Chapter 64 Deserving a Beaten
Can martial arts?
In this situation, it sounds ridiculous.

"Fuck your martial arts, hit him!"

The leader of the gangster who was suffering in the crotch cursed angrily, and immediately five people rushed forward.

Lin Xiang was also a little dazed at this time, because the other party punched him on the nose, and it didn't hurt as much as expected. It just hit the nerve on the bridge of the nose, and tears flowed out. Coupled with the frightened expression, he seemed to be frightened stupid .

There is no time to think about it, and in fact, there is no need to think about it too much. It must be the talent of "being strong and strong" that is playing a role!

Since you can't run, then fight! doesn't seem to be very painful.

On the contrary, when he hits others, he is very powerful!

Although Lin Xiang has no fighting experience, it seems that Lin Xiang is at a disadvantage in 1v5, but in fact, others beat him without pain, and he punches others vigorously.

In a few brief confrontations, two gangsters were beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces, and one was kicked by Lin Xiang, his calf seemed to be severely injured, and he was a little limping.

The injured gangster was frightened by the beating, and he yelled hard, but it was obvious that he was trying to sell his teammates.

The gangster thought silently that he couldn't fight for a long time, and was afraid that the police would come, so he decided to make a quick decision, so he took out a sharp dagger and stabbed Lin Xiang's thigh.

"Aren't you tm good at hitting, stabbing you to death!"

The gangster roared viciously, and stabbed Lin Xiang mercilessly.

Lin Xiang didn't dare to compete with the knife, so he retreated immediately.

But these gangsters had a tacit understanding. When the boss took out the dagger, they stopped and pulled Lin Xiang from both sides, so that he could not retreat.

Lin Xiang was anxious and struggled hard, but he couldn't break free no matter what, so he could only fight back with his legs.

With a bang, a strong wind kicked out.

The gangster let out a ghostly scream of "Aw", curled up on the ground covering his crotch with his hands, and the scream was indescribably shrill!

"Shall I join you, do you understand the rules of fighting?"

The bastard's head was in pain and his face was full of tears.

He had just picked a handful of peaches by Wang Xiwen, and then he suffered Lin Xiang's strange kick. The key point was that he was holding a dagger in his hand.

The shape of this dagger is that there is a ring on the handle, which is used to put the middle finger in and buckle it firmly, so it is not easy to let go, so he covered his crotch, and stuck the dagger into his own thigh by accident.

Three combos, which man can stand it!
Even an iron egg can't stand repeated blows!
Lin Xiang, who is also a man, gasped. Just thinking about the pain the other party endured, his crotch was a little chilly. He quickly scratched his head in embarrassment and explained, "I said I didn't do it on purpose, can you believe it..."

"Laozi trusts you... Ahahaha, let's go... let's go..."

The hooligan leader let out a sound of collapse that seemed to be laughing or crying, and with the support of his companions, he left the scene miserably.

The other gangsters subconsciously wanted to speak harshly.

Usually, if they lost a fight, they would say something like "You wait for the labor and management" and "Don't be crazy" before leaving, but they were frightened by Lin Xiang's strange power and swallowed the cruel words back.

After pointing a few times, he withdrew from the crowd and left.

As soon as the gangster disappeared into the crowd, a police car arrived. The police responded quickly enough, but it was still one step too late.

The two policemen got out of the car to inquire about the situation, and were about to take Lin Xiang to the hospital first. Lin Xiang exercised his muscles and bones, and found that there was nothing wrong, so he declined.

The police also rushed to the nearest hospital through the clues provided by the onlookers, and successfully arrested several perpetrators and returned them to the police station.

To be honest, the onlookers were quite sympathetic to these "spiritual guys", especially the gangster leader. I don't know if the knife in the end hurt the vitals, and whether he will be able to be spiritual for the rest of his life.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Lin Xiang.

No matter how he was held accountable, it had nothing to do with him. Dozens of eyes looked at Lin Xiang and kicked him out of self-defense. Who made that guy want to stab someone?

If Lin Xiang violated the law, who would dare to defend himself in the face of an attack by armed criminals in the future?
And Lin Xiang, after briefly explaining the incident to the police, went back to school on that Lamborghini bicycle. His back was like a normal person, handsome and unrestrained, with deep merit and fame, and he did not take away a cloud ...

Back in the dormitory, Lin Xiang cursed at Wang Xiwen.

"Labor and capital help you fight, but you tm ran away by yourself, what a fool!"

Wang Xiwen knew he was sorry for his brother, but under the circumstances at that time, there was really nothing he could do. Originally, Lin Xiang could also run, but he didn't know that Lin Xiang's reaction was so slow.

"Hey, blame me, blame me, really blame me! Labor and capital were also caught off guard, otherwise they would have shaken people long ago! These bastards don't understand the rules of the world at all, and they don't even say hello in advance when they fight!"

Wang Xiwen scolded angrily. He had been beaten for not cooperating with the other party before, and his body was still hurting, but he did not forget to care about Lin Xiang: "Are you okay, Lin Zi, did they beat you?"

"Nonsense, labor-management nose..."

Lin Xiang touched his itchy nose, and couldn't help but think of the bruises and swollen faces of several people, and the howling of the gangster leader, who was embarrassed to say that it hurts.

"I'm fine, the key is how did you provoke them, why did they block you?"

Lin Xiang couldn't help being curious, Wang Xiwen is not like a troublemaker.

"Made, you get angry as soon as you say it. Tian Feifei cheated labor and introduced her friend to me, but he was about to get married!" Wang Xiwen said angrily.

"Hold the grass! You really deserve it. You slept with your fiancée, and you still expect others to behave to you!" Lin Xiang suddenly felt that Wang Xiwen was not so pitiful.

Intellectually, he grew more and more sympathetic to the gangster.

"The key thing is that labor and management really didn't know she had a partner at the beginning! You know mine, I never touch anyone who is famous and beautiful, no matter how beautiful labor and management are!"

"Let's find out next time!" Lin Xiang knew Wang Xiwen's principles, and said suspiciously, "When did you offend Tian Feifei? She's messing with you like this."

"I don't know, maybe it was Fat Brother's birthday last time, I slapped her a few words, she must be holding a grudge! I said how she took the initiative to show love to me these days, and even introduced me to a girlfriend. I'm so vicious!"

Lin Xiang nodded, thinking it was very possible.

Tian Feifei's flaws must be reported to Lin Xiang. Lin Xiang has personally learned how to win or lose a game, and repeatedly embarrass him in public. However, Wang Xiwen helped him out last time and insulted Tian Feifei in public. It's no wonder Tian Feifei didn't take revenge!

"Okay, next time I will make a long memory and don't have any contact with her again."

Lin Xiang's expression softened a little.

After all, strictly speaking, this matter still started because of him.

"If she hadn't said to introduce a girlfriend to labor management, labor management wouldn't even bother to add her on WeChat!" Wang Xiwen stroked his swollen left cheek, and said depressedly: "I won't be singing tonight, so I won't be able to meet people... By the way, are you really okay, do you want to go to the hospital for an examination?"

"Can I carry the bicycle back to the dormitory if I have something to do?"

Lin Xiang pointed to the bicycle, and seeing that Wang Xiwen was showing signs of gossip, he hurriedly said, "Don't ask, it's a gift from my aunt. It's a fake product, not a genuine one."

"I said, why would Auntie give you a bison..."

"Bison, you sister, you're so dazed, this is obviously a Lamborghini!"

Lin Xiang stuffed the car under the bed, walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

I don't know if it's psychological or real, but he feels that after this "exercise", the muscles of his whole body have become a little tighter, and even the size of "Second Brother" seems to have grown a little bit...

(End of this chapter)

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