told me that you haven't officially reported the internship job you found for your kid!"

Wang Xiwen shook his head slowly, and said earnestly: "Brother, don't think that brother is too talkative. Although auntie is sweet, there is no guarantee that she will not leave you alone that day. With your conditions, there is still a reliable job, just in case Well."

"Well, wasn't it hospitalized a while ago? My assistant went back to his hometown and can only come to work on Monday. It would be better to join her at that time." Lin Xiang explained.

"Fuck you, you are the only intern and an assistant? Who are you fooling!"

Wang Xiwen looked contemptuous.

I said in my heart that your kid has learned badly recently, not only likes to lie, but also always pretends to be aggressive, and I will give you a little money to embarrass you.

"As a brother, in my heart, if you don't believe me, it's useless to say anything."

Lin Xiang smiled helplessly, and replied a classic line from the movie.

Then look at the time, it's almost time to go online.


At 08:30, Mengmeng's live broadcast room was already overcrowded, the trolls were rampant, and the arrogance became more and more arrogant day by day.

Especially the group of people brought by Yuexia Wuhun, they were crazy and rhythmic, and they scolded so badly.

Nine o'clock tonight is the deadline, they thought that Lin Xiang would continue to retreat, so they had already prepared more vicious words, and implemented a vicious plan to block Mengmeng's live broadcast room!

"There are still 20 minutes, anchor, do you have any last words? Say it quickly!"

"Permission dog, keep coming out to bite Dad! Let's see if you banned us today, or we collectively banned you!"

"Children of the Lin family, come out and kneel down, and sing Conquest to your fathers!"

"Brothers retweet it, Laozi let him jump high, let's see how badly he fell tonight!"

"I guess I haven't been discharged from the hospital yet, hahahahaha!"

"Don't talk nonsense, he is lying comfortably in the morgue!"

"Lin Xiang: What did the fathers tell me to do? I need to burn paper!"


Countless similar dirty comments maxed out the live broadcast room.

Lin Xiang glanced hastily and then looked away, for fear of remembering these inadvertently and embarrassing himself.

Angry, of course very angry.

But the anger was meaningless, he tried his best to calm down, adjust his mentality, and deal with solo.

Then use the results to tell these sons who is the real father!
(End of this chapter)

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